The latest teaser for season five of Netflix's Stranger Things has been released with the titles of the episodes. Here is the trailer!
Showing posts with label Stranger Things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stranger Things. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Saturday, September 17, 2022
From Battling Monsters to Running a Restaurant: What I Watch this Summer
The summer television season ends, and the fall television season begins this Monday. So many shows aired over the summer that I wanted to list what I had watched this summer.
Ms. Marvel,
Stranger Things,
The Bear,
The Old Man,
The Umbrella Acadmey
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser
The latest teaser for the upcoming Season Four of Netflix's hit Stranger Things was released on Thursday morning. And man, this over a minute video has me scared.
The video seems to be a flashback to when Eleven was in the factory with other kids, as Papa comes and teaches them something. That's when he asks Eleven if she's paying attention and soon we see a grown-up Eleven awaken from a dream.
Here' the teaser:
What did you think of the teaser? Leave a comment below!
You can catch all three seasons of Stranger Things on Netflix.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Stranger Things 4 Teaser

On this Valentine's Day, Netflix gives us a gift that will keep our hearts pounding: the first teaser for Stranger Things 4!
Taking place in Russia, it looks like the speculations that someone is alive and well a prisoner too.
Here's the teaser:
Oh man, I had a feeling that Hopper didn't just die. But I just wonder if the final season would be a Christmas theme season. That would fit perfectly with what Eleven and Will planned to meet.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Stranger Things Renewed For Season 4
Get ready for more Eleven, Will and the gang to take on more strange things, as Netflix as ordered a fourth season of it's hit nostalgia-filed 1980s thriller.
On Monday, a teaser video for Season four also confirms with what was widely suspected, coming out of this summer's run that with Will's family moved and some sorts of loose end dangled before us over in Russia, "We're not in Hawkins Anymore."
The hit series pick up comes as part of a new, multi-year deal with creators and showrunners, The Duffer Brothers, who will develop series and films for Netflix.
"The Duffer Brothers have captivated viewers around the world with STranger Things and we're thrilled to expand our relationship with them to bring their vivid imaginations to other film and series projects our members will love, Netflix CCO Ted Sarandos said in a statement. "We can't wait to see what The Duffer Brothers have in store when they step outside the world of The Upside Down."
Here's a teaser:
Seasons one through three are available on Netflix now.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Reach For the Stars: Stranger Things 3 "Chapter 8: The Battle of Starcourt" Season Fianle
The season finale of Stranger Things 3 didn't disappoint at all but left some questions and grabbing the tissues. Here's a recap!
As El is in severe pain from the mind flayer, Johnathan uses a knife to cut it out, but El can't take any more of that pain and uses her powers to pull it out and throw it where the appearance of Joyce, Murray, and Hopper stomps on the sucker.
The gang develops a plan; the kids run to Murray's place while the grown-ups stop the machine. But they will need someone who knows where to go, which leads to Dustin using his Cerebro to stay connected when Hopper, Joyce, and Murray are underground. But just as things go to plan, Billy and the Mind Flayer come to the mall.
Hiding from the Mind Flayer, the team split up as El, Mike and Max go one way and the others go to another. When Johnathan and Nancy fix the car, Billy is charging with his to ram, but Steve stops him just in time, and the rest drive away with the Mind Flayer chasing after them.
When El, Mike, and Max get outside, they spot Billy and make a run for it. But they couldn't stop Billy and took out Max and Mike but a powerless El and took her to the middle of the mall for the Mind Flayer.
Just when the Mind Flayer gets back and is about to take El, Nancy, Lucas, and the rest of the high-power fireworks to hurt the creature. Billy holds on to El, but El figures out the key to stop him and bring the honest Billy back, memories of his mother soon after Billy sacrifices himself to save El and dies.
As Hopper and Joyce await Murray to shut down the power, Joyce sets up a date night with Hopper. When Murray shuts down the power, Joyce and Hopper try to get the keys from the safe, but the codes aren't accurate. That's where Dustin's girlfriend comes into play, but before reaching the code that they need, Dustin and Suzie must sing their song. They got the code and the keys, and just when they were about to shut down the machine, the biker came in, and they two went at it.
They fight near the machine; he stops the biker and tosses him into the machine. There, Hopper is stuck, and Joyce turns both keys and stops the machine that explodes, taking not only the people who came in, the mind flayer, but also Hopper.
Just as everything is over, Dr. Owens returns with reinforcements, but it is too damn late. As Joyce reunites with Will, El is looking for Hopper and sees Joyce and knows that he didn't make it. Three months later, Joyce, Johnathan, Will, and El leave, making some emotional and funny moments. El tells Mike that she knows what he said to Max and that she loves him, too. Dustin gets made fun and Mike and Will not only forgive one another but will not play D&D with anyone else.
But the most complex scene comes when Joyce finds Hopper's speech, and El sees her reading. El reads the speech about how to grow up and all but how she has helped him see the light through the darkened tunnel. As soon as she's done reading the message, everyone gives their tearful and laughable goodbyes.
Steve and Robin get a job at Family Videos, but Steve needs some help from Robin to get the position. Back to the Future is not about a son going back in time to sleep with his mother.
The episode ends with a mid-credit scene in a Russian prison and two guards who take someone else to battle with the Demogorgon. But also they have an American too! HOLY SHIT!!!! Could Hopper be alive? Who's the American prison in Russia?
The season finale was every bit amazing with its intense and emotional writing and performances. The moments shine with Billy sacrificing himself to Joyce and Hopper and even El, Mike, and Joyce. That speech that El reads was the tearjerking moment of the season. I had to grab a coke cola. Not only does Millie Bobby Brown give an outstanding performance, but also Wynona Ryder and David Harbour. This episode was the best season finale scene in Season One and probably the best season so far.
