Monday, October 13, 2014

A Piece of Mind: The Blacklist "Dr. Linus Creel"

This week's episode of "The Blacklist" takes Dr. Linus Creel, a man who takes psychology into a new way of turning people into doing bad things.

We see a lady at a bank who was denied. She then later get's in her car, very up set and then grabs a gun out of the glove compartment and goes back in the bank shooting. We come to a guy who is watching this event in his car, he talks and then grabs a piece of his hair and kind of licks it and places it on the folder with the lady's photo and information.

Since this season has started, we wanted to know about what's the deal with Red's ex wife, Naomi. What information does she have that Red is protecting from Liz? Course, Liz wants to find her and talk to her. She looks into while Red give her a tip about the latest violence going on in the D.C. area.

She takes it and looks into the latest victim, the bank shooter. They try to talk to her but she was talking to the psychiatrist. As they left, they talked to others that known her, friends, coworkers and even her ex-husband.

Then the gang comes to a project that the U.S. have been doing for years called "Project 7" where they use psychology and change the minds of someone into doing something else. Keen goes and talk to a senator about it.

Meanwhile, Red, who is hiding Naomi, they talk about Liz, about this whole mess that she's been in and also the name Jennifer has come up a bunch of times as well. Red is looking for Jennifer. Could it be his other daughter? Could it be Liz's twin sister? Or maybe it could be Berlin's child? Hey things can go either way in this show, need to think outside the box just a little, right?

Red has Naomi's husband, Frank, at the house. He meets with them and tells them that he has all the papers in place for them to go to a safe place. Frank doesn't want to and that's where Vargas comes in and takes care of Frank's mistress, by telling her that he's gone from her life.

Red then takes Frank out for a walk and discuss about how he loves Naomi and will protect her no matter what. He then shows his mistress's dog from the SUV and threats him to agree. Threatening back at Red to go to the cops, Red then takes a broken stick and sticks in close to his neck. He then agrees.

Later on, Liz and the gang find out who's been setting these victims into criminals, the name Dr. Linus Creel. Liz goes undercover as a mental patient who has been since college. She talks to him about her past, from husband to family. As he goes checking on her blood work, Keen goes into his bag and look up his computer password code. She gets it and finds out who's the next victim to go wild.

As they try finding the student, who's been catfished by Creel. The student goes off in rage to kill a girl that dumped him and goes to a gun control event. Creel meets the student and tells him to shoot him. He wants to be recognized by the world who he is and also his work.

Keen and the gang get there and talks down the student. The student than shoots Creel in the shoulder, but as Keen goes to check in on him, he has a gun on her. As they talk, a sniper shoots Creel in the head ending that event.

Later on, we see Liz finding out where Naomi is at and goes there to talk to her. They talk and was interrupted by Red and Naomi and Frank leave. Both Red and Liz talk. Liz knows that Red has someone watching her, for that reason so for her protection since Agent Malik was killed.

But then Red thinks that Liz has something that she's hiding. She leaves and then we see her sitting on a chair, drinking a beer, holding a pair of keys just looking at a lock door that says Exit 2. And it ends there.

Who is Jennifer and why is Red on the hunt to find her and protect her? What is Liz hiding behind that door?

This episode was so good. Creel character really creep me out a bit. The way he talks to his victims, the pulling of his hair and then licks it. What kind of crazy person does that?

Liz seems to take on Creel and get help at the same time when she went in to talk in her undercover.

I loved the Red and Naomi scenes. There's seems to be some love that they have for each other but you can also kind of see the damage of their relationship in their eyes.

Next week's episode tackles the most deadly virus and no it's not the Ebola virus. Something much worst. Can't wait to see who this person is that's on Red's Blacklist.

You can watch "The Blacklist" Monday nights at 10/9c on NBC

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