Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Look Up in the Sky!!!: Supergirl "Pilot"

Hey, look what premiered on CBS; it's not about a bird, it's not about an airplane, it's about Supergirl!!! (Come on, I had to make something work, no matter how cheesy it chimes).

The premiere of Superman's cousin aired Monday night, and the series didn't disappoint, but there are a couple of issues.

We learn the whole origin story within five minutes of the pilot, which is the quickest way. Knowing that when Kara, who was 12 years old, was sent right after Superman left Krypton, but a detour had her stay in time for 24 years and soon came to Earth. Superman rescues her and places them with a family.

Now Kara is an assistant at CatCo, working for Cat Grant, one of the series' Pain in the Neck boss. She seems to be the awkward female that you would see in a romantic comedy, and soon, she'll turn into someone much better. That's kind of what I've got from watching this version.

Kara wants to do something more; she wants to help, and being an assistant isn't quite what she hoped for. That all changed when her sister was on a plane and rescued her and the rest of the passengers. She's excited about what she has done for National City and what to do more, but Alex doesn't think it's a great idea.

That seemed to change after going through a few tests of stopping a robbery and car chase when she battles with Vartox, one of many villains who had escaped from the prison her mother put in. At first, their battle didn't go so well, but come the second round, Kara is still learning what she can still do in action.

With the villains on the run on Earth, the mastermind beyond all this comes from a family member of Kara's aunt, Astra, who seeks to make Kara pay for her mother's sins.

The characters in this series are fascinating, from Jimmy Olsen, who seems to be Kara's mentor, to Kara's sister Alex, who happens to be secretly working for the Department of Extra-Normal Operations, trying to keep Kara down from not using her powers but soon encourages her. Henshaw seems to be the total badass who will treat Kara with little respect because she's an alien.

I did get a hoot when Dean Cain and Helen Slater played Superman and Supergirl. CRAZY!!!

I'm very invested in the series. I see there's a bit of a feminist theme going on, but that's not a massive issue for me at all. I think CBS should at least push the envelope and make it darker, like Arrow. But I think the show will grow as time goes and it will get a bit better.

Melissa Benoist is amazingly outstanding as Kara Zor-El/Supergirl. She brings, I think, not only a new but a fresh look of a hero who still has a lot to learn from being a superhero, even though she's a bit of one of those rom-com girls at first.

Overall, I give this episode an 8/10.

You can catch Supergirl on Monday nights at 8/7c on CBS.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Trick and Searching: Sunday Night Comedy and Drama

Brooklyn Nine-Nine "Halloween III"

Once again it's Halloween and Jake and Holt have the ideal to put together a challenge  for the Nine-Nine to steal a crown and be called the King.

Jake and Holt pick members for their teams and they don't pick Amy. Amy feeling upset and leftout, plays it cool to everyone.

Meanwhile, Jake's plan to steal the crown looked fool proof. Having Rosa stealing it, while he and Boyle distracts Gina. But Holt knows that he stole it by putting a wire on Jake's desk. Soon Terry's wife and kids arrive and ask Jake to take a photo with the kids but Jake wouldn't want to leave the desk.

Holt walks away with it but puts it in the trash can before Jake comes in. But later the crown is gone and everyone is looking for the janitor. They race up to find the janitor at his apartment but it all turned out to be Amy, who had taken the crown and fooled all of them with a very very tight plan.

I enjoyed this episode so much. It was such a trick or treat of an episode. I loved Melissa Fumero's performance along with Sandberg and Braugher.

Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.

You can catch Brooklyn Nine-Nine Sunday nights at 8:30/7:30c on FOX.

CSI Cyber: "Red Crone"

Consider this the a treasure hunt CSI style but what Avery and the team hope to find is two alive boys.

This episode seems to take on from the slender man stories, fake character that invites kids that are the chosen one. When two missing boys happens to be chosen, it becomes a cyber hunt unlike any other.

It's very interesting and a bit scary at some scenes with the artwork that's shown on the Red Crone's website. The case not only takes a toll on the team but more for Elijah.

Following the clues, going to certain places from a water fountain to a grave yard and even an old tree. But when they find the location of where the boys could be at, it turns out to be a decoy for the adults playing the game. When Russell acts like a child and lowers the tablet down, there seems to be another clue and it takes them a theatre where a man, who happens to be a lawyer, held the kids.

It may not be the best episode but it sure kept me glued to my screen. I loved the performance from Dason and Van Der Beek. Not to mention that Braven is the new thing on the show that I certainly enjoyed thanks to Avery and D.B.'s hard thinking.

Overall, I give this episode a 7/10

You can catch CSI Cyber Sunday nights at 10/9c on CBS.

Michael: A Weekend Well Spent

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Darkness of the Light Reunites Weekend Catch Up pt 12

Scream Queens " Seven Minutes in Hell"

As the voting for new Kapa President, Chanel and Zayday are voted as President. Chanel pretends to hate the idea but she really likes it and was trying to make her President.

