Showing posts with label Recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recap. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Ghosts "The Primary Source"


When Sam needs sources for Isaac's biography, there could be one place to find it. Here's a recap of this week's episode of Ghosts.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Ghosts and Dreams: Ghosts "A Star Is Dead"


Whenever a theatre troupe takes the stage at the mansion, Sam gets a fantastic chance to shine and showcase his talents. Let's take a moment to recap this exciting experience!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Teacup "Quite for No Reason"/"In the Heart of the Country"


Let’s dive into what makes this intense thriller even more exciting! Here's a fun recap of episodes three and four of the miniseries Teacup.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Rescue Hi-Surf "The Deep End"


Will Sonny decide to ask for help? How will Em manage to step into command? There's so much more to explore, so here's a quick recap! 

Dancing the Two-Step: High Potential "Dancers in the Dark"


Will Morgan and Detective Karadec navigate their way to solving this week's intriguing crime! Here’s a delightful recap just for you!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Fun Potential: High Potential "Pilot" Series Premiere


The new ABC series is an absolute gem in the police procedural genre that we can all enjoy! I’d love to share my thoughts on the exciting premiere of High Potential with you. 

The Right to Learn Bear Arms: English Teacher "School Safety"


When Even learns that the school has a gun club, he wants his students to fight it. Will they succeed? Here are my thoughts on the episode. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

A Season Burning Brighter: Chicago Fire Season 9 (Episode 7-16)


Season Nine of Chicago Fire shines with incredible stories! This season truly took things up a notch compared to last, even though we had fewer episodes. Let’s dive into a recap and share some thoughts together! 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Changing of the World: All Rise "A Change Is Gonna Come" Season Premiere

The season premiere of All Rise this week had some really strong moments and even a shocker at the end. 

The season premiere of All Rise titled, "A Change is Gonna Come" really should the changes that have gone on in the span since the season one finale. We learn in flashbacks of Judge Carmichael stopping a cop as he had drawn his weapon as the girl was trying to look for her phone in her bookbag. 

That point and time set off a chain reaction into the present with Lola and Mark's friendship; as Mark seemed to be on the other side of what Lola was thinking, even though the cop didn't believe that she was a judge and didn't ask for I.D. 

Meanwhile, Mark was battling with Rachel on a case that hits close to home with Carmichael with a white man charged with a hate crime for hitting black and mix people with a baseball bat. We learn the meaning of the judge's difficulties when talking to her new law clerk, Ness Johnson. 

Sara deals with a family situation where her grandparent's store was distorted during the protest but the insurance wasn't going to cover it because it was under the COVID-19 lockdown. I think we're gonna see something in the new episode about that. 

Two things to be taken out of this episode: one what's going with Luke and Emily as they seem distant yet still helping each other with a case to get her client out of jail and to the hospital; due to COVID-19 but died. They took a break during the COVID-19 and yet it seems that Luke has moved on with Sam. Wow!

Second thing: While Carmichael not only was dealing with that cop situation and case, there was something else going on as well. Her husband had been quarantined at the time of the cop situation, but there was something that we see back and forth during the flashbacks. 

We come to find out that Judge Carmichael is expecting a baby. And come to find out that there's a viral video of her standing up against that cop, which doesn't look too good right now.

I have to admit that I enjoyed this season's premiere. I thought they really addressed the Black Lives Matter really well and even the COVID-19 stuff as well. I thought that Simone Missick gave a great performance in this season's premiere. 

The tension between Mark and Lola was so good with each other having different opinions of what had happened that night during the protesters and cop. Could their friendship still be in jeopardy? 

Meanwhile, seeing Emily and Luke being distant from each other (besides for COVID reasons), until they tried to help her client. I was like was it me but weren't they on great terms dating and having a nice evening with a meal and a glass a wine? Apparently, time really did pass and they're on a break. Wow! That took me a bit surprised. 

As for the shocker (depends on what the shocker would be in this case), the viral video was a shocker over the pregnancy. That doesn't mean I was shocked but I did figure it out as we see certain moments like Sherri helping her with ideas to calm down and finding a new law clerk. But I can't wait to see what comes with this story arc with her Lola and her husband and even her judge career. 

Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.

What did you think of the episode? Leave a comment below!

You can catch All Rise Mondays at 9/8c on CBS.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

HOLY SHIPS!: Stranger Things 3 "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum"/"Chapter Seven: The Bite"

"Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" 

Oh man, shit just got real in this episode. Here's a recap!

Just as Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica learn what the Russians are doing, they open up the door to the upside-down. Soon, they would get busted; Steve made sure that Dustin and Erica escaped without harm. The Russians interrogated Steve and Robin and veveninjecthem ted with the truth serum. But by the time the boss knew who they were, Dustin and Erica made a distraction to get Robin and Steve out of there, too. Tissues, please.

