Monday, May 31, 2021

Moving Forward: This Is Us "The Adirondacks" Season Finale


The season five finale was as good as it could have gotten, especially for that twisted ending. Here's a recap!

It's Kevin and Madison's wedding day, and it's not going too well with Kevin, as things are going the way he had hoped it would be, perfect. As Kevin shows his groomzilla, Randall, Miguel, Tobey, and Uncle Nicky try to help as much as possible. 

Meanwhile, as everyone had arrived, Rebecca wanted to hear about Randall's trip and learn about his biological mother, which she got overwhelmed and made Randall uncomfortable. But the two resolved the issue, and she learned quite a bit about Laura. 

Tess wasn't too happy with the bride's maid of honor dress, so Beth decided to help her make it into her own style. Deja awaited her from Malik about his college interviews and got a surprise when he told her that he not only got four out of four but five out of five because he's got an offer from Harvard.

Tobey gives Kate good news about him taking that job offer in San Fransico, but that means he'll have to be there three times a week, which he thought that they could move. As Kate called her boss to tell him that she would resign but he wouldn't because she's the best assistant that he's had, even if he didn't really want her at first. 

In a flashback, we see Rebecca upset that Jack taped a Pittsburgh Pirates game over her taped Dynasty wedding episode and had the kids see them fight for the first time. Not only did they try to show them that they love each other, but they put on a wedding for them as well.

As Madison prepares for her wedding, she looks back to when her mother left her and her father and the time that her father wasn't all there for her. Not to mention learning how she got into the eating disorder program in the pilot episode. That's when she decided that she didn't want to marry Kevin and called off the wedding. 

After the wedding was called off, Rebecca, Randall, and Kate comfort Kevin. In their conversation, Rebecca asks Kevin to build her that house that Jack had planned to do. Plus, in a five-year flash-forward, we come back to when Kevin was practicing his speech, we thought it was for his wedding, but it turns out to be Kate's her boss from the music school! WTF!

"The Adirondacks" was such a great season finale that had many great moments; one of them I just ate up was Randall being there for Kevin, like holding the umbrella for him as he tries to avoid Rebecca talking about his mother. Nicky's wedding gift and well that powerful seen when we see the Pearsons together talking about what would Jack have said and talked about the future (which had me in tears). 

Talk about shocker, right? I didn't see that one coming at all. Kate and her boss getting married? Wow! I was at least thinking of Kevin and Sophie getting married. Man, I can't wait to see where the final season will go and how it will end. 

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10 and the season a 9/10.

What did you think of the season finale? Leave a comment below!

This Is Us returns in 2022 with the final season. Check out for more recaps of this season and previous seasons of This Is Us.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought the season was a 9/10, a really great set-up for the final season and the grand finale.