Anyway, in order to stop the Red Devil, Zayday plans a slumber party where they can play spin the bottle, truth or dare and seven minutes in heaven. Believe me the funniest scene came from Roberts' Chanel asking how they are going to play these games without any dickies.

Of course, the girls are trapped in the house due to an emergency system so Chanel calls Chad to come and rescue them. He did but all he did was bring guys because they were going to their party anyway.

Soon the killings starts and after this episode three people would be killed. And the accusing began. As morning came, the police seems not want to do anything anyway so there was only one thing to do. Party like it was the 90's!!!

This episode was really good. I'm more impress with Emma Roberts performance in this episode along with Lea Michele who plays one hell of an annoying character. Almost like her Glee character.

Overall, I give this episode a 7/10.

You can catch Scream Queens Tuesday nights at 9/8c (it will be back after baseball) on FOX.

Stitchers "When Darkness Falls"

In this Halloween special, when a girl is missing and the killer's body is found, Kristin and the team are on the case to find where she is being held at and if she's still alive.

When Kristin stitches into the murderer, there was something different that she hasn't encountered before, somehow the mind is talking back at her. Cameron and the rest thought it as just it a mind of a phenomenon. But Kristin wasn't buying it.

She was spooked to death thinking that she was seeing things. Turns out that she was so scared that she spent the night at Cameron's house and the two slept together, but I'm sure it was nothing.

When Fisher located the place that Kristin saw with a dead body, they checked it out and turns out to be a dead body without any organs. But Kristin finds the missing girl's cell phone with a photo of her and the killer.

Without any new clues, Kristin when back to stitching the body again and had found where the girl was being kept. But the killer was still talking to her but they found the girl where she was in the basement.

You would think that it would be over, no there was a twist to give it that Halloween taste. As Kristin and the gang have a party at the empty house of the killer's. Kristin goes up stairs to check on something and finds that the killer but it was the one's evil brother. Weird!!

Soon Kristin and the evil brother had a nice chat as she tells him that they're alike until she pulls a trick and drops the dumbwaiters on him.

This episode was really good. There was some good humor and very good story that shows that Kristin can show fear even if she says that she doesn't get scared. I would have never had guess that the brother was the one. It didn't come to my mind.

Overall, I give this episode a 7.5/10.

You can catch Stitchers new season sometime next year on the new Freeform Network (Former ABC Family).  

Arrow "Restoration"  

The title of this week's episode is actually what it means for our characters.

Oliver and Diggle come to terms and have to take things into their own hands. Oliver takes on Double Down and Diggle takes on the one good lead that he's been looking for, both of which couldn't go it alone. Which makes Felicity the mom between them and make them talk alone.

Apparently that worked and they come to terms.

Double Down the card throwing criminal, tracks down one of his cards and found it at Palmer's faculty where Felicity and Curtis  were talking about the card. Felicity takes on Down and gets Curtis to the Arrow's secret layer. It was kind of cool to see Felicity shoot a gun like she was scar-face.

Thea and Laurel meet with with Malcolm and hoping to provide answers. I can't stand Malcolm for what he does to Thea, putting her through this crap. And for Laurel, she wants to bring back Sara from the dead. Of course, Malcolm couldn't do it because when she comes back it wound't be the same Sara but a totally different person. I'm thinking try Thea 10 times different with the power and anger that she's shows.

I understand where Laurel is coming from but this is a bad idea to bring her sister back to live like this. Something worst is going to happen. But I'm happy to as Felicity says it "have the gang back together. "

I've enjoyed this episode. I'm really enjoying Neal McDonough's performance as Damien Dahrk. So evil and so much a rules in order type of guy. I can't wait to see what he does each week to get his plans into action.

Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.

You can catch Arrow Wednesday nights at 8/7c on The CW.

Heroes Reborn "Game Over" 

Noah and Quentin tries to get answers off from Harris. Harris doesn't seem want to give any information but takes them to the secret place where they seem to keep Noah's old friend Hiro.

As Harris takes Noah to the place, they meet Miko, who is also searching for Hiro as well. The two works together but trouble comes and Quentin's sister comes with four more Harris' and shoots them. Miko tries to battle with herself in the virtual game and soon does but if she frees Hiro she will die.

Hiro saves Noah just in time and Noah asked him for help. Hiro takes Noah back to June 13th.

Meanwhile Tommy is still upset with his mother and goes to Emily to cool off. They soon take off to Paris and tries to get up to the Eiffle Tower, but with the scanners there it didn't work out. Tommy tells Emily that he's has to save the world that it's his destiny.

Emily tells Tommy or shows him a comic book that helps him with his issue and it does. Soon they go back to her place and she helps take the chip out of his wrist. But soon they kiss and I think that they're a couple now, right?

