Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Embrace: This Is Us "The Beginning Is The End of The Beginning" Fall Finale

The fall finale of This Is Us left us with some shocking surprises that left us breathless. Here's a recap!
To anyone that hasn't seen the episode there are spoilers!

Kate and Toby get great news about the baby, but the doctor wants her to watch her blood pressure. The doctor advised rest and not travel so far for her Adelagram. Kate gets the vibes from Toby that the reason that they didn't want to know the sex of the baby was because it won't make it. Later on, she gets word of a job as a choir teacher; but when she applied she didn't have a college degree. But Toby talks her to go back and finish those credits, which she agrees.

Kevin and Zoe finally get to the destination of where his father was during the war. Meeting with a son who's father would come in and out of the camp that Jack was in but couldn't give any more details about his father or the woman with the necklace. But if you think that was over, think again. More details below.

With only 24 hours to get Nicky to straighten up, Jack tries everything he can to help his brother. After seeing him get high on pills, Jack takes him farther away from the camp and talked. It seemed that Nicky was going for an endgame.

Tess has been holding the secret from the last week's episode and the only person that knows besides Kate is Rebecca. She tries to open up to her about it but Tess just shuts down. That was until Rebecca tells Tess how much stuff that she kept from people that it would cause pain and that the only way was to open up to it.

Randall and Beth not only deal with the debate; but deals with the fact that Deja has been communicating with her mother. During the debate, Randall hits a slump against his opponent, but soon he realizes that the best way to speak to the people is to be himself; which he did and seems to have won them over. But when Jae-Won gives him the latest poll numbers, it's not good. 

After the debate, Randall and Beth talk to Deja and she asked if she could visit her mother in Delaware.  After agreeing to take her soon, Tess decides to tell them. She opens up about how she doesn't like boys like other girls. It not only shocks them, but they embrace it with open arms and telling her that they love her. After all of that, Beth tells Randall that its best to drop out from the campaign because of what's going on with Tess and Deja. But Randall wouldn't and it turns into the two sleeping separately.

Here come the shocking moments:  As Kevin and Zoe head back they learn that his uncle's name isn't in the database at the memorial. We see in the past as Jack looks for Nicky, everyone hears a loud bang which he ran towards it to see that it could be Nicky. But was Nicky dead? Come to find out we see Nicky alive living in Pittsburgh. Also, Kate and Toby finally learn what they are having......a boy! But we see in the future as Randall and Tess get ready to meet with Beth. Beth seems to be a dance instructor and just as she gets ready to meet with the family; she gets the pin the tail on the donkey board game for Rebecca. 

"The Beginning is The End of The Beginning" was such a marvelous piece of work of character development and great writing. It had the ups and downs of a classic episode of This Is Us but when it came near the end it really blew the waters with some shocking moments. Nicky is alive! Could he have faked his death and did Jack have something to do with it? I would have to think so. We get a nice happy moment for Kate and Toby with the baby. But it was Randall and Beth's story that really took the hardest to watch. From wanting two different things to seeing the future that they could be divorced. But the other question is what will the series finale end with Rebecca dying? As much as I want to think about that I really don't want to picture that just yet. If Jack's death was too hard, think about how Rebecca would leave us. Everyone will be talking about this episode Wednesday morning and all week.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch This Is Us when they return Tuesday, January 15th at 9/8c on NBC.

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