Sunday, November 22, 2015

"Don't run, Stay with me": Doctor Who "Face the Raven"

We knew that this was coming for a while, but the question was how, and in last night's episode, "Face the Raven," we got to see Clara Oswald one previous time.

When Rigsy calls Clara on the TARDIS phone asking for help on a mysterious tattoo, The Doctor and Clara discover that it's a countdown to his death.

We all know that Clara has been enjoying much time with the Doctor and traveling from place to place. That includes dealing with risky situations and watching her look for trouble streets hanging out of the TARDIS; you know she's gone too far. They bump into Me there, too, as the Mayor of the streets.

So when they find Troubledle Street, they learn his tattoo is a countdown to his death because he was near a  victim who seemed dead but wasn't. So, for his punishment, when the clock is gone, a raven will come and kill him. Somehow, this makes Edgar Allen Poe go, Why didn't I think of that?"

But Clara didn't let that happen to him and found out they could be switched, but can't she or a second time. So,? Ara was stuck with it, with no solution.

And the Do,c tor upset as he can be demanded Me to undo it, but she couldn't do it. It left the Doctor threatening her by bringing everyone from friends to enemies down and bringing hell to the area. But Clara stopped him and gave one of the best heartwarming goodbye speeches ever.

She tells him not to take revenge for her behavior. Don't be a warrior; be the Doctor. I couldn't help but tear up from that scene and the rest until she died. I think we all felt what the Doctor was feeling about it.

I understand and transfer the Doctor to where we'll know about the next episode as part two of this story continues.

I thought that the story was well told and that the send-off of Clara was emotional at its best. I thought saying goodbye to Amy Pond was hard, but this one takes a massive chunk of my heart. Clara Oswald is my favorite companion of the Doctor. She's got heart, a risk taker, and doesn't back down.

But even if this is a two-part episode, will she come back? Well, I guess we'll find out.

Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Doctor Who on Saturday nights at 9/8c on BBC America.

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