If last night's indication of this week's Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, and Law & Order: SVU's Crossover Event is that it was NOT disappointing at all.
Let me recap what happened in this giant episode that spanned three hours of great television, and then I can give my thoughts.
Let's start where it started: Chicago Fire. With everything that had happened last week, Mills left for North Carolina to be with his family and run their restaurant. The gang at 51 was a bit down and not alive when a new member introduced herself.
She is named Chili, which I like, and it's cute. She's the new replacement for Britt on Ambulance 61. As soon as she was done, Boden told her to see Connie for some paperwork, and by then, Boden got to be the Boden we all know: laying down the law and telling them to get over it.
"You look like someone just pissed in your coffee" I love that line.
Soon, a call comes in, and it's a house fire. It might be too quick to judge what started the fire. Squad went up while the Truck team took the first and basement. Dawson found one named Billy. He was a bit big and had Otis help drag him out. Soon, Severide and Rice got to the second floor, and Rice had to leave because his oxygen mask wasn't getting oxygen to him. Severide found a victim who was severely burnt.
Herrmann talked to Billy briefly, asking him about the computer wiring because that could be what started the fire. He told him and Dawson that he unplugged it all before he left. Dawson gave him the benefit of the doubt and told him to keep the faith that the truth would come out. That's one reason I love Dawson.
Meanwhile, Otis talks to Cruz about Rice and what he saw. Could Rice not be trusted, as he left a fire when they went in? Soon, Cruz does his investigating and checks Rice's mask. And soon Cruz and Otis talked to Mouch and Herrmann about it. They would have to tread lightly with this, and soon Severide heard what was happening. And boy, did he give it to Otis about it. There will be some serious issues.

The news of the victim is that she's badly burnt and rapped as well. Antonio came by and talked to Dawson about how trustworthy Billy was. That's when Billy came over and spoke to her and Severide. That leads to both of them going back to the house and getting a look at it for themselves.
They found it wasn't Billy's fault that a flammable substance was used. When they walked out, a neighbor asked them if it wasn't an accident and mentioned seeing a doctor walking in and out. That led to taking him to the CPD and gave his statement.
Dawson tries to find Billy, who then calls and leaves a message that it is his fault. They got to him as he was on a bridge about to jump. Dawson talks him down and rescues him. For that brief moment, I think that we saw Casey still having feelings for Dawson, not as a lieutenant but as a person who still loves her. He called her Gabby.
Voight gets on the face-time with Benson and talks about the case. This gives Benson some idea of a case 10 years back (say about season 5 or 6). Soon, Benson gets on the first flight to Chicago, and when she comes, she is at Firehouse 51. Her, Boden, and Voight, all together in one room, gave me the chills. WOW! is one word to describe it.
After Benson talks about the case, we're moved into Chicago PD.
We come to Benson and Voight at Chicago Med, hoping to talk with the victim. The doctor let them speak to her, but as she was given some description of the suspect, he coded and soon died.
Benson talks to the gang at CPD about the previous cases that went cold. The suspect is a doctor who likes to use green nail paint.
One suspect they looked into was Jay's brother Will, who knew the victims as they were nurses. Jay goes a bit protecting for him, but Will wants to answer the questions. Then, they got hit by a car that was one of the victims.
Burgess and Roman hit out and found the car. Soon, the suspect walks towards the car and gets in. They call for backup and move in. They get asked for his license and paperwork. He tells Roman he was using it by a friend and I'll have the papers he owns soon.
This suspect, known as Greg Yates, had this creepy fab. Roman decides to take him in. Lindsay and Aramo talk to Yates about the car and his thoughts on these victims. If he knows them or not. Then, he looks, and soon he leaves, but it is walking down the hall that he spots spots
Soon, Yates calls Lindsay and asks if he could talk to her somewhere private. They meet at a park but soon drag her and talk to her. He talks to her about how one rat could make many more in one area. And then he leaves.
It wasn't until Voight got a call that another house fire with another victim that was inside had died. Yates gave a distraction for them so that he could have a witness of his whereabouts. But soon, things worsened as CPD returned to the House and figured things out; Nadia was nowhere to be found.
