Thursday, April 5, 2018

Serious Circumstances: Chicago Med "Lock It Down"

Image result for Chicago Med "Lock It Down"

When a baby is missing at Med, the place goes on lockdown, which leads to severe circumstances.

As Halstead treats a baby and is about to send him up for more tests, it turns out that the baby has gone missing, and leads Goodwin to lockdown Med til the baby is found. Goodwin gets Dr. Charles and Reese to help understand who would take the baby and where they would take it. As they search the hospital, Charles and Reese express their opinion that the person could be a mother who had lost her child before, and searching for records leads to one person who happens to be caught on camera dressed as a nurse.

She thought that she went to the newly built OB/pediatrics ward, but it turns out that she was in the old building holding the baby. Charles tries to reason with her, but Reese not only reasons with her but lies to her when she takes the baby, and the CPD takes her.

With the lockdown in effect, it doesn't do well when a trauma patient needs a cardiologist, but instead gets Ethan and April trying to fix the guy's heart. They face-time Rhodes and Bekker, who are at a banquet. While it's not going well from Rhodes's end, he heads to Med as Bekker instructs  Ethan on working the patient's heart; Rhodes sneaks into the building in an old passage that leads him to the hospital and performs a successful job on the patient.

But it didn't end there when Noah's patient couldn't breathe, and he wasn't around, let alone any other doctor. It leads Maggie to make the unthinkable but rational decision to help first, trying to tube the patient but couldn't, and that leads to placing a tract in her throat. It doesn't go well when the patient has suffered from a stroke due to the lack of oxygen. It doesn't look good for Maggie, as she's suspended for a week.

But it could get worse for #Manstead fans as both seem to be coming into good terms, and planning to talk about what had happened in the last couple of weeks turns worse for them. When they treat a patient suffering from respiratory issues, they learn that their cancer has grown and that there isn't much they can do. But when Natalie tells Will that there is an experimental drug to help shrink the tumor and thinks it's the best treatment, Will shoots her idea down.

Natalie pursues the idea with the patient and wife and gets the treatment going, but later, the patient goes into cardiac arrest and dies. Later, Goodwin learns about what happened and the experimental drug used, and Halstead blames Manning for it. It pissed off Natalie that he did it, and when the test results showed that the drug didn't kill their patient but helped shrink the tumor down. Will tries to give the credit to Natalie, but Natalie doesn't want it and tells him that she wants to be respected as a doctor and not be protected, even if they are in a relationship. But it put their relationship on a break for now (I hope).

"Lock It Down" was another intense episode that put the doctors and nurses of Med in tough decisions and circumstances. The character development was good, along with the writing. I thought Maggie and her decision as a nurse to put a tract for the patient was fantastic storytelling and should start a discussion: why can't nurses tube or tract a patient? Also, not to mention the storyline of Dr. Charles and Reese, as she learned that Charles talked with her father as a patient and wouldn't tell her. It also opened that she could or couldn't be like her father after she lied so well to the mother who stole the baby. And the #Manstead storyline takes a dramatic turn as their relationship takes a break. Not only does it hurt as a fan, but I also understand where Natalie is coming from, seeing how Will has protected her in the work area. Hopefully, he will change. And not to mention Rhodes and Bekker, as Rhodes still has a thing for her. But what the hell was that look between Rhodes's father and Bekker that seems very questionable?

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Chicago Med Tuesdays at 10/9c on NBC.

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