Friday, October 10, 2014

A to Z "B is for Big Glory"

As we continue this relationship to the letter "B" the one thing to take out of this is to make sure you have a victory theme song in your head.

We see our two couple, Andrew and Zelda kissing just before they go into work. They're pretty much starting our as any other couple that you would see after a first date.

As soon as Andrew leaves with a happy smile, he is playing a song in his head, a big glory victory song. You know what we're talking about, anytime you have a huge success or have done something totally amazing that you play that one song that makes you high and might.

Just as Andrew get in his office, he sees a coworker across the hall and realizes that he has a date with her tonight.  Of course, this was before he met with Zelda. So he calls her and told her the truth about what he has plan for tonight and that he has to cancel with her.

Zelda takes it, tells him that she was fine with it, but she really wasn't, and tells him that she has a date too with a guy.  This kinds of made each a bit jealous and worry about their relationship.

They each go on their separate dates. Andrew tries to tell his coworker that this isn't an actual date because he was trying to be a friend to her after her breakup and she told him that the reason they are at this restaurant is to make her ex-boyfriend jealous.  He was a cook and he was mad and she told Andrew to run and he did.

Zelda's date didn't go the way it did either. Andrew's friend was spying on them and had a bit too much to drink. Zelda and her date left and went to his place. Andrew drove over there looking for her and saw that he answered the door without a shirt.

Andrew withdrawn and went back.

By the next day, they each felt bad. Zelda saw an envelope on her desk. It was from Andrew and
opened it up and saw a like five pieces of licence plates made in her name. She was happy and ran to see him.

She told him that she loved him and only want him. Andrew agreed, and they kissed. After that Zelda left and playing in her head for the first time her big glory song.

This episode was funny, it had some very good humor and asked the question probably to all of us, what's your big glory song?

Mine, it's "Dancing in the Dark" by Bruce Springsteen.

Ben Falcone was in this episode as an HR representative. He was very funny in this episode.

You can catch "A to Z" Thursday nights at 9:30/8:30c on NBC

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