Sunday, August 18, 2024

TV Corner's 2024 Summer TV Binge List, Part 2


This summer has been filled with watchful shows. Some were underwhelming, and others blew my (small) mind away. So, let's get to part two of my 2024 Summer TV Binge List. 

We Are Lady Parts, Seasons 1-2

Another highlight into my Summer binge-watching is the Peacock's comedy, "We Are Lady Parts." How did I let this series slip by me for the show to be on for two seasons? 

The series is about an all-female Muslim punk band (a PhD student, an uber driver, a comic artist, a halal butcher) in the UK taking their inspiration from the London's rich and diverse culture; where their friendships, relationships and cultural differences steer their band to seek their musical success that they've been dreaming for. 

This series is fantastic, in both writing and casting, has me just loving every minute of this 12 episodes of the first two seasons. The ensemble cast is great with Anjana Vasan and Sarah Kameela are just awesome with Lucie Shorthouse as Momtaz being one of my favorites on the show as the band's manager. And while learning about these characters, I just began to rock and rooting the band on for success. 

Overall, I give this series a 9/10.

You can catch the series on Peacock. 

Reacher, Season 2

After watching the first season of the most talked about new show of 2022, I thought that maybe season two would be even better...I might be wrong on that. 

Now the first season was good in a way that I gave it high praise for it in my review. But something had change going into the second season where I begin to question the really boring story plot and even the use of supporting characters that I really just didn't care. Yeah the actions stuff was cool and had lead me to keep watching through the season but when it came to the end, it didn't hold up for me. 

I would have thought that Robert Partick's bad guy character would get some sort of epic fight between Reacher, but that wasn't the case. The season just left me underwhelming. I really hope that season three would be better than this season. Talk about sophomore season slump for this series. 

Overall, I give Reacher Season 2 a 7/10. 

You can catch Reacher Seasons 1-2 on Prime Video.

After The Flood, Season 1

BritBox has been my weekend best friend when it comes to crime thrillers, medical drama and others. One show that I've watched is Afrer The Flood that happens to dive into some really thriller small town mysteries drama. 

During a devasting flood an unidentified man has been found dead in an underground parking lot but when P.C. (police constable) Joanna Marshall (played by Sophie Randle), who's pregnant, investigates into the man's death it doesn't turn out to be what it seems. 

This six episode series kept me in suspense from beginning to the end. Randle is amazing in this series as her character not only trying to solve the case but tries to prove to her colleagues and her family that she can. She does push the envelope at times like breaking protocol to identified the victim and contacting a relative. It's a good evening binge with solid casting and and ending that may or may not settle with viewers (for me it worked and hope that there maybe more). 

Overall, I give After The Flood an 8/10. 

You can catch After The Flood on BritBox.

Have you seen some of these shows? What did you think? Also what shows did you binge watch this summer. Leave a comment below.

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