Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Chicago Fire "Lift Each Other"

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Someone has a secret and it's Boden's son. Plus a bombshell crashes an anniversary party.

When Cruz sees Boden's son, James, change in the locker room, he sees bruises and when he was about to tell Severide about it a call has been made. But after Cruz tells Severide about it and it led him to confront James about it first but he wouldn't talk. It was after an accident of a truck and car that lead Severide to tell Boden about James.

Boden tries to confront James about it but goes to his mother about the situation. She tells him that things seems good: good grades, nice friends. Boden did meet his ex's new boyfriend. After they talked, he talks to James about staying with him for the rest of the school year. But he tells him if he does than he has to tell the truth and asked him about the bruises. James tell him that he fell on a flight of stairs but later tells him that it was mom's boyfriend. That lead Boden to confront and knock the guy's light out. Suffered a one shift suspension, but hey there was a suspension party after!

Gabby and Antonio are celebrating their parent's anniversary and Casey and Britt go too, but when they get there a bombshell of an announcement hits the family hard, they're getting a divorce. Of course it upsets Gabby but more for Antonio who was about to knock his dad down. which would be something I would love to see (don't hate me for that).

Casey confronts Gabby about it and shows his support. But what she didn't know that he learned that a kid that he saved died. A call to a factory warehouse spots two kids, one on the floor and the other hanging upside down. Casey moves and tries to get the kid's head up for the blood. When they got the kid down it didn't look promising but he was breathing and taken to Med. Casey learns about the boy's death the morning of the party but didn't tell Gabby about it.

Gabby only learned it after coming into Med and Maggie asking how Casey was doing. When she told her about the boy, she rushed back home later and kisses Casey for a good minute, I think. He tells her that's what they do, lift each other and that she has done that many times with him so it was his turn to do so. They are such the perfect couple!!!!

LOVED this episode!!! The Casey and Dawson storyline was unbelievable!!!! I got such a kick of Antonio and Britt plus Herrmann, Otis and Stella. Loved the mud run event that Otis and Stella went and then brought the people from there to Molly's pissing off Herrmann with muddy people at the bar.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Chicago Fire in it's 100th episode tonight at 10/9c on NBC.

Chicago Fire "I Held Her Hand" & "That Day"

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"I Held Her Hand"

When a fire rescue goes wrong, Casey believes it was set up, while Severide doesn't. Plus, a graffiti sign is left at the Fire House, and it pushes Herrmann's buttons. 

Let's start with the fire call at a home, where Severide picks up the husband, who was yelling for his wife in the other room. Casey and the team tried to get there but couldn't and used the truck later to get to her. With sold glass windows, Casey breaks through but can't break them any harder in time to get her out as he witnesses her skin turn burnt. 

The rescue gets stuck into Casey's head, and when he inspects the place, he spots something that doesn't seem right. He makes a report, and an arson investigation is in place, but Severide doesn't believe the husband had anything to do with it. Even further to go through the study, the victim's sister comes to the 51 and tells Casey about how her sister's marriage wasn't good. 

Meanwhile, Dawson and Britt get a call about a boy falling from a tree, for which he was trying to impress a girl to go to prom with him. That didn't go well, but he made it on to fail prom videos online as a viral hit. After he turned out to be okay, the girl he was trying to ask out visits but also told him that she had a date with someone else. 

Graffiti has been appearing at House 51; Herrmann is pissed about it and gets everyone on the lookout. After cleaning it off and heading home the next day, it was up again. After a call, Herrmann sees the same art, stops the truck, and runs after the kid. They bring him back to the firehouse and try to get him to talk, but he won't. But after that, the kid's aunt gets there to pick him up; Herrmann gives the kid a shirt because he gives him a speech about friends and family at 51. That got a lot of laughs in the locker room, giving Britt the idea to take that kid to the prom, something I wish happened to me in high school. 

The investigation came to an end with no further arrest of the husband. Severide tells Casey that he found video cameras of the husband at another location at the time of the fire, but Casey doesn't believe it and walks away with a look towards him. 

Plus, Boden's son, James, comes back after making a creepy first impression with his wife, and it looks like Sheets Under Fire won't come out after all. But I still would love to read that book! 

