Today is Michael Crichton's birthday. He would have been 73 years old. He brought a lot to not only books the the entire entertainment industry from movies to television.
The man was a thriller genius and a mastermind at that too.
He created my all time favorite television medical drama, ER.
Along with television, I do have a ton of favorite books that Crichton wrote. Here's my top 10:
1. Jurassic Park
2. Prey
3. The Andromeda Strain
4. The Lost World
5. Congo
6. Disclosure
7. A Case in Need
8. Next
9. Mirco
10. Airframe
I do recommend you to check out one of these books and red them. Once you start reading one of them, you won't want to put the book down. Hell, I still read them whenever I have a chance.
Happy Birthday Mr. Crichton. We still miss you!