Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Battle of Rights: Doctor Who "The Zygon Invasion"

What a perfect time for this episode to air in the US on Halloween night.

This episode opens up with a flashback to The Day of the Doctor when the Three Doctors made UNIT and the Zygons made peace. We see Osgood back and making a video of how they made a peace treaty, along with showing a box to indicate if anything goes wrong.

The Zygons kidnapped Osgood, and it's up to the Doctor, Clara, and UNIT to scatter to free her. The Doctor goes to the Middle East, Clara stays in London, and Kate goes to New Mexico. But when things start to rattle, and the Doctor has caught a Zygon, a surprise comes about and leaves the episode with a giant cliffhanger as the Doctor is on his Presidential plane.

It's hands down one of the best cliffhanger episodes yet. I didn't even see this one coming at all. Who knew that Clara was a Zygon and was held in a pod? I was stunned and amazed.
And I should say that it's great to see Osgood back, even if she is a hybrid of a Zygon and Human, something that's been a lot in this season. Osgood is one of my favorite supporting characters, even with her wardrobe, wearing the scarf to the questions on her collar.

And I couldn't get enough of the Doctor, not only playing Amazing Grace in the TARDIS but also confronting kids at a park. It looks so weird and wrong from a stranger's perspective, but it was hilarious.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Doctor Who on Saturday nights at 9/8c on BBC America.

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