Nadia was planning a surprise birthday for Erin. She is using her car to get the cake when Yates suddenly comes and knocks her out cold. Yates kidnaps her and takes a trip back to New York City. Now, it gets personal for CPD, and that's where we go into SVU.
Voight talks to Benson about the whereabouts of Yates and what car he was driving. Benson calms Voight down, which seems to work in this case. Maybe they're meant to be?
Yates switches plates with other cars to make a getaway after finding the vehicle with no one in it. But Nadia leaves a clue of stained blood under the seat. Erin is getting increasingly worried by the minute, as I assume we all are, too.
When a call of attack happens in the building again, b,y Yates. The team finally tracks him down and busts open the door like the fourth of July. Yates is engaged with a woman who was asked that same day a couple of hours ago.
They take them in, and Rollins and Halstead talk to him while Erin and Aramo talk to the Yates' fiance. Of course, she doesn't believe it but gives one clue about his favorite spot that he goes to the beach.
They go down there and search. They found old bones from years ago, and soon, the unforgettable news was that it was hard, like a stone sinking in the ocean. They found Nadia dead.
Now, it's up to SVU to bring down Yates and get justice for Nadia. That took some work. Yates, who represented himself, asked questions and told many lies about Nadia that make you want to do the same things he did with his victims.
But a helpful clue had emerged as he got excited about hearing how Nadia died and the other victims. Barba decides to take it and use it. After asking the Medical Examiner about it, Yates was distracted from seeing the photos and listening to the details. Then he started asking questions, and well, he was asking more questions about the victim's death, from how long and how painful. Yates looked like he enjoyed it very much.
The jury came back with a guilty verdict. And well, Yates was taken to hold up until he was set up to go wherever he was going. But it wasn't until he was in his holdup cell that he got the surprise of his life. Never doubt what Nadia had told him. Voight comes in and gives him a choke hold of his life, threatening him, but let him go because wherever he's going, he's going to need one eye open to protect himself from the people that he's going to be around.
The gang celebrated the victory and held a glass in honor of Nadia. It was sweet and moving and made you want to shed some tears. I bawled my eyes just a bit.
Overall, this was an excellent crossover episode. IT held up to its expectations and was a lot better than the first crossover back in November. Which I still love that episode. Nadia's death was both not a surprise and a surprise. I had a feeling that she was going to be the one going to die. It pains to see how she died, though.
As a fan, I had high hopes for her to be a cop, and I think we all were, too, right?
What did you think?
There's something between Voight and Benson that I can't put my finger on, but there's something there. This was, all in all, a 9/10 rating. Heck, it had my parents watching it, and they loved it.
I can't wait to see what happens next: Another war between Team Casey and Team Severide. Who's side are you on? Dawson and Casey: are they going to be back together? I heard that Casey and Voight are going to be working together, so that's going to be a real must-see episode moment. And what will happen to Erin now that she lost her best friend?
You can catch Chicago Fire on Tuesday nights at 10/9c, Law & Order SVU on Wednesday nights at 9/8c, and Chicago PD on Wednesday nights at 10/9c on NBC.
Let's start where it started: Chicago Fire. With everything that had happened last week, Mills left for North Carolina to be with his family and run their restaurant. The gang at 51 was a bit down and not alive when a new member introduced herself.
She is named Chili, which I like, and it's cute. She's the new replacement for Britt on Ambulance 61. As soon as she was done, Boden told her to see Connie for some paperwork, and by then, Boden got to be the Boden we all know: laying down the law and telling them to get over it.
"You look like someone just pissed in your coffee" I love that line.
Soon, a call comes in, and it's a house fire. It might be too quick to judge what started the fire. Squad went up while the Truck team took the first and basement. Dawson found one named Billy. He was a bit big and had Otis help drag him out. Soon, Severide and Rice got to the second floor, and Rice had to leave because his oxygen mask wasn't getting oxygen to him. Severide found a victim who was severely burnt.
Herrmann talked to Billy briefly, asking him about the computer wiring because that could be what started the fire. He told him and Dawson that he unplugged it all before he left. Dawson gave him the benefit of the doubt and told him to keep the faith that the truth would come out. That's one reason I love Dawson.