This finale leads me to my next question: will a season four exist? Netflix has a horrible track record for canceling shows after three seasons. I do believe that Netflix will give Stranger Things a season four, and this could be the final season, with what the Duffer Brothers have mentioned about a four-season plan. To all the fans out there, we must keep the renewal hopes alive.
Overall, I give this episode a 10/10. And the Season is a 9.5/10.
You can catch Stranger Things 1, 2 and 3 on Netflix now.
HOLY SHIPS!: Stranger Things 3 "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum"/"Chapter Seven: The Bite"
"Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum"
Oh man, shit just got real in this episode. Here's a recap!Just as Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica learn what the Russians are doing, they open up the door to the upside-down. Soon, they would get busted; Steve made sure that Dustin and Erica escaped without harm. The Russians interrogated Steve and Robin and veveninjecthem ted with the truth serum. But by the time the boss knew who they were, Dustin and Erica made a distraction to get Robin and Steve out of there, too. Tissues, please.
After making a deal with the scientist, Hopper has had enough of it and gives him a choice of either leave or stay. You would have thought this would be Hopper's biggest mistake, but it turns out that he was right. They learn of the secrets of this machine called the key that opens up the cups upside-download. Of course, that freaks both Hopper and Joyce, and they approach the government for help.
After saving Nancy from the mind flayer, Elusese uses her power to locate Billy. But from where he's discovered, that could be where he and the mind flayer wanted. El uses her power to discover what happened to Billy; instead of going through the actual events, she starts seeing parts of his past that always make him hiss today. Asarns where the source of the mind flayer is, Billy sends El to another part of what will happen when the mind flayer takes over. Eventually, El got out of there, and just as the residents of Hawkins were at the town fair, they all got to the factory where the mind flayer was and disintegrated to make the mind flayer grow. Holy Fuck!
This episode was another on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of thrill. Not only did we see our character learn about the mind flayer's plan, but Billy's backstory of how he got to be who he is today. And after that, I still don't have a good connection with the character and believe he'll probably die. I thought Erica stood out way better in this episode than in the previous episodes this season, and the relationship between Dustin and Steve got even more heartwarming. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
"Chapter Seven: The Bite"
OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!!As El and the gang figure out that the Mind Flayer is coming from them, they are just in time before it starts attacking Hopper's house. But as El fights the tongues-tongues, she gets bitten and dragged towards the flayer. Mike and the rest hang on to El as Nancy and Lucas try to stop it, and just as El is released, she snaps the Flayer's head in half, and they escape.
El is badly hurt, but as the gang tries to find stuff to help her, Lucas and Will find something that could help with a bit more firepower in fireworks. Just as Mike talks to El and tries to tell her that he loves her, Dustin finally reaches them through their walkie-talkies.
While communicating with Mike, Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica hide from the Russians at the mall's movie theater of Back to the Future. Just as Dustin comes back asking Erica for batteries, Robin and Steve, who are high, leave and soon not only get sick but share some deep feelings, Steve having feelings for Robin and Robin having feelings for another woman. Both are on good terms anyway.
Hopper and Joyce got a dose of reality from Muarry by sleeping with each other and getting it over. They stop at the fair to find the kids but are hunted by the biker and the Russians. Alexi gets killed by the bikers, and Hopper diverts them to the funhouse, where Hopper not only redeems from fighting one of the guys but escapes with Joyce and Muarry.
As Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica are hiding from the Russians, when you think that they are goners, El saves the day by throwing a car at them. But as everyone catches up with what they know, El is hurt very badly, and Mike and the gang see the severe wound and a wormlike creature in her leg. El screams with pain!
This episode tugs at my heart with emotions and throwback to Back to the Future. Millie Bobby Brown was excellent, and the scenes with Finn Wolfhard were terrific and so heartwarming. Alexi's death was expected, with him helping with Hopper and Joyce. Strong character development with such strong writing, as well. The episodes get better and better, and the season finale sure feels like something big is going to happen. Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.
You can catch Stranger Things 3, available on Netflix now!
Code Red: Stranger Things 3 "Chapter Four: The Sauna Test"/ "Chapter Five: The Flayed"
Episodes Four and Five of Stranger Things 3 take exciting television to another level. Here's a recap!
"Chapter Four: The Sauna Test"
Code Red! Repeat we have a code red!! Mike, Lucas, Will, Max, and El reunite to talk that Will believes that the mind flayer is back. Eleven believes that it's Billy, because of the psychic encounter with Heather. They spy on Billy at the pool and set up a plan to trap him and see if it's true. More to come later.
Meanwhile, Hopper is recovering from his beatdown with help from Joyce. Joyce tells him that the guy was riding a motorcycle and that gives Hopper a clue to someone that might know who that stranger could be. It leads to the meeting with Mayor Klien with a nice chitchat that leads to who not only the guy is but who he works for, StarCorp (the owner of the mall). Apparently, the company wants to expand to the east side of Hawkins, which leads to near the old lab. Joyce and Hopper rush to find one of the houses.
Robin finds a way to get into the other side of the building, through the vents. Instead of Dustin going in because he's getting too big, they go with Erica. After coming to terms with her, she gets to the other side and opens the door. There, Steve opens a box, but what's inside is a mystery, and it's not Chinese food. Just as they are about to leave, the doors close, and what apparently is a room turns out to be an elevator going all the way down.
