Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jurassic World sequel coming in 2018

The story continues!!
Jurassic World
Universal Studios announced that the Jurassic World sequel in the works and planned to be release in 2018.

Both Chris Pratt and Bryace Dallas Howard will reprise their roles.

Along with the director of "Jurassic World" Colin Trevorrow will co-write the sequel's script with Derek Connolly.

Jurassic World 2 will be open in theaters on June 22, 2018.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Oh Hell No Turns into Oh Hell Yes: Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

Sharknado 3 was two hours of jam pack action and fun.

(I'm not going to give away the plot because I think we all know what this will be about.)

The epic third sequel to the "Sharknado" series continues with bigger and weirder story. From starting out as a Jame Bond film and going into theme parks and even a theme of the Apollo 13.

Even though there were many and I do mean many things that didn't make scene, it still made a hell of a two hour movie that I laughed and even yelling "NO!!!" when someone got eaten by sharks.

Ian and Tara were amazing once again and this time they're trying to make things work with an addition to their family. Also a familiar face returns to to help Fin.

Let me just mention the cameos in this film. First off, Mark Cuban was amazing as the President of the United States. Even Maria Menounos, Jackie Collins, David Hasselhoff, Jerry Springer, and the gang from NBC's Today Show: Matt Laure, Savannah Guthrie, Natalie Morales and Al Roker.

There were even surprise guest from Ne-Yo, Lou Ferringno and even George R.R. Martin, who I think if any of the "Game of Thrones" saw it probably would think that it wasn't cool but it was totally awesome.

There's a little surprise at the end as this movie ends on a massive cliffhanger.

You can catch an encore of Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! Saturday, July 24th at 7/6c on SyFy.


The latest trailer for the upcoming Jame Bond film "Spectre" was released today and it looks freakin' amazing!!!!

"Spectre" will be release this November everywhere in IMAX.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A "Vampire Dairies" Alum Joins "Chicago Fire"

Executive Producer Danielle  Gelber & McQueen 
On Tuesday, it was announced that "The Vampire Dairies" alum Steven R. McQueen is joining the cast of NBC's hit drama "Chicago Fire."

McQueen will be in a recurring role as a new candidate Jimmy Borelli. He'll make a dramatic entrance that even Chef Bowden doesn't accept. If you're not on Bowden good side, there's going to be an issue.

The season premiere of "Chicago Fire" is Tuesday, October 13th at 10/9c on NBC.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Capture and Dinner: Hannibal: "Dolce"/"Digetive"

In the episode "Dolce" Will and Jack are hunting down Hannibal. Hannibal, who is recovering from his wounds from Jack, is thinking of a way to get back.

Later, Jack and Will find where Hannibal's been staying at and talks to Bedelia, who was drugged up. Playing that she isn't who she is and all that Will goes on the hunt for Hannibal while Jack stay and soon a French policeman talks to both of them. A really conversation as Jack leaves and Bedelia stays.

In the meantime, Verger wants Hannibal and founds out that the detective who was going to catch him is dead. Along with that, Dr. Bloom and Margot make out and hopes that Bloom could help her get a sperm from her brother.

As it draws near, Will and Hannibal walks out and Will is shot by Chiyoh. Hannibal takes will to a place and soon Jack comes in and Hannibal cuts his ankle. Both are tied for what they'll be having for dinner. And before it was going to happen I thought that he was going to cut Jack's skull off but no, it was Will's. But just before Hannibal cuts through Will's skill, we're taken from Italy and into a butcher's cooler and see Verger welcoming them to his place.

Amazing, well-done and so so good. This episode was remarkable with tension and shocking moments especially the ending of this episode which I didn't know what the hell was going on. I thought it was just a dream.

In "Digetivo" The Florentine police breaks into the dinner of Jack, Hannibal and Will and taken Lecter and Graham, who's injured, to Mason Verger's place Muskrat Farm in Maryland.

Just before the police could kill Jack, Chiyoh saves him by shooting them from the roof tops. But Jack is worried about how he will get out of the city without having the police kill him.

Mason has Hannibal and Will for dinner and tells them his plan for them. Eat Lecter piece by piece while keeping him alive and the other is to cut Will's face off.

While Margot talks to Mason, they discuss about child and that he already has a surrogate for her. And I don't want to spoil anything but it's one of the most shocking moments in this episode and bar far the creepiest.

Lecter is rescued by Bloom, who cuts the rope that he's tied to and help rescue Will from Mason. He does it in a beautiful way. Once you think that Will's face is being cut, it's a complete turn around.

At the end, Will and Lecter have one more conversation and Will tells him that he doesn't want to see him anymore. When Jack comes with his troops, Will tells him that he's gone but Lecter comes out and surrenders to Jack. He wants Will to know that he knows where he could find him.

This episode was literally the best one bar far. Love the interaction between Lecter and Mason at the dinner table. The shocking surrogate and most of all the surrendering of Lecter to Jack.

I give "Dolce" a 8/10 rating while "Digetive" gets a 10/10 rating.

You can catch "Hannibal" Saturday nights at 10/9c on NBC

Friday, July 17, 2015

Welcome to Sweden

It was last summer's best new comedies. "Welcome to Sweden" is back for a second season.

The show stars Greg Poehler as Bruce Evans. Bruce was a successful money manager for the wealthy celebrities. He was happy living in New York with his girlfriend Emma from Sweden, who have been together for a year. But when Emma moves back home to Stockholm for a job, Bruce quits his job and leaves to join her.

In the first season deals with Bruce who has no job and friends, tries to deal with living in a new country with a different language and culture. It was hilarious new comedy with many guest stars including Amy Poehler to Will Ferrell.

The second season begins this Sunday will deal with Bruce in preparing to propose Emma. With their engagement they will deal with relatives, customs and career transitions. Guest stars in this season will have Patrick Duffy, Amy Poehler, Jack Black, Neve Campbell and Jason Priestly.

You can catch the season premiere of "Welcome to Sweden" Sunday, July 19th at 8/7c on NBC


Trainwreck is a sensation hit!

When a Amy, a successful journalist, has fear of commitment because her dad told her as a kid that monogamy isn't real. But when she interviews a highly successful sports doctor, that has nothing wrong about him that she can break it off with him. Amy will have to face whether to her fear of commitment is ruining her or living the good life.

Amy Schumer, who plays Amy, is tremendous in this film that she written and stars in. She's hilarious time one hundred in this film and her chemistry with Bill Hader and the rest of the cast was amazing.

Jon Cena's scenes in the film during the first half hour of the film was hysterical! The scene when Amy and Cena were in bed and she asked him to talk dirty to her but all he says was how to get fit and facts about protein. And after was just and OMG moment.

There were a lot of very funny moments in this film but there was also some heartwarming and sad moments int he film The one that got me was when Amy gives her speech about her dad at her funeral.

This was after she walked out on him after he told her that dating the sports doctor wasn't gonna last. And then there was the scene where she and her sister finally hugged after apologizing for what she had done.

There were so many cameos from Marv Albert to Mathew Broderick, was hilarious and mind blowing.

And I couldn't left out LeBron James. The guy can act and after watching him in this film, I want him to be my best friend. I'm guessing those commercials have really paid off. Space Jam 2? Why not?

All in all, I love and enjoyed this film. I can't remember when I last enjoyed a really good romantic comedy. This by far is on the top of my Rom-Com list.  It's hilarious, lovely and has it's great moments. As this is Schumer's first film, she nails it with perfection.

"Trainwreck" is out now in theaters.