Sunday, June 9, 2019

Family Love: Life In Pieces "X Box Spotlight Glimpse"

Image result for Life In Pieces X Box Spotlight Glimpse

This week's episode of Life In Pieces might have been the best of the season so far. Here's a recap!

Sam texts Heather and Tim to pick her up in their new X text. The X text is when someone texts someone in the family, and they can get picked up without any questions asked; but, when Heather gets an X message from Sam and after she picks her up, she is dying to know what happened, even tried to get it out of Tyler and Clementine; but nothing. After trying to sneak into her phone, Sam confronts her about what had happened, and after learning that college students get punished, she couldn't believe it.
Tim gets tickets for a show and takes Colleen, but when Colleen gets food that Tim can't have, he breaks his diet and eats it. It turns into a regrettable nightmare for Tim as it causes him to have diarrhea, and he keeps coming during a circus where he gets to be part of an act that has him locked in a box.
Tim tries to hold it, but at each moment,t it seems Tim is having a baby. He even called Heather to have her stop the show even if she was drinking wine with Jen. Soon, the act was over as the clowns got Tim out and, as quick as he could, ran off backstage to the bathroom, but by the time he got to the door, it was too late.

When Jen is overwhelmed with her kids, Joan tells her to feed the young one and tap while she and John handle Lark. Well, when John comes to Greg's old room, he accidentally sees Jen sleeping, but also, her whole boob is hanging out. John makes it awkward and a fool of himself when telling Joan but also Jen and Greg. LaterheLatersation was overheard by the rest of the family asking what happened between John and Jen. John tells them that she accidentally saw his ween when feeding her baby. But Jen tells everyone the truth,h and that opens everyone in the family to the fact that they, too, are Jen's bo.

The final story of the episode deals with how the spotlight unison Lark. That changes as Matt and Colleen's kid can play the piano well and build a small order. Greg isn't too pleased and tries to win up with Matt, who's just eating it all up because of his history when Greg was born. During a dance show, Greg finally understands that Matt is an exceptional child with talents above Lark.

"X Box Spotlight Glimpse" was a fantastic episode from beginning to end. Each episode hit its mark with character development and even the humor. Whether it's Heather dying to know Sam's pick up a reason for Jen and John's awkward talk, or even Greg and Matt's spotlight child and Tim's regrettable nightmare.  The cast performs excellently, and none outperforms the other, even in each story. Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Life In Pieces on Thursdays at 9:30/8:30 on CBS.

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