After checking on their source, who was eating fertilizer, Nancy and Johnathan are fired from the paper. After an argument about each other's living styles, Nancy gets encouragement from her mother and goes to check on the elderly woman. She noticed that her heart rate was spiking higher and higher. That was due to the fact that the mind flayer connection with Billy, who gets trapped in the sauna by Mike, El, and the gang.
Soon it turned into some serious shit between Billy and El as Billy almost choked her to death. Mike saves by whacking him with a bat, but El stops him before he can get his hands on Mike. El throws Billy through the wall and soon runs away. But that won't be the last time. As Billy recovers his wounds, he and Heather see other Hawkins' residents in line for their Mind Flayer master.
This episode was literally off the channel. It not only had me on the edge of my seat but also had my heart rating pretty high. That scene with the kids and Billy was one hell of a scene that had all the chills, thrills, and action, plus the dialogue was great!! Also, Joyce and Hooper were good, but the moment I very much enjoyed was Nancy and her mother talking about knocking down the wall against the men. All in all, I give this episode a 9.5/10.
"Chapter Five: The Flayed"
As Joyce and Hopper make it to their final house search on the list, they find an undercover basement with two Russian scientists working on something. Just as Hopper questions them, the biker comes in hunting for them. Hopper cuffs the two and just as the bike makes his way down, Hopper aims his gun to the guy's head. The biker quickly attacks Hopper and not only beats the crap out of him again, but Hopper also returns the favor by knocking the guy's knee with a monkey wrench.
Hopper brings the scientist along and demands Joyce to drive. The scene was totally hilarious and thrilling. But as the truck took a couple of bullets from the biker, the truck soon blew up, and the three walked later to Seven-Eleven and stole a car to meet with an old friend.
Meanwhile, Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica not only sneak their way out but learn what the Russians do by opening up the door to the upside-down world. Oh boy!
Just as Nancy watches Mrs. Driscoel's moment, she calls Johnathan to ask him about Will. Soon they join Will, Mike, El, and the gang to head back to the hospital. There, Nancy and Johnathan tried to release Mrs. Driscoel, but she was nowhere to be found in her room til Tom showed up all bloody and started to go after them. But just as they escape from Tom, Bruce is out there too and he goes after them.
As they try to run, Bruce gets to them, taking out Johnathan til Nancy stabs him in the back, which leads to her running away with him. But it was when she thought of using the fire extinguisher to knock Bruce out, which also led to Tom getting the effect. Just as Nancy and Johnathan finished both of them, their bodies melted and walked to each other to combine to a giant mind flayer.
While that was going on, Mike and El seem to be on good terms.
"The Flayed" was such an outstanding episode from beginning to finish. I couldn't get enough of Joyce and Hopper in this episode as both Ryder and Habour's chemistry is amazing. The rest of the cast performances were also amazing with each playing such a role in the episode. If there was one issue that I had in this episode; it had to be the scene sequence of the mind flayers melting from their human bodies. But overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
You can catch Stranger Things Season 3 available on Netflix now.
Thursday, July 4, 2019
It's Not Over: Stranger Things 3 "Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard"
The third episode of Season Three of Stranger Things really has put some miles on not only the storytelling; but how scary it has gotten since the first episode of this season.
As El and Max have a sleepover at Hopper's place; they play a different version of spin the bottle which El uses her powers to see what certain people are doing. After getting Billy, El notices something unusual when she saw Billy and Heather, the lifeguard. Soon they try to find Billy at his house; which he wasn't but found empty bags of ice in the tub and Heather's lifeguard bag. More to come later.
After a disappointing dinner, Hopper gets a visit from Joyce, who thinks something is going on once again and tell him about the magnets falling off. It soon turned into an adventure at the old lab again but also had a moment where they confront certain things like Joyce redoing her house to move out of Hawkins. Also, Hopper tells Joyce about why she should stay and the difference between what she has here compared to him. But soon they hear something and as Hopper searches; he gets his ass beat up by the mysterious biker, the one that was seen at the mayor's office.
As Dustin and Steve look for Russians at the mall; Robin cracks the code that the Russians are in the mall. Soon they spy on a truck that's dropping off packages that look funny as there are bodyguards with guns.
Through this season, Will has been the only one that doesn't want to let go of what his group has had, but the times they are a changing. After trying to get Mike and Lucas to play D&D, it didn't go the way he had hoped and ran off. It turned into one of the saddest moments so far when Will looking back at the times with his friends later destroys everything in his clubhouse.
After putting together a good investigating story; Nancy gets shut down by the editor but also gets made fun of as well. Her and Johnathan get proof of the rat but when they visit that elderly woman's house they had found something that they never expected....the woman eating fertilizer.
After finding Heather's bag, El and Max head to the swimming pool to find her but apparently, she didn't come to work. So El uses a photo of Heather to see where she is located; which lead them to her house. There they see Billy eating with Heather's parents, one of the editors of the paper. After seeing that Heather is okay; El and Max leave. But evil Billy remembers who El was and soon gets Heather's parents killed by Heather. While Will gets another feeling and this time he tells Mike and Lucas that he's back.
So far, three episodes in and the season have really gotten better. The Hopper and Joyce story was so good; along with Will, who really stole the moment of the episode with a nice performance. So many twist and turns and even moments that really had me jumping off my seat. Looks like the upsidedown monster is back and boy this time it's not playing around this time. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
You can catch Season 3 of Stranger Things available now on Netflix.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Stranger Things 3 Premiere Date
Just before the clock strikes midnight Monday night, Netflix released the premiere date for Stranger Things 3 in the most thrilling and classy way possible.
July 4 will be the premiere date.
