When it comes to emergency medicine, your instincts need to be sharper than anything. This week's episode shows that with each of the characters in a situation.
Let's start with Christa, who seems to think that her and Leanne are one in the same. Expect that one likes to open up with her feelings and the other no so much. A case of a woman who's last ovary has turned over and needs medical surgery when in hours if she wants to have children. Christa does everything she can to get this person up to surgery, convincing not only Hudson but Leanne as well. Soon, Hudson comes up with a way to perform surgery and help save the patient's ovary.
Meanwhile, Savetti gets a case of an athlete trying to leave the ER because he thinks that there's nothing wrong with him. Savetti builds a an anger towards the patient, who he thinks had a seizure. Even with the athlete's manager who wants the diagnosis erase, showed signs of a seizure.
And of course when two residents differ on a man's diagnosis when he comes in with back pain. Melanie thinks it's just a pulled muscle but Angus thinks it more of his heart, which he was right and Leanne gets not only him but everyone about it that there's no time to think, but got to be quick and trust your instinct when it comes to making a call.
I enjoyed this episode. I think that Marcia is unbelievable in this series. The story telling is so good and I couldn't get enough of some of the medical stories like the elderly lady who ate up over $3 in change and the residents have to wait for the money to pass.
I'm guessing that every episode there's going to be a code black situation but I wonder what it would look like if there wasn't a code black and how they would handle a situation of not getting slammed so much.
Overall, I give this episode a 7.5/10.
You can catch Code Black Wednesday nights at 10/9c on CBS.
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