Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Break: Chicago PD "Sacrifice"

Image result for chicago pd sacrifice

Sacrifices have to be made at times, this episode had a few. Here's a recap!

When a crew has been hitting pharmaceutical delivery trucks and stealing drugs; the Intelligence Unit goes beyond to take down that even sacrifices must be made. As Voight and the team get close to the crew leader; they picked up Gina Reily that was picking up drugs that weren't painkillers but drugs to help keep her alive as she has a deadly disease. After apologizing, the team used her to get not only her husband but their boss, Shaw and shut down the operation. As Gina confronts Shaw to get her pills, it soon turns into a hostage situation that both Halstead, Upston, and Ruzek took down. 

The episode had out characters made some sacrifices one of them includes Upton and Ruzek; as their relationship takes a dive during this case. As Ruzek tries to make a deal with Shaw, Upton made the call thinking that this was going south, while Ruzek tries to protect her during a shootout/hostage situation with Shaw. The two finally talked about it and decide that it's maybe time for a break. This comes after Upton talked with Trudy about relationships.

"Sacrifices" was a very good episode and better than the previous one. It was not only a character drive episode for Upton and Ruzek but Antiono and even Brennan as well. Seeing Antiono stepping back on Voight's request because of his recent drug history this season. Also at the end of the episode; we learn that Brennan had to make sacrifices in her life with her mother. Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.

You can catch Chicago PD Wednesday at 10/9c on NBC.

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