Here's the promo:
You can catch the first two seasons of the hit Netflix show available now.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
24th annual SAG Awards Nominations

The nominations for the 24th annual Screen Actor Guild Awards were announced Wednesday and HBO's Big Little Lies and Netflix series GLOW led the field with four nods.
The 2018 SAG Awards will be simulcast live on both TNT and TBS on Sunday, Jan. 21st with the first ever host hosted by The Good Place star Kristen Bell.
Here are the nominations:
Drama Ensemble
Game of ThronesThe Crown
Stranger Things
The Handmaid's Tale
This Is Us
Drama Actress
Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger ThingsClaire Foy, The Crown
Laura Linney, Ozark
Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid's Tale
Robin Wright, House of Cards
Drama Actor
Jason Bateman, OzarkSterling L. Brown, This Is Us
Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
David Harbour, Stranger Things
Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul
Comedy Ensemble
Black-ishCurb Your Enthusiasm
Orange Is the New Black
Comedy Actress
Uzo Aduba, Orange is the New BlackJulia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep
Jane Fonda, Grace and Frankie
Lily Tomlin, Grace and Frankie
Alison Brie, GLOW
Comedy Actor
Anthony Anderson, Black-ishAziz Ansari, Master of None
Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm
Sean Hayes, Will & Grace
William H. Macy, Shameless
Marc Maron, GLOW
TV Movie or Miniseries Female Actor
Nicole Kidman, Big Little LiesReese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies
Susan Sarandon, FEUD: Bette and Joan
Jessica Lange, FEUD: Bette and Joan
Laura Dern, Big Little Lies
TV Move or Miniseries Male Actor
Benedict Cumberbatch, SherlockJeff Daniels, Godless
Robert De Niro, The Wizard of Lies
Geoffery Rush, Genius
Alexander Skarsgard, Big Little Lies
Stunt Team
Game of ThronesGLOW
Stranger Things
The Walking Dead
Screen Actor Guild Awards,
Stranger Things,
The Crown,
This Is Us,
Will & Grace
Friday, December 1, 2017
Stranger Things Renewed For Season 3

Well, it looks we're going to be getting more awesome eighties references because Netflix announced on Friday that they've renewed Stranger Things for a third season.
The series co-creators the Duffer Brothers had previously confirmed that a potential third season would make a time jump ahead of a year to 1985, when the aforementioned classics ruled the box office.
"Even if we wanted to hop into the action faster, we couldn't," said Matt Duffer, when he told The Hollywood Reporter. "Our kids are aging, We can only write and produce the show so fast. They're going to be almost a year older by the time we start shooting Season 3...(so) it forces you to do a time jump."
The Duffer Brothers also hinted that Season 3 would feature a rematch between Mind Flyer and Eleven, telling THR that the shadow monster is "very much aware of the kids, and particularly Eleven. It had not encountered her and her powers until that final episode. Now it knows that she's out there."
Stranger Things' season two was, by all account, a smashing success. Although Netflix doesn't release any viewership data, Nielsen reported that a total of 15.8 million people watched the first episode during it's first three days of availability (starting Oct. 27th), putting it right on par with The Walking Dead's recent Live+3 DVR numbers.
Returning for Season 3 are series regulars Winona Ryder (Joyce), David Harbour (Jim), Finn Wolfhand (Mike), Noah Schnapp (Will), Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven), Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas), Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin), Cara Buono (Karen), Natalia Dyer (Nancy), Charlie Heaton (Jonathan), Joe Keery (Steve) Dacre Montgomery (Billy) and Sadie Sink (Max).
There are no information on the episode count for season 3. The first two seasons were consisted of eight and nine episodes. Maybe we'll get ten episodes?
You can catch the first two seasons of Stranger Things available on Netflix now.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
"Bitchin'" Stranger Things Season 2, "Chapter 9: The Gate" Season Finale

Everything has been leading up to this moment!!
In the season two finale, we first get a very nice and emotional reunion between Eleven and Mike and finally the cat was out of the bag when everyone learned that she has been living with him for a year. That didn't go well with Mike and when Hopper took him to talk privately, Mike let his anger out at him as Hopper hugs him.
After a quick hugs and greets with everyone, including Max, Joyce takes Eleven to see Will. Seeing also the message about close gate, to Eleven that means the gate in the upside down is about to be open and she can close it. Along with that plan, Joyce figures out instead of letting Will die with the gate closing, they heat up his body so the creature that's inside him can get out before the gate closes.
So Joyce, Johnathan and Nancy take Will to Hopper's cabin where he and Eleven have been staying. They cranked up the heat with fire, space heaters, etc to make sure it's hotter than the sun. Will wakes up and screams that he's burning. As they watch him, it doesn't seem to work so Joyce cracks up the space heaters more and soon, the creature was about to come out but they needed more and that's where Nancy grabs the hot poker and burns Will's side.
Hopper and Eleven headed back to the DOE building and close the gate before the creature monster gets out. But before they got there, the two finally made peace after talking of where she went and why he's been the way he was with her. As they go in the DOE, Eleven gets flashbacks of her stay there, then Hopper and Eleven go in and after getting word from Johnathan to close the gate after the creature had escape Will's body.
While all of this was going on, Mike doesn't want to be the player sitting on the bench, even though he hates sports analogy. Trying to convince Steve to take them to the pumpkin patch, he gives a big no. Well then comes big bad step brother of Max, who really has a good lie detector on him to see that Steve lied to him and soon the two fight. Steve was going so good til the dude starts swinging back like a mad man. Kicking the crap out of Steve, Max grabs the syringe and injects her step brother with the same dose that Will got and after a few minutes the dude finally went down but not before Max threaten him with Steve's bat.
