Wednesday, October 2, 2019

America! Sunnyside "Pilot" Series Premiere

The series premiere of Sunnyside gives a solid basis to American pride, but the comedy is a bit light.

When a former city councilman, Garrett Modi, is ejected from his office due to his bad behavior, one of which he's a hit star on YouTube when he's caught drunk in front of the police. When he moves in with his sister, he finds a job as an expert in the profession of his drunk video popularity, which was selling t-shirts, etc. Next, Garrett meets with a group of people asking for his help to get their citizenship and realize the entire week to help them study and learn to be an American. After laying off a couple of days of teaching and having fun, Garret discovered a member of ICE.

Garrett comes to his senses and goes to his successor for help, where ICE took their friend. Garrett tells them he'll try to help them with what he knows and can learn. After agreeing, it seems that this is what the series will be about moving forward.

While the pilot wasn't the strongest of the new shows so far, it has a good premise with an excellent ensemble cast, but the writing doesn't seem to be there or a lack thereof in the humor department, with only a few funny scenes.  Overall, I give this episode a 7/10.

You can catch Sunnyside on Thursdays at 9:30/8:30 on NBC.

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