The news of the victim is that she's badly burnt and rapped as well. Antonio came by and talked to Dawson about how trustworthy Billy was. That's when Billy came over and spoke to her and Severide. That leads to both of them going back to the house and getting a look at it for themselves.
They found it wasn't Billy's fault that a flammable substance was used. When they walked out, a neighbor asked them if it wasn't an accident and mentioned seeing a doctor walking in and out. That led to taking him to the CPD and gave his statement.
Dawson tries to find Billy, who then calls and leaves a message that it is his fault. They got to him as he was on a bridge about to jump. Dawson talks him down and rescues him. For that brief moment, I think that we saw Casey still having feelings for Dawson, not as a lieutenant but as a person who still loves her. He called her Gabby.
Voight gets on the face-time with Benson and talks about the case. This gives Benson some idea of a case 10 years back (say about season 5 or 6). Soon, Benson gets on the first flight to Chicago, and when she comes, she is at Firehouse 51. Her, Boden, and Voight, all together in one room, gave me the chills. WOW! is one word to describe it.
After Benson talks about the case, we're moved into Chicago PD.
Benson talks to the gang at CPD about the previous cases that went cold. The suspect is a doctor who likes to use green nail paint.

Burgess and Roman hit out and found the car. Soon, the suspect walks towards the car and gets in. They call for backup and move in. They get asked for his license and paperwork. He tells Roman he was using it by a friend and I'll have the papers he owns soon.
This suspect, known as Greg Yates, had this creepy fab. Roman decides to take him in. Lindsay and Aramo talk to Yates about the car and his thoughts on these victims. If he knows them or not. Then, he looks, and soon he leaves, but it is walking down the hall that he spots spots
Soon, Yates calls Lindsay and asks if he could talk to her somewhere private. They meet at a park but soon drag her and talk to her. He talks to her about how one rat could make many more in one area. And then he leaves.
Nadia was planning a surprise birthday for Erin. She is using her car to get the cake when Yates suddenly comes and knocks her out cold. Yates kidnaps her and takes a trip back to New York City. Now, it gets personal for CPD, and that's where we go into SVU.
Voight talks to Benson about the whereabouts of Yates and what car he was driving. Benson calms Voight down, which seems to work in this case. Maybe they're meant to be?
Yates switches plates with other cars to make a getaway after finding the vehicle with no one in it. But Nadia leaves a clue of stained blood under the seat. Erin is getting increasingly worried by the minute, as I assume we all are, too.
When a call of attack happens in the building again, b,y Yates. The team finally tracks him down and busts open the door like the fourth of July. Yates is engaged with a woman who was asked that same day a couple of hours ago.
They go down there and search. They found old bones from years ago, and soon, the unforgettable news was that it was hard, like a stone sinking in the ocean. They found Nadia dead.

But a helpful clue had emerged as he got excited about hearing how Nadia died and the other victims. Barba decides to take it and use it. After asking the Medical Examiner about it, Yates was distracted from seeing the photos and listening to the details. Then he started asking questions, and well, he was asking more questions about the victim's death, from how long and how painful. Yates looked like he enjoyed it very much.
The jury came back with a guilty verdict. And well, Yates was taken to hold up until he was set up to go wherever he was going. But it wasn't until he was in his holdup cell that he got the surprise of his life. Never doubt what Nadia had told him. Voight comes in and gives him a choke hold of his life, threatening him, but let him go because wherever he's going, he's going to need one eye open to protect himself from the people that he's going to be around.

As a fan, I had high hopes for her to be a cop, and I think we all were, too, right?
What did you think?
There's something between Voight and Benson that I can't put my finger on, but there's something there. This was, all in all, a 9/10 rating. Heck, it had my parents watching it, and they loved it.
I can't wait to see what happens next: Another war between Team Casey and Team Severide. Who's side are you on? Dawson and Casey: are they going to be back together? I heard that Casey and Voight are going to be working together, so that's going to be a real must-see episode moment. And what will happen to Erin now that she lost her best friend?
You can catch Chicago Fire on Tuesday nights at 10/9c, Law & Order SVU on Wednesday nights at 9/8c, and Chicago PD on Wednesday nights at 10/9c on NBC.