Mike and the gang head out to the pumpkin patch as Max drives her brother's car probably one of the humorist highlight of the episode. They get there and headed in, Steve leads the way and as they get to the spot, they start spraying and dumping gasoline all over and soon starts the fire. This happens the same time as Will was burning up. Mike and the gang head out but not before Dustin sees his Dart in the way and gives him a couple of Musketeers and head out.
As Eleven trying to close the gate, she has a hard time doing it but remembers what Eight had said and taught her to remember the events that make you upset and use that anger, which she did. And just as the creature was coming out in the same form as it was in Will, she used all of her powers to push it away and closed the gate. As the gates closed, it all killed the creature dogs, including Dart.
As soon as it was over, we jump a month later to see that the DOE has been shut down and things were looking so good for the town of Hawkins. Hopper has lunch with Owens, who'd survived, and he gives Hopper a present that he is the proud father of Jane Hopper (Eleven). He asked Owen how long before she can go out, Owens gives it a year. But how about one night?
We jump to the Snow Ball dance, Dustin fixes his hair the way Steve does and after losing to Lucas to dance with Max, he jumps to two other girls before Nancy dances with him. Will gets to dance with someone too. Hopper and Joyce share a smoke like they did in the good old days. But the one moment we've all been waiting for with the song "Everything Breathe You Take," comes Eleven/Jane in her dress and Mike walks up to her and soon dances (as they try to learn) and soon kisses (short one).
With everything that seems to be going to well and trying up with a nice big bow, as we see the school's gym, we see the upside down version of the school and sees the shadow monster that Will has been seeing. Could it be that it's finally going to be staying in the upside down for good or will we see this thing back in Season 3?
"The Gate" was one hell of a good season finale and I thought that it really wrapped up some of the story-lines probably since the beginning of the series. Like Nancy and Dustin, who Dustin had a crush on her and a season later she's dancing with him. Mike and Eleven finally are at the Snow Ball dance. Even Joyce and Hopper spending some time with one another, who I think would make a really good couple. I really can't pick who outperformed who because everyone in this episode really did an outstanding and equal part. The one thing I still don't get is Max's step brother has to what part was he there, just to give us some intense scenes with Max and Steve? The writing of the episode was so so good as well. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
Season 2:
I thought Season 2 was a step up from Season 1 with the writing and character growth. The performances from Winona Ryder, Finn Wolfhard, David Harbour, Noah Schnapp was just outstanding, mostly coming Ryder, who should be considered for awards for her role as Joyce. Not to mention Millie Bobby Brown, with only a shorter screen time than last season, had another amazing season too. Sean Astin's performance grew on me from time. I didn't care much for Bob at first and the way he was telling Will about facing your fears head on didn't really settle with me, but later helping with Joyce and Mike and being the superhero he said he is, I really liked the character. And I couldn't left out Paul Reiser, who played Owen well to his ability as a dark and mysterious in the beginning but was kind of caring at the end of the season.
The anticipation for this season was not disappointing at all. Yeah there were some stories that felt lite like the Nancy and Johnathan relationship to even the Max and her step brother, for which I'm still scratching my head about. But most of the other stories from Will and Eleven made me forget some of those stories. The writing was really amazing. Overall, I give this season a 9/10.
You can catch seasons one and two of Stranger Things on Netflix now. Also you can catch the Blu-ray/DVD of Season One available in stores now.
Runaways and Judgement Days: Things Season 2, "Chapter 7: The Lost Sister"/"Chapter 8: The Mind Flayer"

Chapter 7: The Lost Sister
As Eleven goes into the mind of her mama's to search for what had happened to her and turned up to find that there might be a sibling.
When Eleven goes out on her own and searching for what she calls sister, who happens to have been with her when she was with Papa. Eleven fines Eight (the person that was in the beginning of the first episode) in Chicago after searching in mama's mind and papers that her aunt has kept.
There in Chicago, she finds Eight along with her gang, who happen to show a little bit of The Outsiders in a way. Soon after Eleven tells Eight who she is and what brought her to see her, the two connected well. But Eight has ideas for what her and her gang can do with Eleven's powers, one of them is being taking down the person that hurt their mama.
Soon Eleven travels with Eight and the gang to search for the man that ruined their mama. As they get there, they start touching the man and just when Eleven was about to kill him, she saw a photo of him with his daughters and stopped. Eight later pulls a gun and Eleven stops her from shooting him. But the kids, who happen to be in their bedrooms, had called 911 and soon the cops were on their way. Eleven gets a few words from Eight about never to stop her.
Back at the hideout, Eight get into Eleven's head when she sees papa walking in the room and has Eleven apologizing. But soon as things were seemed to be okay, the Chicago PD was on there way to bust in. But with Eight and her mind tricks, they did get away but only Eleven decided not to stay with Eight and her gang and left them to go back to her friends.
"The Lost Sister" was a strong episode. I enjoyed the one stand along episode of Eleven's adventure to see her lost sister and come to find that Eight is not like her at all and quite different from what she has learned with Mike and friends. Browns gives a good performance once again and the writing was really good. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
Chapter 8: The Mind Flayer
HOLY SHIPS!!! From beginning to the end I was either stand up or sitting on the edge of my chair during this episode.
The episode picks off right where we left in episode six and the creatures has come up and taken apart the lab. Mike tells Joyce to put Will to sleep because he is the one communicating with the creatures and after Joyce asked Will a simple question that only needed to be answered in a split second, she put him to sleep.
