Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Mysteries of Laura "The Mystery of the Sex Scandal"

Sex scandals are so the thing these days. Too often, right? What happens if it it was a sex scandal but it turns out that it really wasn't? That's what this week's "The Mystery of Laura" tackled.

At the hype of a sex scandal between Mike Jameson, a politician who's in an election race, and a staffer that word got out that they had a thing. Jameson denying it.

We come to see Laura, on her day off, getting the kids ready as she found out that they had a presentation to give in class and they had to dress up, one being an octopus and the other a hedgehog. Jake comes in and in his way ask Laura to spy on the staff that's accused of having an affair with Jameson, Caitlin.

Laura doesn't want to take it but she does. She follows Caitlin from her apartment that was full of photographer and gets into a cab. As she left Laura follows her to a near by train car , where she see Caitlin going up but thinking that she wasn't too bright to bring those photographers up there until she figure out that she went one way and out the other.

Laura then follows Caitlin to a warehouse sale. After being mulled by other women grabbing clothes, Laura and Caitlin spoke to each other. Then at Time Square, Caitlin walks right in the middle and looks around. Laura is on her phone talking to Jake about what she has seen, then figures that Caitlin's been looking around too long. All of the sudden, Caitlin gets shot and dies.

After investigating around, a journalist comes up to Laura and Billy and asked what happen. Then Laura asked him for source who spoke about the scandal but he told them that he can't and told them that he has a journalist shield. Which he is right, can't give up a source no matter what.

They talked to a lawyer, Walters and asked him about Caitlin. He told Laura that he had no problem with her. Then talked to her roommate, Heather.

We later see Jake and Laura at Caitlin's apartment, and finds an ID that has Heather's photo in it that says Caitlin. They go to talk to Heather until they see that she was shot to death outside.

We then see the other gang going through video tapes at Time Square at the time of the shooting.

They come to a close when the video recorder stop and come back on fives minutes in between. So that gave Billy and Meredith to go and talk to the guy who runs the severance camera at the video game store.

They come to two workers and asked who's in charge of the video tapes and one runs off. At this time, this is the first time we get to see Meredith do anything else, besides just checking on files and given reports to Laura and the gang.

They talked to the worker and asked him about the severance camera stopped and the guy told them about the dark overlord told him to do it. Meaning a when he was playing a video game, a guy who's avatar is 'Dark Overlord" told him.

So Billy and Meredith go in one room and start playing, Billy playing and only being a level 12 player, he really doesn't know all that and we found out that Meredith is a real closet gamer, who has a level of 40. She plays, found Overlord and then tries to peek his interest.

So they get him and started to video chat, Billy tried to turn the room into a real gamer's room and not a police room. Billy then gets get's Max's One Direction poster and sets it as a backdrop. They got him and found his location.

Later, Jake is heading in to Overlord's place and then fights him. After kicking Jake to the wall, Overlord runs and is stopped by Laura. The gamer then tries to talk to his lawyer but denies him.

After that Laura finds out that it was Walter after making a recall on the phone. He tells her about how he  deserves to get the judge's seat and then points a gun. Billy comes in and as Laura said it, stole her thunder.

Jake thanks Billy and Meredith on a good work on getting the gamer, thinking that Billy was the one and not Meredith. It'll be Billy's little secret, and as for being a good sport, Meredith has all the game codes for the game. But being playful towards him takes it away.

There might be a thing going on there. I'm just saying.

At the end we found Laura relaxing at her a jail cell repeating that she is clam and relax.

This episode was very enjoyable. As I said before we finally get to see Meredith do something that's just more than looking up stuff and given her report. Very funny when she turns out to be a total video gamer.

There were other funny scenes like the spa where the journalist was at...that it was a thing for women to spank the men. There was one play where a guy was like a pig on a plate.

Next week episode looks like an episode that has twist and turns and has us guessing til the end.

You can catch "The Mysteries of Laura" Wednesday nights at 8/7c on NBC.

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