Monday, January 20, 2020

"It's so Basic!" The Good Place "Chapter 50: Mondays, Am I Right?"

Image result for the good place mondays am i right

Can Michael get the employees of the wrong place to use his method in the new plan? Is Chidi good for Eleanor? Here's a recap!!

As Michael and the gang meet up with the employees of The Bad Place, Michael tries to get them to come together and follow his method for his new plan. But when some do not like it or do not get it, it takes Vicki to grasp the concept through their heads with some healthy understanding. Even though Michael is upset about Vicki teaching them quicker than him, he learns a lesson that follows his pushing the rock up a hill.

Meanwhile, Eleanor, Chidi, and Jason must find a thousand people that will fit well with the formula so the plan can work from Mr. Rogers and Susan B. Anthony. But when Eleanor sees her file, she jumps to Chidi to not read it, but when she tells him to, Chidi doesn't think he's good for her. Thinking more about it, Jason helps Chidi while Chidi believes he is assisting Jason and gets his confidence back about loving Eleanor.

As the plan seems to be working, the jingle that someone's going to the excellent place comes, and it's Eleanor and the gang going. Michael brings the air balloon for them and goes along with Janet, and as they ride off waving bye to the people of the medium place, Jason yells out Folies.

"Mondays, Am I Right?" was a good and hilarious episode. This was a great Michael episode as he had to deal with Vicki, helping him explain how the new method to the point system works. Hell, I just loved that scene when Tahani was in the VR room and got attacked by a chainsaw bear. That has to be a T-shirt. Why do I feel this is only the calm before the storm as we get to the series finale? We get a Wizard of Oz ending in this episode. Does anyone think we'll get Eleanor to wake up and see Chidi somewhere and go after him?

Anyway, overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch The Good Place on Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC,

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