Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Retake of Sex Ed: Mulaney "The Doula"

With only this being the second episode of the first season, "The Doula" is literally the funnest episode so far. The reason why is that it had just enough cringe-worthy material that make you rethink of your time learning in sex ed class.

When John is dating a Doula, a person who has no medical training but helps the midwife during childbirth, he seems to like her but when it comes to her talking about her job, he gets very uncomfortable about it.

I think some of us, do find it uncomfortable to learn about sex and the miracle of life.

One scene, John was talking to the Doula at a restaurant and as soon as she starts talking about the day she had of a baby being born, John looks at certain things around as she's describing the birth, like the crowning, the stretching, the legs spreading, and the fluid as well.

As John gets sick just by looking at things and listening about it, I to get a bit sick of it and had to spin my chair around as it was still going.

Another scene in the episode was when Jade and Andre were trying to take out the old air conditioner, as soon as the Doula got there, she get both Jade and John to help as Andre pushed the machine into the apartment. It was like watching a birth, a bit distributing but funny.

John then tells the Doula that he would like to watch her do it for real. That lead to him learning what the miracle of childbirth was, with the help of Jade and Andre.

They read through books about it and even watched a tape, which by the way was the birth of Motif and we hear that his mother didn't want to see him after birth because she didn't like him.

On the other side of the story, John had to fix a problem with Lou as he's been harassing not just the female employees but also the contestant and audience members as well. It comes to find out that he needs to have some "good time." Unfortunately by the time John tries to fix it, the female employees were on strike. But Lou has seen some light into it as he had a male makeup artist do his face.

I really find this episode hilarious. The characters of John, Jade and Andre were just too funny not to laugh when they were learning about childbirth. It felt like retaking sex education from Jr. high and high school all over again, in a way that made me feel kind of what John felt.

I know it's too early to say it but as I said it before, this was the funnest episode so far.

You can catch new episodes of "Mulaney" Sunday nights at 9:30/8:30c on FOX

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