Saturday, November 21, 2020

Family: FBI: Most Wanted "Rampage" Season Premiere

 The season premiere of FBI Most Wanted can be about one thing for Agent LaCroix, and that is family. 

I thought that the season premiere this week was good, with LaCroix, his daughter, and his family meeting his dad and an uninvited guest to stay for the weekend or so. While LaCroix's drama had just begun, a massive shooting in different spots had got him and his team on the hunt. 

The team later finds out that one of the shooters happens to be someone who hasn't had a good life with the death of his mother, abusive father, and the love of art that he loves. LaCroix and the team find out that he's working with someone manipulating the kid to help him shoot people who have done wrong to them, from rich people to even the guy's ex-wife. 

LaCroix and the team send a message out to the kid by using his art teacher, whom he admires. Later, as they find the van used in the shooting and find the shooter but not the kid, LaCroix knows where he might be: his mother's grave site. That's when LaCroix talked him down and took him in. 

After all that, LaCroix has a family dinner with his father and the rest. But he tries to pick at him for gambling when he last attends a meeting. It goes back and forth until his father's friend stops the conversation and gets LaCroix's dad to tell him the news: they're getting married. Yikes!!!

I thought that"Rampage" was an excellent episode. I felt that the kid's character development was so good and showed who he was and the whole meaning of what had turned this kid into being a part of such a thing. Terry O'Quinn's appearance splashes in the season premiere as LaCroix's father.  I can't wait to see what comes next! 

Overall, the episode kept me on my toes throughout the show. So, I give this episode a 9/10.

What did you think of the episode? Leave a comment below!

Follow me on Twitter: @abaker20

You can catch FBI Most Wanted Tuesdays at 10/9c on CBS.

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