Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Super Charge of a Good Time: Black Lightning Season One Recap

From redemption to family affair, Black Lightning Season One was brilliant and literally electrifying!

In the first season, it's been 10 years since Black Lightning shown up. Jefferson Pierce, a high school principal, sees and deals with madness of the political climate of police brutally and more. But when his daughters get in trouble, Pierce brings out Black Lightning and saves them and soon it gets the community buzzing.

With the buzz, it gets Tobias Whale upset; thought that he had killed him years ago. He has a connection with Pierce as Tobias was the one that killed his father, Alvin. Pierce tries to catch Tobias; and gets caught in another storm with the ASA;  who's been doing experimental testing on kids with a drug green light that apparently would give them meta humans.

But Pierce isn't the only one with super powers; he'll learn that both his daughters Anissa and Jennifer. Anissa has super strength and calls herself Thunder while Jennifer has electric powers which shows orange.

Pierce learns the truth from Gambi, his mentor, father figure friend, that he was the he was part of the ASA. Plus he gave Pierce's father information to spell out the ASA's plans. It didn't go well with him and breaks their friendship for a while.

But after Anissa being the bridge between them and helping to stop the abduction of kids; it started to become a family affair with everyone fighting off the ASA and defeating Agent Proctor. But the war isn't quite over as Tobias has the briefcase that Procter left as it put a smile on his face.

The first season of Black Lightning really blew my mind right from the start. It had that classic 70's-80's series vibe with soul music that really made the show a standout. The cast puts out an amazing performance from Cress Williams as Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lightning to China Anne McClain, Christine Adams and not to mention Marvin "Krondon" Jones III as Tobias and Jill Scott as Lady Eve.
The show had a strong development of characters and even at times had me amazed with some of the twist and turns of the storylines and well directed. There were scenes in episodes that had me go wow.

Overall, I give this show a 9/10.

You can catch the season two premiere of Black Lightning tonight at 9/8c on The CW.

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