Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Snow-Bonding: Superstore "Blizzard"

Image result for superstore blizzard

Superstore did it again with an episode that's truly one of their best! Here's a recap!

With a massive blizzard hitting the town; the staff at Cloud 9 asked to leave early but by the time they do, it's too late. The Cloud 9 employees and some customers stayed in and tried to find a place to sleep for the night. Let's just say the first night wasn't too comfortable; with Glenn trying to keep a safe space Amy and Jonah in their air mattress, Dina keeping an eye out for the Cheyenne and the other good looking people, and Sandra fighting temptation as her ex-boyfriend stays with his girlfriend.

The next morning, everyone thought that since the storm has passed that it would be safe to leave. Nope! They get trapped and they try to not only food but things to keep themselves busy; like asking questions to whether to watch Friends or Game of Thrones or even Empire. Soon cabin fever would settle in; everyone was going after one another about what annoyed them. But when a customer butts in, they argue with him and they soon acted as nothing happened.

As everyone was having a great time; Garrett rushed out without a coat. In the meantime, Dina goes in the back and spots Sandra and Jerry making out in Glenn's office.

"Blizzard" was another masterpiece episode. The performances from the ensemble cast were outstanding with so many, many hilarious moments. From Glenn's conversation with Garrett and the others through the intercom; to seeing how Dina keeps an eye on one another with her eyelids painted like eyes. I enjoyed the moment when everyone was going after one another about their annoying habits; quickly changed to hating the customer that was butting in. Strong writing, strong performance! Overall I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Superstore Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC.

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