Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Smile: This Is Us "Kamsahamnida"

There are times to throw punches and there are times when you just face it head-on.  Here's a recap of last night's episode of This Is Us.

As Toby is going through his depression and waiting to see when his medicine would kick in; Kate is trying to do her best. But when she takes their dog out for a walk, the dog accidentally ate something out of the garbage bag; which was a rock. Worried enough as it is, Kate calls Rebecca for advice on making a decision about the baby, Toby and the dog whether or not to have surgery.

Later Kate decides to go home and take Toby out when the dog was ready to go out. Kate tells Toby that she's never gonna leave him and soon their dog finally passed the rock.

Randall tries to connect to the voters by going to the neighborhood church; but when Solomon Brown welcomes him at the church, it's a true battle. After talking with Kevin about looking into Jack's past; Randall uses Kevin is popularity with the people in Koreatown to get people to register to vote. But he meets with a Korean American man who calls him out but Randall gives not only him and his mother and sister but everyone around the real reason why he's running, which got everyone to support him.

We see the past when Jack comes home with a black eye and tells Rebecca about his boxing. Well, Randall asked Jack to teach him boxing because a kid at school was picking on him. But after Jack and Rebecca learn the truth, Randall tells Jack that he doesn't have his DNA to be tough. Jack tells him that he is his son and tells him that boxing isn't just about fighting. When they watch a boxing match, Jack tells Randall about how fighters intimate opponents with their smile. Which back in the present, Randall confronts Solomon and tells him that he's got a strong team and shows a smile.

Beth, on the other hand, isn't having the best day. When trying to get her girls to sell girl scout cookies, it gets overwhelming. Deja tells Beth about that she needs to tell Randall what's going on and what he says will make her feel better. As Randall comes home, Beth tells him that she's not fine after getting fired. Randall asks her to become apart of his campaign team, which she accepts.

Kevin is attracted to finding out who the lady is in the photo with Jack. Even after talking with Randall, he decides that he has to pull off the wallpaper to find out what's there. He confronts to Zoe about it and tells her that he loves her and if she wants to go with him to Vitamin there's a spare ticket for her, which she accepts too.

"Kamsahamnida" is another good, powerful and inspiring episode. There were many moments from this episode that won me over, but the Kevin and Randall scenes I couldn't get enough. But I did love how Jack teaches Randall that boxing isn't always about fighting that there's non-fighting too. The cast was amazing and gives another strong performance. The writing was simply beautiful with a lot of strong character development. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

Also in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh shooting, the show ended the episode with a strong message:

I want to say that our hearts and prayers go to the citizens of Pittsburgh and that we stand by them too.

You can catch a new This Is Us two week (Nov. 13 due to the mid-term election on Nov. 6) at 9/8c on NBC.

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