The episode picks off right where we left in episode six and the creatures has come up and taken apart the lab. Mike tells Joyce to put Will to sleep because he is the one communicating with the creatures and after Joyce asked Will a simple question that only needed to be answered in a split second, she put him to sleep.
Owens and Hopper get to Joyce, Mike, Bob and Will and headed to the control room after there seems to be no way out. As they get into the control room, the power goes out and it looked like it was up to Bob to save the day. Bob goes to turn the power back on and has he does he also helps navigating the creatures away from the area.
With Hopper, Joyce, Mike and Will out, only Bob was the last to get out and with the help from Owen, it looked it her was in good shape but sorry to say, he got the Barb treatment in this one. As Bob was in the closet, he steps out and as soon as he walks out, he knocks the broom stick out and falls to the floor. One of the creatures hears it and chases Bob but as he escapes death, turns out that the creature jumped through the doors and attacked him.
Hopper grabs a very upset Joyce and with Johnathan and Nancy driving in, they all left along with Lucas, Dustin, Max and Steve. They all head back to Joyce's house and trying to figure out what the hell these creatures are and only Mike and the gang come up with an idea of what these creatures are and figures that the creature is communicating from Will's mind and soon figures that Will is still there and communicates with Morse code. So they do an interrogation but only telling him stories from birthdays to drawing to even to music and first time Mike and Will met. Those scenes were very powerful, mostly from Joyce and Mike telling Will. They do get a message out that says "Close Gate." Which is probably about the gate that Eleven came through from the upside down.
But all good plans must fail at some point and that comes from the phone in the house going off twice and soon Joyce puts Will out again and takes him back to the house. Everyone is on full alert as the creature was to come. There seemed to be one around the house until it screams and what looked like it jumped through the window but apparently it was dead. Soon the locks on the door started to unlock and as the door opens, everyone's faces were in shock to see that Eleven is back!!
OMG! "The Mind Flayer" was probably one of the best intense episodes comparing to the others in this season. It had a blended of humor, intense drama, emotional drama and not to mention a great ending to the episode with Eleven walking in. I don't know about you guys but does anyone thing that Hopper might be Will's dad? I'm asking this because that's what my brother thinks. Also, I thought that Mike's eulogy of Bob was very nice and heartwarming as well. Anyway, the performances from Ryder, Wolfhand and Schanpp were amazing and so memorable. I did have to grab tissues. Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.
You can catch Season 2 of Stranger Things available on Netflix now along with Season One.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Holy Ships!! Stranger Things Season 2, "Chapter 5: Dig Dug"/"Chapter 6: The Spy"

Chapter 5: Dig Dug
There was so much going on in this episode that I almost did what Will did at the end of the episode was happen to be a jaw dropping moment.Where to begin? Let's start with Dustin as he tries to figure out how to get Dart out of the house. He does it by leaving a trail of food for it that leads to the basement. It was working until it saw and sense Dustin and so he went for Plan B attack it and knock it in the basement. Oh by the way, he was wearing a pretty cool outfit that remembered be of The Mighty Ducks.
Lucas tries to fix his relationship with Max and after his father for advice, he tells her the truth about last year. She didn't believe him at first but with a very convincing look she seems to believe him. Trouble is that her so called brother saw her with him again and isn't too pleased. This guy really freaks me out.
Eleven finally goes to see her mother and tries to reconnect with her after seeing the lights in the house go off and on like what Will did in the Upside Down. Doing her bit once again, she saw what her mother went through to find her after she was born from a diffcult labor, Papa stealing her and making her mother think that she was dead, to seeing her getting a gun and finding her. And to even seeing how she got to be in the condition she is in now. And understands that the words she says all the time is what she remembers the most from certain time.
As Joyce and Mike help with Will, Will sees that Hooper is in trouble after he is in under ground with the vines and such. Even he got sprayed and coughed up stuff that I think that he might go through what Will has been going through. With time running out, Joyce gets Bob to help and after trying to get the brainy dude thinking they drove and found Hopper's car.
There Joyce and Bob go under and searching for Hopper. They finally come to him as he is tied down with vines around his neck and body. They cut it all off and with some creepy but cool scene shots, he's free. That is until the DOE dudes come in and get them out. As soon as they start burning off the vines, Will starts to have a seizure like moment and screams his head off like he's been burned.
This episode was so good. The performance from everyone was so good and the writing was as well. I didn't really think too much on the Nancy/Johnathan story as it just was a bit light out of the others in this episode. I'm think that maybe that Hopper is infected like Will is? He coughed up stuff after that mutant planet sprayed him with crap. Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.
Chapter 6: The Spy
HOLY SHIPS!!!!! Revenge is best served deadly I guess.
With the doctors and nurses searching of what is wrong with Will, saying that he is bruned without any burnmarks on him. That all first scene of the episode was so intense and even scary for me watching Schnapp's performance. As Owen's team of doctors perform test of Will, it turns out that he has a vrius and Will is the host, that helps connect to a human and not only see what the creatures are doing but also be known as what Mike calls Will "The Spy."
Thinking that Will is helping Owen and the team. A team goes down and searches to burned down the rest of the place until Dart and gang comes along, after trying to attack Dustin, Lucas, Max and Steve at the junkyard, and attacks the team that's underground where Hopper was trapped. Not only does these creatures killed but are moving towards the DOE by the end of the episode.
Meanwhile, Dusitn and Steve try to get Dart to come to them after seeing that it had escaped Dustin's basement. Lucas and Max catches up and meets them at the junkyard to prepare for Dart to come, but as it turns out Dart wasn't alone and turned into one hell of a montage to Tremors.
