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Showing posts with label #ValentinesDay. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Love is in the Air: Grimm "Blind Love"

Love is sick, love is kind, and put it together in this week's episode of Grimm, and you have a memorable episode.

"Blind Love" stands out on its own as not just a montage of the six seasons this show has been on but just that it's one hour of can't stop laughing to OMG moments. This might have to be one of my favorite all-time episodes.

It's Monroe's birthday, and Rosealee plans a getaway trip with the gang to celebrate, but when they get there, someone who recognizes Nick seeks revenge for what he did to his daddy seven years ago (before Nick knew he was a Grimm).

Randy sets out to put a spell on Nick and others by putting it in their champagne, except for Rosealee. The next day, Cupid's magic strikes Monroe to fall in love with Eve, Nick with Rosealee, Adalind with Monroe, Wu with the waitress Holly (who I think should be together), and probably the best couple's match-up would have to go to Hank for loving Hank.

The best scenes came when Russell Hornsby goes at it with so much feeling, along with Marvin Gay playing in the background; it's hilarious.

As everyone's about to kill each other, Rosalee knows what is happening and finds Randy. The two talk and then have to chase til he grabs Holly as a hostage, but Wu, who is about to jump off a cliff for his love for Holly, sees her in trouble and wages and pushes Randy off the cliff, killing off the spell.

After going at it, the rest of the gang seemed to be back to normal and learned what had happened to each other. Later that night, the cake is lit up, and everyone sings Happy Birthday to Monroe. And after, the waitress brings out champagne to the house. Yeah, I think I'll stick with Diet Coke.

Also, Lt. Grossante kidnaps Diana from Renard's place because of their broken deal. At first, Renard is worried, but what the hell, it's Diana; he'll figure her out soon. And he did painfully, as those two had so much fun playing together, mainly Diana.

I loved this episode, as it's by far one of the best that can stand out. We saw just a little of that magic cloth business with a visit from a black skull in the bathroom mirror at Nick's loft (fome) that both Eve and Nick saw. And Renard has seen Diana's drawings but hasn't told him what they were.

Other than that, I thought the writing was excellent. The cast was good, but Hornsby stole this episode by far. I loved the flashback of when Nick and Monroe first met or Monroe and Rosalee's first love at first sight and their first kiss. Maybe, god, Monroe hasn't aged a bit in the six years. Yes, some Nadalind moments probably scored a lot of points. There are even some Eve/Juliette/Nick moments, too. It's an
 episode I would rewatch over and over again.  Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Grimm on Friday nights at 8/7c on NBC.