Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tensions and Worries: Black Lightning "The Book of Consequences: Chapter One: Rise of the Green Light Babies"

The season premiere of Black Lightning  is finally here; and tensions in the family couldn't be any higher. Here's a recap!

After the events of the season finale, we pick things off just a few days. Tensions grow between the police, government and the community of Freeland are at a tipping point. With the government holding the kids in the pods and won't give them back to their parents. Even dealing with police brutality when it comes to stopping kids when using green light.

Jefferson is dealing with the aftermath of the school board deciding on whether to close down the school or not. If he was gambling with them, it didn't do any good as the board decided to shut down the school for good. So he resigns. It's not the only thing that he has to deal with as he gets confronted by Henderson on who Black Lightning really is.

Lynn gets kicked out of studying the pods; but Gambi gets her back in the ASA system to work on the pods.

Meanwhile, Jennifer's powers are exceeding with her as Anissa shows her a photo of her flouting in the air with bits of energy flying around. Both Lynn and Jefferson both have different opinions on how to help her that it kind of puts tension between them. That's until Jennifer's emotions gets the best of her and her powers is over seen. Jefferson tries to help by given her a hug and absorbed that energy.
Anissa helps with the community. She takes down drug dealers and their money and handed off to the church community, even taken some for herself.

But it doesn't stop there, Fowdy escapes an defeats Syonide in the parking garage and comes to Gambi for help. She tells Gambi that she can get the brief case that Tobais has.  But it doesn't go totally to plan as Tobias shoots her with his harpoon and drags her to him. She escapes and just when you think she's gonna take him down, she misses and jumps out the window. Did she live? Is she dead?

This episode was an amazing season opener. We only got a little bit of what's inside that suitcase: "hell." Can't wait to see how this builds up this season. The writing was strong along with the performances from Williams, China Anne McClain and even Nafessa Williams, who has one of the best fight scenes in the episode that was so well choreography and amazingly shot. I don't think that Fowdy is dead. I just don't think you can't kill off an ASA agent like that ,she's too good.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Black Lightning Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

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