This episode was a real thrill. From the begnning to the end, I really was tied to my seat. With what was going on between Will and Dustin and the gang, I really did fine the Nancy and Johanhan story in this episode to be the calm before the thrills. You know sixe episodes in and I know I haven't said much about Paul Reiser's performance so far but I just have to say that he's amazing in this role. He can surely balance the comedy and drama as it does remind me of his performance in Aliens. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
You can catch Season Two of Stranger Things available on Netflix now and Season One too along on Blu-ray and DVD.
Stranger Things Season 2 "Chapter 3: The Pollywog"/"Chapter 4 Will the Wise"

Chapter 3: The Pollywog
Dustin finds what was in his trash can at the end of last episode, while Eleven tries to disobey what Hopper has been telling her to do.As soon as Dustin sees what was in his trash can, he takes it and brings it inside and kept it as another pet. I feel bad for the pet turtle and his mother's cat. What he brings in looks like some kind of pollywog that can eat anything, mostly candy as Dustin as given him.
He shows the creature to the guys and Max and tries t figure out what it is and names it Dart. But soon Will hears the same scream that he heard from the creature that in the upside down world and freaks out. The creature soon runs off and the guys chase after it but when Will sees it and starts getting another episode in the Upside Down World, but this times tries to stick up for himself the way Bob had advised him, but the creature puts its shadowy arms through his mouth and ears.
Meanwhile, Eleven really wants to get out of the cabin and see Mike but Hopper isn't going to let that happen. He kept promising her that he will but it keeps being put off more and more (something parents would do all the time). As soon as Hooper leaves, Eleven wonders out and gets spotted by a mother and her child and tells the cops. But she moves on and tries to see Mike until she sees him with another person and leaves.
I thought that "The Pollywog" was a very good episode. From the Hooper and Eleven story line to Dustin and the guys meeting and searching for Dart. I was in standing mode when Eleven and Mike were so close of seeing each other. I thought the writing of this episode was very good and the performance from Brown and Noah Schnapp was very good, some of their performances really stood out. Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.
Chapter 4: Will the Wise
As Joyce rushes to find Will, other issues are happening as they come in this episode.
As Joyce races to the school to find Will, she runs into Dustin, Lucas and Max and sees that Will is outside with Mike, in another trance of seeing the Upside Down and the creature. After he is awake, he is taken home and tells his mom as best he could what he sees and how he feels about it, but it really doesn't come out in words. The next day comes when Will doesn't feel good and shows a body temperature that's below any normal. He wouldn't take a warm bath saying that it was too hot and tells Joyce that he doesn't want to take a bath it get warm and walks out.
As Joyce tries to call Hopper many, many, many times. He finally comes and tend to what was going on. He asked Will about what he has seen and felt but he just couldn't tell him so instead does it in drawing and at first it may seem to look like scribbles but really it's a huge puzzle that needed to be put together and sees blue vines and Hooper thinks of one thing and heads out to the pumpkin patch. More later.
Dustin keeps Dart and leaves him home with more candy. Mike, Lucas and Max tries to find Dart around the school but still couldn't find it. Mike tells only Lucas and Dustin about the creature and how it connects to Will's episodes in the Upside Down. Mike goes over to see how Will is doing and asked Joyce about the creature he's seen.
While Mike handles that, Lucas catches up with Max and tries to get her to come along to find Dart. But she doesn't want to after what Mike had told her that she's not a member. And the two break off as she heads to her so called brother's car (who by the way is a real pain in the ass if I may say).
Nancy and Johnathan heads to meet with Barb's parents to tell them what really happen and gets caught with the DOE people and is brought to have a meeting with Owen. Thinking that they're plan didn't go through, it really did as Nancy recorded the conversation with Owen while inside the DOE building. WOW!
The one story in this episode that really got me was that of Eleven and Hopper. As soon as she comes back to the cabin, Hopper goes strict mean dad mode and tries to tell her that he's trying to protect her. But she thinks that he's lying to her and causes a big mess in the cabin. Hooper takes everything away from Eggos (NO!!) to even Television (NO!!!!!) but he couldn't left the television set because of her powers and just pulls the plug. After a night of cleaning parts up Hopper tells her that if she cleans the cabin that he'll repair the TV.
While cleaning up the cabin she spots a hidden door that has boxes full of stuff and sees Hawkins Lab. She sees and looks through the files and comes to what is her file with her name and her parents. She does her ninja power with the radio and sees her mother but she goes away after hearing her call Eleven by hear name, Jane.
The episode ended pretty creepy that at one time I had to look away because there's one scene that I knew that was coming. When Dustin comes home, he rushes to his room and sees that the tank that Dart was in has been broken and leaves a shed of skin. He turns and hears growing near the closet door and sees blood on the floor and walks towards it to see that Dart has grown and eating the cat. But Dart is shown as an early stage look to what the creature in Season One looked like with it's mouth opening like a planet.
And let's not to mention that as soon as Hooper figured out the blue vines, he heads out to the pumpkin patch farm and digs til he spots something gross and blue. Also he goes into a tunnel that happens to look like what Will was seeing.
"Will the Wise" was such a good episode that had some really good moments from the gross of Dart eating the cat to the sad moment of Eleven seeing her mother and not to mention that Hooper finding a tunnel of the Upside Down World. This episode has about everything to offer and then some. I enjoyed everyone performance. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
You can catch Stranger Things Season 2 now on Netflix.
