This week's episode of the "Complications" was thrilling and was a non stop edge episode that totally good.
After last week's chaos of dealing with gang fights and trying to let one of them out of the hospital without anyone notice has certainly caused trouble for John. He and Gretchen treats the gang member that he help escape from the hospital. There could have been some trouble with the two but not.
As soon as John gets home from the roughest shift yet, he gets some sleep until he gets a call from Bridget who tells him that he saw him leaving a therapy room and also a bottle of morphine used. Along with the phone call the detective knocks on the door. John hangs up with Bridget and talks to the detective.
Trying to find out what happen, John tries to throw the detective off of him by telling him he has never met these gang members. After he tells him that he never seen anyone of them, the detective takes him back home until he mentions the incident from the pilot but then John did agree he saw him but couldn't think that that was the guy. That took him a trip to the station.
As the detective takes John to a private room, probably deep down in the basement somewhere. The detective starts poking around and John wasn't in the mood to talk. After what would feel like hours, John admitted to where he was in that hour he was missing and had the detective call Bridget to conform,
That did get him off the hook but as for Gretchen, she get into another hot mess. When a patient died last week, she decided to go and check on her brother. Of course, where the kid was was in another area of gang members.
As she tries to find him, she does when a guy that lives next door answers her. He told her that he's been taking care of him. Of course the kid is quiet and doesn't look up and the guy is has his hand on the kid in the creepiest of way possible.
Gretchen takes the kid away from the guy but he drives his truck behind her jeep. But when she decides to drive through, she gets stop by one of the gang leaders. She tells him the truth but the guy tells him another thing, but when the kid finally talked Gretchen takes the kid and goes.
And John leaves but his wife is there wanting to see him. But things do look fine and soon his father tries to get him to tell him what's been going on.
I like this episode. At times I was standing and watching and the rest on the edge of my seat. I really do like Gretchen and John's storyline here. It was worth an hour of television to watch.
You can catch "Complications" Thursday nights at 9/8c on USA Network.