 After making a deal with the scientist, Hopper has had enough of it and gives him a choice of either leave or stay. You would have thought this would be Hopper's biggest mistake, but it turns out that he was right. They learn of the secrets of this machine called the key that opens up the cups upside-download. Of course, that freaks both Hopper and Joyce, and they approach the government for help. 

After saving Nancy from the mind flayer, Elusese uses her power to locate Billy. But from where he's discovered, that could be where he and the mind flayer wanted. El uses her power to discover what happened to Billy; instead of going through the actual events, she starts seeing parts of his past that always make him hiss today. Asarns where the source of the mind flayer is, Billy sends El to another part of what will happen when the mind flayer takes over. Eventually, El got out of there, and just as the residents of Hawkins were at the town fair, they all got to the factory where the mind flayer was and disintegrated to make the mind flayer grow. Holy Fuck!

This episode was another on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of thrill. Not only did we see our character learn about the mind flayer's plan, but Billy's backstory of how he got to be who he is today. And after that, I still don't have a good connection with the character and believe he'll probably die.  I thought Erica stood out way better in this episode than in the previous episodes this season, and the relationship between Dustin and Steve got even more heartwarming. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

"Chapter Seven: The Bite"


As El and the gang figure out that the Mind Flayer is coming from them, they are just in time before it starts attacking Hopper's house. But as El fights the tongues-tongues, she gets bitten and dragged towards the flayer. Mike and the rest hang on to El as Nancy and Lucas try to stop it, and just as El is released, she snaps the Flayer's head in half, and they escape.

El is badly hurt, but as the gang tries to find stuff to help her, Lucas and Will find something that could help with a bit more firepower in fireworks. Just as Mike talks to El and tries to tell her that he loves her, Dustin finally reaches them through their walkie-talkies.

While communicating with Mike, Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica hide from the Russians at the mall's movie theater of Back to the Future. Just as Dustin comes back asking Erica for batteries, Robin and Steve, who are high, leave and soon not only get sick but share some deep feelings, Steve having feelings for Robin and Robin having feelings for another woman. Both are on good terms anyway.

Hopper and Joyce got a dose of reality from Muarry by sleeping with each other and getting it over. They stop at the fair to find the kids but are hunted by the biker and the Russians. Alexi gets killed by the bikers, and Hopper diverts them to the funhouse, where Hopper not only redeems from fighting one of the guys but escapes with Joyce and Muarry.

As Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica are hiding from the Russians, when you think that they are goners, El saves the day by throwing a car at them. But as everyone catches up with what they know, El is hurt very badly, and Mike and the gang see the severe wound and a wormlike creature in her leg. El screams with pain!

This episode tugs at my heart with emotions and throwback to Back to the Future. Millie Bobby Brown was excellent, and the scenes with Finn Wolfhard were terrific and so heartwarming. Alexi's death was expected, with him helping with Hopper and Joyce. Strong character development with such strong writing, as well. The episodes get better and better, and the season finale sure feels like something big is going to happen. Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Stranger Things 3, available on Netflix now!

Code Red: Stranger Things 3 "Chapter Four: The Sauna Test"/ "Chapter Five: The Flayed"

Episodes Four and Five of Stranger Things 3 take exciting television to another level. Here's a recap!
"Chapter Four: The Sauna Test" 
Code Red! Repeat we have a code red!! Mike, Lucas, Will, Max, and El reunite to talk that Will believes that the mind flayer is back. Eleven believes that it's Billy, because of the psychic encounter with Heather. They spy on Billy at the pool and set up a plan to trap him and see if it's true. More to come later.

Meanwhile, Hopper is recovering from his beatdown with help from Joyce. Joyce tells him that the guy was riding a motorcycle and that gives Hopper a clue to someone that might know who that stranger could be. It leads to the meeting with Mayor Klien with a nice chitchat that leads to who not only the guy is but who he works for, StarCorp (the owner of the mall). Apparently, the company wants to expand to the east side of Hawkins, which leads to near the old lab.  Joyce and Hopper rush to find one of the houses.

Robin finds a way to get into the other side of the building, through the vents. Instead of Dustin going in because he's getting too big, they go with Erica. After coming to terms with her, she gets to the other side and opens the door. There, Steve opens a box, but what's inside is a mystery, and it's not Chinese food. Just as they are about to leave, the doors close, and what apparently is a room turns out to be an elevator going all the way down.

After checking on their source, who was eating fertilizer, Nancy and Johnathan are fired from the paper. After an argument about each other's living styles, Nancy gets encouragement from her mother and goes to check on the elderly woman. She noticed that her heart rate was spiking higher and higher. That was due to the fact that the mind flayer connection with Billy, who gets trapped in the sauna by Mike, El, and the gang.

Soon it turned into some serious shit between Billy and El as Billy almost choked her to death. Mike saves by whacking him with a bat, but El stops him before he can get his hands on Mike. El throws Billy through the wall and soon runs away. But that won't be the last time. As Billy recovers his wounds, he and Heather see other Hawkins' residents in line for their Mind Flayer master.