Friday, October 27, 2017
The Best Treat of All: Stranger Things "Chapter 1: MADMAX"/"Chapter 2: Trick or Treak, Freak"
"Chapter 1: MADMAX"
The season premiere of Stranger Things starts with a new top video gamer in town, new nightmares, and even a few days of shocking moments."MADMAX" was an excellent first episode of the new season that sets the tone for what's to come. Not only are there new characters for the folks of Hawkins, Indiana, but there's a new video game leader for Mike and the gang to deal with.
The episode starts with a robbery a year after the events of season one. A group escapes in a van, and while being chased by cops, one of the members in the van gets the cops to stop as he thinks he sees the bridge collapse, but it is all just in his mind the member that did it has a tattoo with the number 008.
Things in Hawkins, Indiana, seem to be well, back to where we were in the first season. Hopper is doing what he does best when he comes to work first thing, trying to ignore anyone who comes to see him, but this time, he deals with a freelance journalist who's investigating Barb's disappearance. Things do set when Hooper gets calls about someone's pumpkins being ruined by another pumpkin farmer.
Joyce is concerned about Will after he gets another vision/dream of the underworld, where he sees a storm cloud that scares him. Will was taken to see Owens, an executive of the DOE who's in charge of the place, who does tests and asks questions Will about these visions and thinks it's just PTSD.
With all of these new characters and such, you wonder where Eleven is. That is answered at the end of the question with a jaw-dropping moment. As Hooper drives in the woods and walks to a cabin, you think that it might be his new home and that he may be living with his girlfriend. But it wasn't, and it turned out to be Eleven with curly hair who walks in and eats dinner with Hooper.
"MADMAX" was a good episode that set a perfect tone, as I said initially. With the return of these characters we've loved and enjoyed so much, the one that I was glad to see was Eleven back and alive. Yes, I did want to watch Mike, Dustin, Will, and Lucas rushing to the arcade. I loved the music playing for the scenes and the new character, Mad Max, coming in. I did enjoy the Joyce and Hooper scene as I think that these two might be better together than Joyce and Bob. The writing for this episode was excellent. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
"Chapter 2: Trick or Treat Freak"
It's Halloween, and the gang is ready for trick or treating, but when Max comes in, it doesn't play well for one of the members.It's Halloween, and Mike and the boys are set with their costumes, dressing up as Ghostbusters. But when they get to school, they notice that no one else is also dressed up. Dustin and Lucas ask Max to join them for trick or treating, leaving them with no answer, but that turns out to be a yes when she scares them with her costume. And that didn't sit well with Mike.
Will is still having visions of the underworld and seeing a giant creator. He's drawn it, and Joyce sees it and still gets worried about it. He has another encounter vision with the creator during trick or treating, and it is triggered when other kids call him "Zombie Boy," but Mike comes and takes him back to his place, and they talk about what he had seen.
The one story out of all this was Eleven and how she managed to return, thinking she was gone. After taking down the creator in the season one finale, she's in the underworld and tries to find Mike without seeing him. She comes to the same opening that goes back to the real world. She comes through and tries returning to Mike's house, but the FBI and cops are there. The FBI tells Mike that he needs to tell them where Eleven is, and he sees her through the window, and she quickly runs off. She uses her survival skills to hunt, protect herself, and wear proper clothing.
Back and forth with the present and past, Eleven wants to trick or treat and tells Hooper that no one will see her with her ghost costume. But he wouldn't agree to it and compromise by getting off from work early and bringing a lot of candy, but that doesn't work out well when Hooper gets pulled into investigating more of the mystery of the dead pumpkins and trees that have that goop from the underworld.
There's one moment where Eleven is upset and brings the TV into her room, and as she flips through channels, she decides to telepath her way to see Mike. When she does, for a minute,e Mike hears Eleven with excitement but then walks away with doubt that it's her even though she's right there, leaving her in heartbreak.
The episode ends with a surprise when Dustin gets home and, for the second time, hears a noise near his home. He sees the trash can moving and walks up to it and opens with a surprise that you'll have to see the third episode.
"Trick or Treat Freak" was an excellent episode, mainly for Eleven than the rest of the characters. I thought that it was Millie Bobby Brown's best performance with character growth and showed such emotion. The Johnathan and Nancy story was not the best, but it was enjoyable. Sean Austin in the last couple of episodes is good and brings the humor but makes that boyfriend awkwardness. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
You can catch the second season of Stranger Things available now on Netflix, along with Season One.
Stranger Things Season 1

When I first heard and read (mostly read) about the Netflix series, I was interested mostly because of Winona Ryder was the star of the series. I'm a huge fan of her from movies like Girl, Interrupted, Beetlejuice and Edward Sessorhands to name a few.
But when I first watched the first four episodes last year I was amazed of what I was watching. And after watching those four episodes, I stopped watching it because when it comes to binge watching, I would start with a couple of episodes and stop and I won't get to watching the rest for a while.
But that is then and with only a couple of minutes til season two of the series, I had finally watched the complete series after buying the retro VHS case Blu-ray/DVD.
I was amazed once again and when I contuined watching I was hooked with these characters. The writing was so amazing and the references of the 80's pop culture just made me want to get things from that decade from the music to well getting back to eating eggo waffles. The series had so much montoge to classic 80's movies from ET and Alien and let's not forget The Goonies.
Ryder was amazing and had such great moments. But the real show stealers were the kids, mostly Millie Bobby Brown who played Eleven. Even Fin Wolfhard as Mike, Gaten Matarazzo as Dustin and Caleb McLaughlin as Lucas were amazing as well. Even David Harbour's performance of Jim Hopper was so good.
I can't wait for season two to start for which by the time this is posted it would already be time to watch the second season.
Overall, I give the first season of Stranger Things a 9.5/10.
You can catch the first two seasons of Stanger Things on Netflix now.
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