Saturday, July 6, 2019

HOLY SHIPS!: Stranger Things 3 "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum"/"Chapter Seven: The Bite"

"Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" 

Oh man, shit just got real in this episode. Here's a recap!

Just as Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica learn what the Russians are doing, they open up the door to the upside-down. Soon, they would get busted; Steve made sure that Dustin and Erica escaped without harm. The Russians interrogated Steve and Robin and veveninjecthem ted with the truth serum. But by the time the boss knew who they were, Dustin and Erica made a distraction to get Robin and Steve out of there, too. Tissues, please.

 After making a deal with the scientist, Hopper has had enough of it and gives him a choice of either leave or stay. You would have thought this would be Hopper's biggest mistake, but it turns out that he was right. They learn of the secrets of this machine called the key that opens up the cups upside-download. Of course, that freaks both Hopper and Joyce, and they approach the government for help. 

After saving Nancy from the mind flayer, Elusese uses her power to locate Billy. But from where he's discovered, that could be where he and the mind flayer wanted. El uses her power to discover what happened to Billy; instead of going through the actual events, she starts seeing parts of his past that always make him hiss today. Asarns where the source of the mind flayer is, Billy sends El to another part of what will happen when the mind flayer takes over. Eventually, El got out of there, and just as the residents of Hawkins were at the town fair, they all got to the factory where the mind flayer was and disintegrated to make the mind flayer grow. Holy Fuck!

This episode was another on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of thrill. Not only did we see our character learn about the mind flayer's plan, but Billy's backstory of how he got to be who he is today. And after that, I still don't have a good connection with the character and believe he'll probably die.  I thought Erica stood out way better in this episode than in the previous episodes this season, and the relationship between Dustin and Steve got even more heartwarming. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

"Chapter Seven: The Bite"


As El and the gang figure out that the Mind Flayer is coming from them, they are just in time before it starts attacking Hopper's house. But as El fights the tongues-tongues, she gets bitten and dragged towards the flayer. Mike and the rest hang on to El as Nancy and Lucas try to stop it, and just as El is released, she snaps the Flayer's head in half, and they escape.

El is badly hurt, but as the gang tries to find stuff to help her, Lucas and Will find something that could help with a bit more firepower in fireworks. Just as Mike talks to El and tries to tell her that he loves her, Dustin finally reaches them through their walkie-talkies.

While communicating with Mike, Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica hide from the Russians at the mall's movie theater of Back to the Future. Just as Dustin comes back asking Erica for batteries, Robin and Steve, who are high, leave and soon not only get sick but share some deep feelings, Steve having feelings for Robin and Robin having feelings for another woman. Both are on good terms anyway.

Hopper and Joyce got a dose of reality from Muarry by sleeping with each other and getting it over. They stop at the fair to find the kids but are hunted by the biker and the Russians. Alexi gets killed by the bikers, and Hopper diverts them to the funhouse, where Hopper not only redeems from fighting one of the guys but escapes with Joyce and Muarry.

As Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica are hiding from the Russians, when you think that they are goners, El saves the day by throwing a car at them. But as everyone catches up with what they know, El is hurt very badly, and Mike and the gang see the severe wound and a wormlike creature in her leg. El screams with pain!

This episode tugs at my heart with emotions and throwback to Back to the Future. Millie Bobby Brown was excellent, and the scenes with Finn Wolfhard were terrific and so heartwarming. Alexi's death was expected, with him helping with Hopper and Joyce. Strong character development with such strong writing, as well. The episodes get better and better, and the season finale sure feels like something big is going to happen. Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Stranger Things 3, available on Netflix now!

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