And of course, Luke tries to end his life by buying a boat and sinking himself down the lake but that doesn't come true thanks to one hero, Malina. The bumped to each other at the vending machines and soon they talk and after showing Luke a photo of Tommy they are off to help save the world.

I enjoyed this episode a lot. Mostly because of the return of Hiro. He's literally my favorite hero along with Ellie, who wasn't much of a hero. Good to see old friends back. I'm amazed at what Luke has gone through dealing with his powers and his life basically gone until he meets Malina and all that seems to help him focus.

Overall, I give this episode a 8/10

You can catch Heroes Reborn Thursday nights at 8/7c on NBC.

Caring is to Seeing: Doctor Who "The Girl Who Lived"

As the Doctor travels alone looking for an alien artifact, he bumps into Ashildr, who happens to rob a carriage. Ashildr goes by the name of Me because of how all alone she has been since she has lived through a lot of things over the past century.

I will say that this episode was more prolonged than last week's episode. From the beginning to the end, watching Capaldi and Williamson-screen scenes was phenomenal.

I loved it when Williams was the Knightmare, and the Doctor interrupted her robbery, looking for something with his cool gadget.

I didn't care for the Lion character. He looked like an alien version of the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz. And that scene when his kind was firing through an open portal was like the shortest action scene ever.

But my favorite scene came when the Doctor picked up Clara, and they had a nice chat about a student whom he helped get an A on her report. With a look on his face, he seems to worry that someday an end will soon be near for Clara after I told him about saving her. And I couldn't leave out that hug scene, which was heartwarming in my book.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Doctor Who on Saturday nights at 9/8c on BBC America.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Cuddle and Bundle: Friday Night Comedy

Undateable LIVE "A Truth Hug Walks Into a Bar"

When the truth comes out about Shelly's living situation, Justin intervenes and gets Danny to help.

Tonight's episode was good but it felt more like a regular episode, not a lot of guest but there were plenty of humor and a performance during the intro by Saint Motel. 

Throughout the episode each cast member was given each one a meaning of their names like Justining meaning ruining things, Brett making a small issue into a big and an emotional issue. And of course, Shelly's truth hug, which you should keep away from, soft and cuddly but deadly. 

I will say that Chris and Brett performed outstandingly in this episode. When Danny and Justin working together to tell Shelly what happen in the robbery. The two were just working off one another like butter. I enjoyed it very much.

Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.

You can catch Undateable LIVE Friday nights at 8/7c on NBC.

Truth Be Told "Adult Content" 

Tonight's episode deals with lying and sharing. All of which seems hilarious in this episode.

When Russel has tickets to a porn award show and wants to invite Mitch and the guys to come. Mitch talks to Tracy about it and gets her approval. That's until the print on the invite that has an after party that gives Tracy some thoughts like did he lie to her about it.  And Angie gets upset with Russel when she's sees someone tweeting a pic of their boobs on to his twitter as she's on his account.

I don't think that Mitch lied to Tracy about the after party because if you go to an award show there is an after party. And I wouldn't want my significant other's password unless they want to tell me what it is. I respect that others need a bit of privacy (I know I'm a fool).

This episode was good. I can't get enough of this cast, both of them are just hilarious and have chemistry. I can't get enough of Lachey and Bell's characters along with Gosselaar and Webb.

My favorite scene in the episode was when Mitch gets a call from Tracy while he and the guys were having dinner. When he told her that he'll come home, Jim breaks down because Jim doesn't want to go home. Mitch lied and broke Jim .

Not to mention that at the end of the episode, when Angie and Russel were too busy to go to the awards, Mitch brought Tracy and the guys were freaked out about it until she starts yelling out "PORN PORN PORN!!!" which was hilarious as well.

Overall, I give this episode a 7/10.

You can catch Truth Be Told Friday nights at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

My Top 10 Michael Critchon Books

Today is Michael Crichton's birthday. He would have been 73 years old. He brought a lot to not only books the the entire entertainment industry from movies to television.

 The man was a thriller genius and a mastermind at that too.
He created my all time favorite television medical drama, ER.

The show changed the face of television on how characters and stories are told and not to mention how to keep the medicine real. Helping shows from House to Royal Pains are shows that have that realistic touch that Crichton help brought. And he did became a doctor before becoming a best selling author.

Along with television, I do have a ton of favorite books that Crichton wrote. Here's my top 10:

1. Jurassic Park
2. Prey
3. The Andromeda Strain
4. The Lost World
5. Congo
6. Disclosure
7. A Case in Need
8. Next
9. Mirco
10. Airframe

I do recommend you to check out one of these books and red them. Once you start reading one of them, you won't want to put the book down. Hell, I still read them whenever I have a chance.

Happy Birthday Mr. Crichton. We still miss you!