Wednesday, September 11, 2024

English Teacher "Kayla Syndrome"


When Evan teams up with the new teacher at the school to put together this year's homecoming, is the new teacher coming to him? Here's my review

In "Kayla Syndrome," Evan is trying to figure out if the new teacher, Harry, is hitting on him (even though Evan can't be in a relationship with another colleague at the school after the events in the pilot episode) from Harry showing his "thing" while in the gym's men's lockerroom to listening to music at a dinner meeting for planning the homecoming. 

Of course, this drives Evan crazy enough to figure it out until Harry kisses him in his classroom. However, he learns that Harry is in an open relationship with his boyfriend, which turns Evan away. 

In the meantime, Evan, Gwen, and Markie deal with the latest student disease: Kayla Syndrome, also known as atypical Tourette syndrome. Evan tries to figure it out but gets billed about it by the students. It takes Markie, who understands what is happening with this situation, which was hilarious to watch.  

"Kayla Syndrome" was a good episode that had hilarious moments from Evan freaking out when Harry tries to get close to him or when Evan tries to tell Grant about the situation, which makes both of them feel uncomfortable. Even Markie comes up with another MLP (most laughable performance) in the episode when he and even Gwen understand what's going on with the students besides Evan. 

Overall, I give it an 8/10.

What did you think of the episode? Leave a comment below.

You can catch English Teacher Mondays at 10/9c on FX.

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