Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Adventures of Going Through Time and Space.

There are television shows that sometimes we have never heard before, never seen, something so unique that it just blows your mind right out of your head and into the deep parts of space and time. I'm talking about a show that has a long history. I'm talking about Doctor Who.

Doctor Who, a British SyFy television series that has been around since 1963 (that's 51 years, making it the most extended science fiction television series of all time), has been part of mainstream culture for a long time. It was a massive hit in the UK, and soon, the US followed it, too. The theme song is one of the most recognized theme songs ever.

The 13 Doctors that we've seen in the show's history, from Tom Baker to David Tennent to Matt Smith to now Peter Capaldi.  Also, the show has some of the most extraordinary, scary, and weirdest villains, from Daleks to The Weeping Angles (the most frightening thing I've seen on the show).

I never heard Doctor Who until 2011, when the Doctor was played by Matt Smith in season six. I heard of the series maybe a few months before the season started. I listened to the podcast "Talking TV with Ryan and Ryan," and they discussed the series. As I listened to this on my iPod in the library at my community college, I became very interested in this series.

I learned before watching a single episode that I didn't have to go back to the beginning, which was probably a better thing to do than to do it.

I started with Season Five, and after watching each episode, I was very much hooked on the series.

Smith was just hilarious and made me realize that bow ties are cool. Who wouldn't want to travel with a man in a blue box through time and space?

Soon, I became a Whovan, and so did my brother, Alex, too. And then, we started watching other Doctor Who episodes, from the classics to the series reboot in 2005.

My favorite villain is between the Daleks and weeping angels. Both scare me, but the angels frightened me to death when I saw them in season five.

Since watching Who, my favorite companion is Amy Pond. The girl who waited was the story that stole my heart, and when she was taken away from the Weeping Angels in season seven, I was sad. But now I'm getting attached to Clara Oswald, The Impossible Girl, as she is known to the Doctor. She's fun and clever.

She has a soft side and yet stands up for what she knows.

As I wrote this, I've seen the first episode of the new season and thought that it was terrific. Peter is the Doctor. He has the look, the style, and the accent for it. He is a man who is lost. I was very moved and thought seeing Matt Smith calling Clara was a great closure. It was something that I think we all needed to see.

This series is a series that regenerates, like the Doctor himself, with new stories and new characters.
Now, with the start of the new season and the new Doctor, I'm looking forward to new adventures into the darkness of time and space and what becomes of the Doctor and Clara as they travel off.


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