"That Day"

Casey pushes more on the investigation, Boden gets pressure to come to New York City, and Dawson gets blindsided.

Casey pushes the investigation into the fire from the previous episode. Severide gets the news from the husband and confronts Casey about it. The two still butted heads, but they came together to investigate it themselves. When they couldn't find anything, Casey left the room,m but Severide found something: some Wi-Fi system that someone could control the house alarms and such with an app. When they went to the husband's new place, he was just about to leave when they searched his phone for the app and usage, which proved that he started the fire that killed his wife.

Out on a call, trying to get to a victim of a fall with glass and steel pipe sticking out, Dawson and Britt try to get there even though traffic is beginning to look like crap and never when the sirens are on. But when cars moved over, they started heading out until someone walked in front of them. 

Blindsided by what they saw, they treated and took the guy to Med while Casey and Herrmann had to wait for another ambulance. But instead, they took the victim themselves to Med. As they brought that victim in, Dawson got pushed into questions about what happened and needed to be right on the mark about it. That made all the buttons with not only her but Boden, too. 

Then come the lawsuits, and with the help from Antonio, they get info on the guy that Dawson hit. The guy has been trying to kill himself for a while but has failed to do so. She got the information and took it to the victim's son, and the lawsuit was dropped.

Boden has breakfast with a former colleague, pressuring him to go to New York City, but he doesn't want to. Boden brings his son to the station and gets him to try out a few training and observe the job if he wants to join or not. 

The reasons why Boden didn't want to go seem to be out of fear. After his former colleague asked him again in front of his crew, he looked at photos he had received and showed them to his son and started talking about the events of September 1 and 2 the day after September 11, 2001. There, we hear him speak of the event and the meaning. Not only did he go, but Casey and Severide went with too. They stopped at the firehouse and then visited the 9/11 Memorial. Boden gives a speech about how something can be hard to find when you lock it in your mind, but hope has something to unlock it if you want to. 


"I Held Her Hand" happens to be a good episode, one that follows the clues if someone caused the fire. Plus, I can't help but see the facial looks of Casey and Severide when they don't agree with one another. I couldn't help but laugh whenever Herrmann got upset about the graffiti. The guy makes me laugh, bad or good. The writing was good, and the characters from Britt and Herrmann also stood out in this episode, along with Casey and Severide. Overall, I give this episode a 7/10.

"That Day" this episode stood out with not only humor but emotion as well. First, let me say that Herrmann had the best storyline in this episode, interviewing for a higher position. He fills in for Casey as Casey steps back and watches Herrmann. The guy can do it, but his truth-telling is more than just helpful; it is like firecrackers. I couldn't stop laughing when he told the captain of his thoughts, too much!  I can help to be moved from Boden's storyline near the end—fear of going back and trying to forget that day. The words we heard from him about it just overwhelmed me with tears. And that speech at the end moved me unlike any other. Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Chicago Fire on Tuesday nights at 10/9c on NBC.   

Chicago Fire "Scorched Earth" & "Nobody Else Is Dying Today"

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"Scorched Earth" 

In this episode, the heat has been turned up as word gets out about Louie, and Dawson isn't happy; Casey tries to handle it but figures something that fishy, and one firefighter tries to help a sick, runaway kid. 

When Dawson gets a phone call regarding that, they get an anteroom someone about "someone" (Casey) using political leverage to get Louie's adoption faster for her. That leads to Dawson being distraught while Casey tries to handle it with help from Susan. 

After dodging the Sun-Times, Casey meets with Susan again about the situation as it was done and sealed. But that gave Casey a thought about how all of this went down. He goes back to the reporter and learns word that Susan is also part of another politician who threatens Caseyn with the situation. And well, that led to telling Susan to get the hell out of his life, threatening her pretty good.

Meanwhile, when the house gets a call of an underground fire, the kids live there and rescue them. Stella recused one, who happened in the back, and had to detour out of there. She talks to the kid and leaves him with Dawson as she returns to get his backpack, but by the time she returns, the kid is back at 51; she checks through the kid's backpack and finds comics, an ID, and even medicine for Hep. C. She goes to Antonio for help, and when he returns with information, let's say it's not good and that she should find the kid before CPD gets a hold of him. She goes to Bowden for help and pulls off probably a cheap shot, but in the, after waiting for the kid and bringing him back, a deal from Goodwin and Jefferies, everything again. 

