Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Family that's Together, Stays Together: Chicago Fire "Thirty Percent Sleight of Hand"

When Severide saves a father and son, can he save the family too? The heat is on Boden to make a decision for a new lieutenant.  Here's a recap of Chicago Fire.

Tensions build on Boden as he has to make a decision to appoint a new lieutenant. Jerry gives him the perfect candidate Trey Jennings, who happens to be Jerry's brother in law. Whether he picks him or not, Boden makes his decision at the fire fighters fundraiser. When he makes the announcement, Boden appointed Chris Herrmann as the new Lieutenant.

I don't think that Jerry wasn't too pleased to hear and I don't think Trey is going to be crying spilled milk about it either.

Severide rescues a kid as him and his father crashed over a bridge. The accident seemed questionable when the wife/mother get to Med and thinks that her soon to be ex-husband is the one that did it. She gives some convincing points about how he would want to die and take his son along with him, but  after hearing the husband's side of the story Severide decides to look into the accident again.

Looking around with Kidd, Severide looks around even a few feet away from the accident to find a dead deer. Kelly makes it back to the hospital and talks to the mother about how he found a dead deer that caused the accident, not her husband. The mother/wife seems to be very grateful and dropping the divorce.

This was an amazing episode from the beginning to the end. From the case of the week storyline for Severide to help a family before an ugly divorce gets even uglier to the intense moments of Boden's decision. Herrmann is the perfect choice for Lieutenant, and since he took the test a while ago its time for him to shine. There other moments, mainly when Truck 81 gets the call of a magic show gone wrong was hilarious!

Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.

You can catch Chicago Fire Wednesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

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