Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Heart to the Floor: Grimm "Zerstorer Shrugged"

Okay. Okay. After waiting more than a few hours and eating the remainder of my birthday cake (2/3) to process last night's second-to-last episode of Grimm. All I have to say is that my emotional meter went haywire.

Picking up from where we left off, Nick and Eve tried to battle the Zerstorer, but nothing affected him. On the other side, Monroe, Adalind, and Renard try to figure out who will go in and get them out, and one option is using Diana to open it.

Meanwhile, at the spice shop, Hank, Wu, and Rosalee search for anything they can find in the books. Hank found a page where the skull creator image shows two different circles, by which it says that to come through the mirror, it needs Nick so it can go through. Rosalee tries calling Monroe about it, but it is too late as Diana opens the portal using the stick. Nick and Eve got out, and the Zerstorer, too, didn't come along with them as it landed in a gas station bathroom.

After Nick and Eve return, Eve isn't a hero anymore. Her powers or spirit is left back on the other side, as Diana tells her. Diana senses that the Zerstorer is coming, and so Nick has the idea to use the cabin where he caught his first Wesen criminal and hide both Renard, Adalind, and the kids there til everything blows over or the beast is dead.  But they place a potion to protect Diana from the beast, so he has no clue where she is.

As Nick, Adalind, and Renard get to the cabin, some flashbacks from memory lane come as not only was it the place that Nick caught his first Wesen but also where he and Renard battled it out, and he gives Nick the first key. After settling in and hugging Adalind, she rushes out to Nick and tells him to be careful, and from that moment, he kisses her for a perfect couple of seconds and tells her that he loves her and that she, too, loves him. It's one of those heartwarming moments I need a tissue for.

Nick meets with Hank and Wu at a crime scene where two dead bodies are found at a gas station, the same gas station that the beast came out from in the bathroom. They see what the beast looks like, and he looks like a steroid-buff Bobby Flay. Soon, they get another of a homeless guy who was attacked by the same guy but with a snake.

As they arrived, Nick received a call from Eve telling him he needed to get to the spice shop. As he comes, he sees that Trubel has returned and tells him that Black Claw is all gone. We learn that the stick that he and Monroe found is apart from the beast's stick, so this turns into a keep away from him, not only Diana Kelly but also the stick (Kelly too because Diana had a bad dream of the beast coming to get her and him).

As Nick meets Hank and Wu at the precinct, Trubel tells him that the beast is heading towards them as they get ready with machine guns. Quickly, the beast is in the building and takes out everyone and almost the entire place, but Nick and the guys come in with guns blazing but don't hurt it and wipe them back with its stick power.

Wu wages and attacks it but suddenly gets killed by the stick as it stabs him in the stomach, shocking Nick and Hank. Hank goes all Scarface and goes after him, but he too gets killed by the stick to the throat, and right then and there, my heart sinks to the floor and probably through the earth to China, I assume. But also the moment comes when Nick is very pissed and goes after the Zerstorer with all he has, but it uses its stick and pushes Nick to the wall as it's unlike he has ever seen or battled before, and after there, we wait to next week.

This was the episode no one should have missed. This was a very, very good episode, as it felt so much like a feature movie. As I said before, I emotionally meter going bonkers from Nick and Adalind's "I love you" moment to the return of Trubel and even the last scene of Wu/Hank's death, not to mention watching Nick fly through the air like that, really sank my heart. Everyone played so well in this episode, but give much credit to Hannah R. Loyd, who gave an excellent and chilling performance. It seems Nick will have to provide his all in the final hour. The promo very much scares me trying to guess what will happen. The writing was outstanding and so memorable (but for me, it'll take some time til I rewatch this again, but I will rewatch it again). Overall, I give this episode 9.5/10.

You can catch the series finale of Grimm this Friday at 8/7c on NBC.

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