Also to note: Severide learns about how a gooreasonablerson, his new "friend," is when it comes to being such a high social media star after a lady was found OD and he dropped her off on the bench at Med. Britt and Antonio's relationship sparks even more, and she makes the first and last move to get the ball going. At the beginning of the episode, we learn that Jimmy has been moved to a new hospital for special treatment, as he has a long recovery.

"Nobody Else is Dying Today"

In this type of story, Casey tries to save two people from an acid spill, while Dawson is angry not only at Casey but also at a home care provider. And Ogoes to space? 

Given that this is a Casey stand-alone episode, like what Severide had in season 2, it has to be one of the most on-the-edge-of-your-seat episodes of the fall season. 

Casey and Dawson had a heated moment when it came to watching Louie, even though Casey had to have a warehouse and play golf with several influential people. With one look, he can cancel but goes to inspect the warehouse. As he meets with the owner, an accident occurs, and a spill of sulfuric acid. He pulls the driver out and into another room, where the guy's daughter is i

They wait for help, but when Casey looks around, he sees that the owner must have returned to get rid of papers and got caught in the fumes. So now Casey must try to get into the next room and make the call, but with one option turned to another, and the last one came when he had to break through the brick wall and create a hole big enough for the driver's daughter to get out and call for help. 

Meanwhile, Dawson, who's made at Casey, deals with a home care service when a patient who fell denies going to the hospital, saying that it's her refuseth refuse service. But when I came to the next call, the patient had a few cuts, and Dawson decided to take her to Med, but she wanted to go to a hospital that's 10 minutes away as Med is shorter. Dawson went against her orders and took her to Med. 

Does anyone know of Otis going to space? Sounds like something Ernest would do. But eating astronaut food and training appeared impossible until we learned it was a joke from Cruz. Otis knew it was a joke when he gave him a thing of cricket protein powder, which put him into Cruz's drink. 

Dawson gets worried about Casey afterhdoesn'tn't pick Louie up. But by the time Sher and Britt were about to head out, they got a call, and it was to the warehouse that Casey was at. Things got out of control when the electricity was sparking all over. The squad gets in there but can't do anything til the power is shut off. The Truck gets to the power and shuts it off, but the main line has to be pulled off. After that, Casey and the driver were saved,d and Dawson and he had a moment when they saw the driver and his daughter happy and laughing. 


"Scorched Earth" was a good, average episode that probably won't be remembered again, but one that you can enjoy and move on. Casey and Dawson's story was good, but the one moment that stood out in that storyline was when Casey threatened Susan to get out of their lives; just the look and the tension were enough to believe he could do what he said he would. And not to mention Stella, which goes a d episode for her to stand alone and do something she believes in doing. Overall, I give this episode a 7/10.

"Nobody Else is Dying Today" is the show's best on-the-seate episode in a while. We finally see Casey doing something independently, and it stands out. I think not only did you give Spencer a no excellent performance, but also his knife. The way he handles that knife in this episode makes me laugh at times when he pops it out and uses it. Overall, I give this episode 9/10.

You can catch Chicago Fire on Tuesday nights at 10/9c on NBC.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Family and Heroes: Timeless "Space Race"

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It seems that 1969 wasn't only just the space race of Apollo 11 but a personal one at that for one person.

When Flynn and Anthony learn about the Apollo 11 mission from one of the men that was there at mission control, he heads back to 1969 and takes the young guy out and uses his access card fro Anthony to get in, as Flynn took on as a repairman.

Their plan, to stop the Apollo 11 on a successful mission, by sabotaging the computer system with a virus (something that hasn't been heard of back then). Lucy and the gang get there with new identity (Wyatt an FBI agent named Mulder, Rufus a janitor and Lucy a secretary for which she did like)).

As the Apollo 11 was about to land on the moon, things take a turn for the worst when the computers went down and lost communications with their astronauts caused by a virus that Anthony put in. Rufus and the gang meet and discuss their plan, Rufus and Lucy deals with the crisis while Wyatt follows Flynn.

