Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Brotherly Love and Unexpected Moments: This Is Us "The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World" & "Pilgrim Rick"

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The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World 1X07

In one of the most brotherly episode yet, we get into the deeper relationship of Kevin and Randall and why they seem not close.

When Kevin and Randall had an evening planned with their mother, she cancels so the two head to have an evening of brotherly quality time. Kevin takes Randall to a hot place where he knows people and makes Randall look small as he did back when the two were kids, as we see flashbacks of them as teenagers. Kevin wanting to split from Randall and the two were playing football for two different schools, which led to a big fight between the two and a heated father.

But the two opened up and finally got down to brass tax when Randall tells Kevin that he was jealous because Randall got more attention from mom. While Randall told him that he was trying to get respect from him but never did. Even thought some of the scenes of them together moving, there were funny scenes like the fight in the middle of the city and Late Night's Seth Meyers pops up asking Kevin if he was okay.

Meanwhile, Kate and Toby have some difference of how their relationship was going now that he lost more weight then she did. After not hearing from him, Kate tries to find him and sees him at his place with a lot of food. He decides that he done losing weight but still wants to support her even though that took a dive when he was trying to eat health for her. It kind of backfired for Kate as she ate a box of powder donuts.

Beth and William had a night to themselves, but William couldn't handle eating anything that she had cook. But she gives the option of having some adult brownies and the two had a blast and even chatted. But that chatting has gotten William in trouble when Beth mention a book Randall loves and he tells her that he gave that book to Rebecca.

"The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World" had emotional part down for Kate, Randall and Kevin storylines. As an older brother, I loved watching Kevin and Randall's relationship grow in this episode. Loved the fight scene when they were on the ground and Late Night's own Seth Meyers was hilarious. Also not to mention the two finally hanging out watching The Manny in Kevin's room, in the basement.

"Pilgrim Rick" 01X08

This episode might be handles down the best Thanksgiving episode, I've seen on television. This had about everything of the meaning of what Thanksgiving is about: tradition.

It's Thanksgiving Day and Randall is full of excitement as the family is coming for their traditional holiday. With the present time and the past we come to know their traditional things from eating breaded hot dogs to one of the kids becoming Pilgrim Rick, who was the motel clerk. Even taking a hike in the woods and watching Police Academy 3. 

While Randall and the family celebrate, Kate was stuck getting there on her flight. She decides that Toby shouldn't go with her and that she needs to figure things out about her and her weight. After the plane takes a turbulence and a passenger, who thought she was gonna die, tells Kate that she decided that she needed to changed her life and that gave her the idea.

When William told Randall about the tapes he use to listen to on his Thanksgiving, Randall decided to go back and get them. But when he found the box of cassette tapes, he found something else, a letter that has Rebecca's handwriting. 

When he came back, the family began to do one last tradition, passing the yarn and say what you're thankful for. When Rebecca told what she was thankful, she passed it towards Randall and that's where he shows her the letter he found at Williams's place. Upset and furious, he walks out but after that we see one more flashback of Randall saying that he loves Thanksgiving and that what they had was the best Thanksgiving ever.  

This episode had really played with my emotions. There were times I'd laughed and there were plenty of times that I'd try to cry and also times that I did cry. This episode was so spot on with their characters and the theme that it just blew me away. It had me wanting to do the things that they were doing for Thanksgiving. Each cast member was outstanding in their own way as each 

Overall, I give "The Best Washing Machine in the World" a 9/10 and "Pilgrim Rick" a 10/10.

You can catch This Is Us Tuesday nights at 9/8c on NBC.

Plus: The show is nominated for People Choice Awards. Rock the vote and show your love for the show!

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