This episode was literally off the channel. It not only had me on the edge of my seat but also had my heart rating pretty high. That scene with the kids and Billy was one hell of a scene that had all the chills, thrills, and action, plus the dialogue was great!! Also, Joyce and Hooper were good, but the moment I very much enjoyed was Nancy and her mother talking about knocking down the wall against the men. All in all, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

"Chapter Five: The Flayed" 
As Joyce and Hopper make it to their final house search on the list, they find an undercover basement with two Russian scientists working on something. Just as Hopper questions them, the biker comes in hunting for them. Hopper cuffs the two and just as the bike makes his way down, Hopper aims his gun to the guy's head. The biker quickly attacks Hopper and not only beats the crap out of him again, but Hopper also returns the favor by knocking the guy's knee with a monkey wrench.

Hopper brings the scientist along and demands Joyce to drive. The scene was totally hilarious and thrilling. But as the truck took a couple of bullets from the biker, the truck soon blew up, and the three walked later to Seven-Eleven and stole a car to meet with an old friend.

Meanwhile, Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica not only sneak their way out but learn what the Russians do by opening up the door to the upside-down world. Oh boy!

Just as Nancy watches Mrs. Driscoel's moment, she calls Johnathan to ask him about Will. Soon they join Will, Mike, El, and the gang to head back to the hospital. There, Nancy and Johnathan tried to release Mrs. Driscoel, but she was nowhere to be found in her room til Tom showed up all bloody and started to go after them. But just as they escape from Tom, Bruce is out there too and he goes after them.

As they try to run, Bruce gets to them, taking out Johnathan til Nancy stabs him in the back, which leads to her running away with him. But it was when she thought of using the fire extinguisher to knock Bruce out, which also led to Tom getting the effect. Just as Nancy and Johnathan finished both of them, their bodies melted and walked to each other to combine to a giant mind flayer.
While that was going on, Mike and El seem to be on good terms.

"The Flayed" was such an outstanding episode from beginning to finish. I couldn't get enough of Joyce and Hopper in this episode as both Ryder and Habour's chemistry is amazing. The rest of the cast performances were also amazing with each playing such a role in the episode. If there was one issue that I had in this episode; it had to be the scene sequence of the mind flayers melting from their human bodies. But overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Stranger Things Season 3 available on Netflix now. 

Thursday, July 4, 2019

It's Not Over: Stranger Things 3 "Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard"


The third episode of Season Three of Stranger Things really has put some miles on not only the storytelling; but how scary it has gotten since the first episode of this season.

As El and Max have a sleepover at Hopper's place; they play a different version of spin the bottle which El uses her powers to see what certain people are doing. After getting Billy, El notices something unusual when she saw Billy and Heather, the lifeguard. Soon they try to find Billy at his house; which he wasn't but found empty bags of ice in the tub and Heather's lifeguard bag. More to come later.

After a disappointing dinner, Hopper gets a visit from Joyce, who thinks something is going on once again and tell him about the magnets falling off. It soon turned into an adventure at the old lab again but also had a moment where they confront certain things like Joyce redoing her house to move out of Hawkins. Also, Hopper tells Joyce about why she should stay and the difference between what she has here compared to him.  But soon they hear something and as Hopper searches; he gets his ass beat up by the mysterious biker, the one that was seen at the mayor's office.

As Dustin and Steve look for Russians at the mall; Robin cracks the code that the Russians are in the mall. Soon they spy on a truck that's dropping off packages that look funny as there are bodyguards with guns.

Through this season, Will has been the only one that doesn't want to let go of what his group has had, but the times they are a changing. After trying to get Mike and Lucas to play D&D, it didn't go the way he had hoped and ran off. It turned into one of the saddest moments so far when Will looking back at the times with his friends later destroys everything in his clubhouse.

After putting together a good investigating story; Nancy gets shut down by the editor but also gets made fun of as well. Her and Johnathan get proof of the rat but when they visit that elderly woman's house they had found something that they never expected....the woman eating fertilizer.

After finding Heather's bag, El and Max head to the swimming pool to find her but apparently, she didn't come to work. So El uses a photo of Heather to see where she is located; which lead them to her house. There they see Billy eating with Heather's parents, one of the editors of the paper. After seeing that Heather is okay; El and Max leave. But evil Billy remembers who El was and soon gets Heather's parents killed by Heather. While Will gets another feeling and this time he tells Mike and Lucas that he's back.

So far, three episodes in and the season have really gotten better. The Hopper and Joyce story was so good; along with Will, who really stole the moment of the episode with a nice performance. So many twist and turns and even moments that really had me jumping off my seat. Looks like the upsidedown monster is back and boy this time it's not playing around this time. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Season 3 of Stranger Things available now on Netflix.