Anthony tells Flynn that Rufus couldn't fix what they have caused, even though Flynn was pretty upset that they got back home in the previous episode. But never underestimate Rufus. Even though he could do it all, he asked for one person's help that knows a lot more, Katherine Johnson.

Rufus and Lucy tries to convinces her to help and she does. The three work on  it and with her help Rufus got it all fixed, by just deleting the virus. But a standoff between Anthony and Rufus occurred, but Rufus gives him a surprising remark when he  held a gun to his head but then shoots one of his guard.

Meanwhile, Flynn meets with a woman, Maria Tompkins, for the second time, after they met when he was a janitor and stealing codes for the computers. He talks to her like he knows her well and being nice unlike any other. But Wyatt talked to her about Flynn, just as they were done talking, Flynn was there with her son, Gabriel, a shot of epinephrine due to a bee sting.

As Lucy, Wyatt and Rufus made it back to present day, they learned Flynn's bio. It turns out that he had or should I say has a half-brother name Gabriel, who has an allergic reaction to bee stings. Of course, this upsets Lucy because Flynn's using the machine to fix his lives, while they can't do anything. But Agent Christopher tells them that they know and they'll work on it as soon as Flynn is caught or dead.

Near the end, Lucy talks to Rufus as he reflects on what they just went through and he expresses that after shooting that guard, he didn't feel a thing. Emotionless would be a proper way to say it.

This was a really good episode that surprised me at times, one of them being that the kid was his half-brother. I would have thought that it was him as a child, if that was the case (as my brother expressed) there would have been a bad reaction if the two meet. Thanks bro!!

Malcolm Barrett was amazing in this episode as Rufus, who really grew as a character taking on Anthony and calling his bluff of shooting anyone. He can so don't piss him off. Also Goran Visnjic was really good too. But I thought Abigail Spencer's character had a really good moment with one of the men at NASA, after dealing with one guy about getting him coffee, she tells him straight about it that he shouldn't try drinking the coffee that she would made him. I thought it was just hilarious and one that stood out.

Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.

You can catch Timeless Monday nights at 10/9c on NBC.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Brotherly Love and Unexpected Moments: This Is Us "The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World" & "Pilgrim Rick"

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The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World 1X07

In one of the most brotherly episode yet, we get into the deeper relationship of Kevin and Randall and why they seem not close.

When Kevin and Randall had an evening planned with their mother, she cancels so the two head to have an evening of brotherly quality time. Kevin takes Randall to a hot place where he knows people and makes Randall look small as he did back when the two were kids, as we see flashbacks of them as teenagers. Kevin wanting to split from Randall and the two were playing football for two different schools, which led to a big fight between the two and a heated father.

But the two opened up and finally got down to brass tax when Randall tells Kevin that he was jealous because Randall got more attention from mom. While Randall told him that he was trying to get respect from him but never did. Even thought some of the scenes of them together moving, there were funny scenes like the fight in the middle of the city and Late Night's Seth Meyers pops up asking Kevin if he was okay.

Meanwhile, Kate and Toby have some difference of how their relationship was going now that he lost more weight then she did. After not hearing from him, Kate tries to find him and sees him at his place with a lot of food. He decides that he done losing weight but still wants to support her even though that took a dive when he was trying to eat health for her. It kind of backfired for Kate as she ate a box of powder donuts.

Beth and William had a night to themselves, but William couldn't handle eating anything that she had cook. But she gives the option of having some adult brownies and the two had a blast and even chatted. But that chatting has gotten William in trouble when Beth mention a book Randall loves and he tells her that he gave that book to Rebecca.

"The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World" had emotional part down for Kate, Randall and Kevin storylines. As an older brother, I loved watching Kevin and Randall's relationship grow in this episode. Loved the fight scene when they were on the ground and Late Night's own Seth Meyers was hilarious. Also not to mention the two finally hanging out watching The Manny in Kevin's room, in the basement.

"Pilgrim Rick" 01X08

This episode might be handles down the best Thanksgiving episode, I've seen on television. This had about everything of the meaning of what Thanksgiving is about: tradition.

It's Thanksgiving Day and Randall is full of excitement as the family is coming for their traditional holiday. With the present time and the past we come to know their traditional things from eating breaded hot dogs to one of the kids becoming Pilgrim Rick, who was the motel clerk. Even taking a hike in the woods and watching Police Academy 3. 

