Friday, October 25, 2019

Love and War: Superstore "Testimonials"/"Forced Hire"

Image result for superstore testimonials


Amy tries to get everyone to tell Mateo's lawyer only the good things; but some of the things that they say about him are from other events and even movies. Amy tries her best and when Jeff comes to help; the only thing that could help with Mateo's case is that he can testify on record that corporate called ICE to stop a union dispute. Even though Jeff was against it, after seeing a photo of him and Mateo he decided to do it.

Meanwhile, Sandra is excited about her bridal shower; but Dana, who's supposed to set it all up, isn't given her a surprise party. When Jonah sees what's going on he decides to help give Sandra something special to remember, even if it's in the storage room. After seeing the hidden party, Dana finally goes against the internet and gives Sandra her party that ended up being Mateo's welcome home party too. 

"Testimonials" was a very good episode with hilarious moments and even a moment that made me tear up. With the cast given a solid performance, the writing was as good as the plot and character development. I think overall the moment was when Sandra gave Mateo a huge hug. In my mind, I think that kind of represented not only the character happy to have Mateo but all of us fans that really got me teared up. Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.

Image result for superstore forced hire

"Forced Hire"

When Amy hired Colleen to the store; Dana isn't too pleased and tries to get Garrett to do something mean to her. But when he plants fish in her locker, it didn't go so well. Later on, Colleen confronts Garrett about the fish and soon the two kinda hit it off in a way and decided to go on a date. When Dana learns about it, Amy steps in and tells her that it was all part of the plan to later dump her at dinner. But as Amy finds out someone from another store got hurt, she offers them Colleen to them; which they took and made Dana even happier.

Meanwhile, Jonah must convince Marcus and his crew to join the union. But Marcus gets him to do a hangout session from sitting in his car to shooting hoops. Jonah had about had it with Marcus and decides to talk to his crew by himself. Even though the talk didn't go so well, he did get them to agree on the union thing after jugging a gallon of the ranch.

Also, Glenn and Cheyenne try to help Mateo feel better by asking for his help at work, but it goes a bit too far and upsets everyone. Just as they were about to tell Mateo; he tells them that he knows that everyone was just trying to make him feel better.

"Forced Hire" was a good episode with some hit and miss but it was a good episode all around. The Colleen/Dana/Garrett story was so good along with the Glenn/Mateo/Cheyenne as well. They were funny and solid plot stories. But it's Jonah and Marcus that was okay but didn't have all that of what the other stories had. Enjoyable? Yes but forgettable too. Overall, I give this episode an 8/10.

You can catch Superstore Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC.

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