Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bonding and Reflecting: This Is Us "Both Things Can Be True"/Brotherly Love"


"Both Things Can Be True"

While Kevin tries to send a message to Randall about being his best man, Miguel and Nicky are set to plan for the rehearsal dinner. That is until Nicky tries to go against everything Miguel has offered. That's because of how Nicky thought of Miguel married to Jack's wife. 

But Miguel tells him that he didn't jump to Rebecca's side after Jack died and that his opinion doesn't mean anything to him. We see in a flashback when Jack was planning to propose to Rebecca with the help of Miguel. While the ring got stuck on Miguel's finger, Rebecca's dad, who came over to somewhat give Jack his blessing, helped them get it off Miguel's finger. That was after Miguel stood up against Rebecca's dad after his so-called approval.

Meanwhile, Kate began her new job as a teaching assistant but had some trouble focusing on work and showed the class teacher that she could do the job after he told her that she wasn't his first or second choice. And Beth, who prepares for Tess and Alex's studying, has trouble adjusting to their relationship, even after seeing them kiss in Tess's room. 

After spending the day trying to figure out what to say to Randall, Kevin calls him and asks if he would be his best man at his wedding. But he also tells him that he wants to come up and talk about their last argument. 

"Both Things Can Be True" was a fantastic episode. I loved the Beth-Tess story in this episode because it gave Beth and Carol a great moment to let go of what mothers have planned for their children. And the Miguel flashback was so good that it even tied up with the present day with Miguel and Nicky. Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.

"Brotherly Love"

Kevin and Randall discuss their fight and Randall's racial insensitivities growing up. But as things take a turn, they get locked out of Randall's house and go to a neighbor for a spear key. 

We see not one but two flashbacks in this episode, one that takes place when Jack had the weekend with Randall and Kevin and gets tickets to take them to see a live taping of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. The other occurred when Kevin lived in Los Angeles and Randall visited for a college event. Kevin tries to show Randall a fun night, but Randall sees the struggle that Kevin has been dealing with as an actor. 

While the two didn't fix everything, they did improve enough that things looked okay with the two.

"Brotherly Love" might be my favorite episode of the season. I love watching these two characters bond together, whether in tough times, fun times, or emotional times. I was satisfied with how the episode ended. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch This Is Us on Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

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