While Randall and the family celebrate, Kate was stuck getting there on her flight. She decides that Toby shouldn't go with her and that she needs to figure things out about her and her weight. After the plane takes a turbulence and a passenger, who thought she was gonna die, tells Kate that she decided that she needed to changed her life and that gave her the idea.

When William told Randall about the tapes he use to listen to on his Thanksgiving, Randall decided to go back and get them. But when he found the box of cassette tapes, he found something else, a letter that has Rebecca's handwriting. 

When he came back, the family began to do one last tradition, passing the yarn and say what you're thankful for. When Rebecca told what she was thankful, she passed it towards Randall and that's where he shows her the letter he found at Williams's place. Upset and furious, he walks out but after that we see one more flashback of Randall saying that he loves Thanksgiving and that what they had was the best Thanksgiving ever.  

This episode had really played with my emotions. There were times I'd laughed and there were plenty of times that I'd try to cry and also times that I did cry. This episode was so spot on with their characters and the theme that it just blew me away. It had me wanting to do the things that they were doing for Thanksgiving. Each cast member was outstanding in their own way as each 

Overall, I give "The Best Washing Machine in the World" a 9/10 and "Pilgrim Rick" a 10/10.

You can catch This Is Us Tuesday nights at 9/8c on NBC.

Plus: The show is nominated for People Choice Awards. Rock the vote and show your love for the show!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Wild Adventure Through the Woods: Timeless "Stranded"

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Stranded in the year before the United States was even born, how will they get back?

This episode's title probably gives it away better but the adventure of this story was thrilling, character growth and some movie references. Lucy and the team are in 1754 during the French-Indian War, they've been there for three days looking for Flynn. But they get chased by the French and captured.

The team isn't together in a way since last week's bombshell of who's working or who's doing this kind of thing.  Wyatt distracts one of the french solider by insulting about his mother. He takes down him and another one and soon the two get back to their machine when they spot two of Flynn's men at their ship placing explosives around it.

Just before they set it off, Wyatt shoots the one with the switch but the other shoots out one part of the ship and races towards his own. Wyatt, Rufus and Lucy chase until Flynn's ship disappeared. Rufus tries to fix what he could but needs some things, mostly from a Radioshack. But Wyatt thought Rufus could make a flux capacitor, for which Rufus tells Wyatt that those don't exist. But it made a nice Back to the Future joke.

Just before they headed off, Rufus writes a message, places it in a bottle for Mason to find as their Plan B. Mason and team finds the location and find it but the paper turned faded with only a few words.

The three does some walking, trying to get into the French army base where there's a blacksmith shop, but they get caught from a Native tribe and gets tied up again. Lucy and Wyatt tries to tell the chieftess ,Nonhelema, about their situation but she doesn't believe them but Rufus, who she believes is being force to do a job. But he ask her to let his friends go and after a moment, she let them go.

The three gets to the French army base and gets in smoothly, Rufus gets to the blacksmith shop and make the piece that he needs to fix the ship just enough to get back. But when they head out, the army commander has return and everyone looks around. The three get out and race towards the ship, Rufus fixes what he could and just as they get in, the French are there shooting. Everything looks to be going good until a short stop, Rufus puts two wires together and soon they're off.

Now for this to work, the team back in 2016 has to capture their entry, in a way like in Star Wars, which Rufus makes a reference in his message and his friend figured out. And as they try to find it, they locked on them and got them back, a bit closer landing then previous times.

It seemed that this trip really got the team back to focus on team work. Wyatt tells Lucy as the three have drinks and talks about when she took a drink if that was what she wanted to or was it in a book. Only she has the control to change her future. Also not to mention that Rufus and his crush finally kisses.

I enjoyed this episode even though there wasn't an answer on why Flynn came but I believe it was just to throw them off and get stranded. This seemed to be a standalone episode, which I like and a perfect one at that. I thought that the cast was each amazing. I loved the references made during the episode from Star Wars to Back to the Future. There were a lot of humor moments, mostly with Wyatt, Lucy and Rufus during their wild adventures from the berries to being caught by the French.

Overall, I give this episoe a 8.5/10

You can catch Timeless Monday nights at 10/9c on NBC.