Monday, November 18, 2019

Bluff City Law Season 1: Why You Should Tune In

Image result for bluff city law

(Written Nov. of 2019)

There's one new show that I've been watching, and that is Bluff City Law and why you should tune in.

The series is set in Memphis, Tennessee; it's about how a corporate lawyer, Sydney Strait, and her father, Elijah, a civil rights lawyer, are reunited after her mother's death. The two might share different viewpoints of the law, but Elijah asks her to come back to his firm to help stickstaforhe little people who don't get the justice that they deserve.

It tells powerful, engaging, creative, and,d at times, emotional stories; with eight episodes already aired, we've seen Elijah, Sydney, and Company fighting against Agriculture Corporation. Toproveg, a convicted teacher who killed a girl, was innocent, proving that words from a white supremacist can also be the trigger that got a young student killed. Not to mention helping a blues musician to establish that he should get royalties from a song that he wrote, but his brother got writing credit. Hell, they even helped a man battling ALS the right to die.

The show has a powerful ensemble cast from not only Jimmy Smits and Caitlin McGee but also Barry Sloane, Michael Luwoye, and Jayne Atkinson, to name a few. The show develops such good, well-rounded characters that show their legal point of view and their moral point of view. Plus, it offers a side to Memphis, Tennessee, that I adore with its rich culture and soul. Finally, a show that's not in Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City, right?

You can catch Bluff City Law available on Google Play and Amazon Prime.

1 comment:

  1. Love this show! I never missed an episode and I loved that it came on Monday night. Like most folks I HATE MONDAY and that gave me something to look forward too all day! I do not watch very much TV (maybe 4 hours a week) but 9:00 PM on Monday was reserved for Bluff City Law!
