Friday, September 27, 2019

Legacy of Remembrance: Chicago Fire "Sacred Grounds" Season Premiere

The season premiere of Chicago Fire left Firehouse 51 mourning a loss of their own. SPOILER ALERT! Here's a recap!

The season premiere episode picks up seconds after the season finale, where Casey and company are in the basement; Herrmann and Ritter are trying to cool the furnace pipes before they go, and Boden, Brett, and Foster are trying to take victims out until the furnace explodes. Boden, Brett, and Foster were taken down, with Brett suffering from a severely broken arm; Casey and Company seem to be okay until someone's alarm goes off, and it turns out to be Otis. 

As everyone brings out Otis, Cruz goes with him and sees the severe burns that he's suffered. Back at Med, everyone awaited word about Otis until Boden confronted a nurse who gave the worst news: Otis died. But we see one of the most emotional moments so far, as Cruz tells Otis that it's okay to go and that he hopes he would save a spot for him, too, until Otis opens his eyes and speaks in Russian and quickly dies.

We jump three months later; the firehouse is still mourning the loss of Otis. Cruz is trying to find meaning and figure out what Otis said. Toasey is under review for the decision-making that got him worried. Still, Boden took the blame from him as he decided to bring Brett and Foster into the warehouse, but it was still not going to take the pain of losing a firefighter away.

Brett is now in Floweton; she's just got her cast off on her arm and gets the job as a full-time EMT at the local fire station. But there's an issue: being in a small town, she knows someone from her past who is married to one of the firefighters. The Chaplain offers her a solution of not working but working as the Chaplain's wife, who does work. I'm not seeing this last too long, as she will miss Chicago.
With Brett gone, Foster gets a floater like Mr. Rogers meets Clark Kent. Mouch sees the guy's photo in a magazine.

Near the end of the episode, Boden gets everyone from the firehouse outside, where he has an honorary memorial for Otis. He even translated what Otis said to Cruz just before he died. As soon as Cruz kneels in front of the statue, everyone from Casey and Severide do the same while holding each other's backs. 

"Sacred Ground" was an episode that marks another shift change in the series. Not since the Season Three premiere has it been this powerful, and knowing that the outcome will be even more painful. The writing was so damn good, and even the character developments between Cruz and Casey were so good. I still hope that Brett will call off the engagement and move back to Chicago, maybe ask Casey out on a date, but I know that's way too much to ask for.  Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Chicago Fire on Wednesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

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