Showing posts with label #TimeTeam #Clockblockers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #TimeTeam #Clockblockers. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2018

Timeless Final Mission Promo

Image result for timeless season 3

It's the mission that we've all been waiting for...the last mission for #Clockblockers. It's the all time  Christmas gift for fans of Timeless. Here's a promo for the two-hour series finale. 

You can catch the two-hour series finale of Timeless next Thursday at 8/7c on NBC.

Monday, March 19, 2018

The Gang is Back! Timeless "The War to End Al Wars" Season Premiere

Image result for timeless "The War to End All Wars"

It's the season premiere that we've all been waiting! Timeless is back and premiere doesn't disappoint let don't let off on the gas.

When we jump into season 2, Mason Industries has been bombed almost leaving Wyatt and Rufus in the time machine in danger, but they do survive thanks to Agent Christopher, who relocates them to an abandoned military compound. Wyatt wants to look for Lucy, thinking that she's alive while Christopher doesn't want him to get his hopes too high. But Lucy is alive and with her mother, who we learned in the season finale that she's with Rittenhouse.

After the bombing, we jump six weeks later finding Lucy with Carol and Emma traveling to the Battle of Saint-Miihel, France in 1918 to find an injured solider, Nicholas Keynes and bring him back to 2018. But Emma puts Lucy in a tight position when she wants her to murder Keynes' squad-mate, who's was asking way too many questions seeing things being done.

While repairing the Lifeboat, Wyatt and Rufus find where the Mothership and get there to rescue Lucy and when they get there, they find that she's trying to sabotaged Carol's mission. But in the meantime, Wyatt and Rufus comes in between a member of Rittenhouse and after kicking some butt, find a copy of Keynes's 1910 Rittenhouse time travel manifesto from a modem Rittenhouse agent that's fully integrated into the past.

While in the present, Mason, who feels useless, tries to develop an algorithm to track the Mothership's movement and Jiya's illness continues to get worsen.

To help save Keynes, Lucy gets Marie Curie and Irene Joliot-Curie, who using a "petite Curie" radiography unit (an x ray). But when they left and discover the Mothership, Emma threatens to kill them. Lucy stops her and comes in between them, but Emma would kill all three if Wyatt and Rufus didn't get there in time but with an exchange. With the Curies fleeing, Emma, Carol and Keynes left while Lucy, Wyatt and Rufus are back together and get back to 2018. 

Back in the present, looking at the manifesto, Wyatt thinks that Rittenhouse had placed sleeper agents throughout history thinking that Emma, for example, was placed there not by accident but to get things moving. Meanwhile, Carol wakes up Keynes, who we learn is her grandfather. And in order to get help, Christoper goes to the one person who knows what Rittenhouse will do next, Flynn. But he will only talk to Lucy about all of this mess.

The season premiere opened up like a fright train that was't going to stop for one second. The episode really sets the series in an amazing direction for these characters and some mind blowing moments, with Keynes being the great grandfather of Lucy. But the moments for me have to be watching Lucy reunite with Wyatt and Rufus for the firs time since leaving with her mother and the almost kiss moment between her and Wyatt was nothing but intense moment. Just like last season, I'm all in for this season with where this show will be going. Good character development and the writing was good as well. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Timeless Sundays at 10/9c on NBC.