They may be different from the outside but are the same deep down inside. As the two-night, three-show crossover of Chicago Fire, SVU, and Chicago PD concluded, we not only see them taken on just one case but see how both two cities aren't different at all.

Where we last left, on Chicago Fire, we saw that a house was on fire and had a guy who was bringing a briefcase but dropped it on the floor. That briefcase was full of photos of little children. Erin and Voight are called, and soon, Erin sees her brother in one of the photos. So they contacted SVU for help to find her brother Teddy. And so, they left, and we are now here.
We start with Voight calling Benson, as she was with Amro and Noah at the park, talking about the case and that Erin and Jay are on their way. He also tells her she should watch for Erin since this is very personal.

Both Amro and Fin talk about Halstead. The last time that Rollins and Fin were there in Chicago, he heard that Halstead tried to hit on her. He also tried to act so macho in a way. Both met in Benson's office, and soon Rollins came in.
Benson shows everyone that Amro found more photos of Teddy, and Rollins looks shocked as she takes it to view the file. Then Benson, Erin, Amro, and Jay were at another place where law enforcement looked through videos and watched kids in a sexual video. They tried to find where the tape was recorded and also tried to find out who the person behind the video was.
They look for Erin's brother and come to a place where he was years ago. They talked to the head person there but couldn't find him and not even the security guard couldn't remember him. So when they spoke to a girl who was once a prostitute at a young age and became successful as she went to school to become a teacher, Rollins and Amro talked to her.
Later, they find out where Teddy is, where prostitution is happening. They pulled, and soon, it was a bit of a family reunion with Teddy and Erin. Teddy is not too happy to see Erin as she's trying to ask for help to find the people doing this to these other kids.
As the episode continues, they find a break in the case when the security guard is part of the ring. As Benson, Erin, and Jay chase him, Benson gives the badass knockout to suspects on the run while Erin gets hit by a biker and soon falls to the ground.

That's when Voight visits the Big Apple; he visits Erin in the hospital and sends her back home to Chicago. Then, that's where the chills began as Benson and Voight greeted each other and met for the first time.
As Rollins and Amro question the suspect, Voight thinks that it's a bit boring. As soon as he couldn't take it anymore, he went in there and handled it himself. As he takes him to the wall, Benson commands him to stop.

Moving on, it wasn't until they found where one of the videos was streaming they got three of the guys and found the boy in the live streaming. Everyone questions them, and when one of them wouldn't talk, Benson and Voight get intense with him but send him to a 24-hour jail hold. It wasn't until later that he was killed.
Soon, word from the gang in Chicago informed Voight that the suspect from the fire also died, but he died of a gunshot to the head, along with a police officer guarding him. And that's where things take their turn and head back to Chicago.
The show continued, and we saw the rest of the gang, Dawson, Al, Ruzek, Atwater, Burgess, and Roma, looking at the scene when Ruzek found out who the officer's whole life; it got personal for him as he knew him from the academy.
Everyone goes back to the house; Erin is there, and so is Voight with Rollins and Amro. They bring everyone up to speed on the investigation.

The one thing in this episode of CPD is that we get to see Platt on an emotional side, that she was assigned the officer to watch the suspect at the hospital. She tells them that he was there and working overtime for her daughter's tuition.

Later, they come to two suspects; one of them gives Voight, Halstead, Ruzek, and Amro a run for his money. The guy was running like Spiderman, humping off rooftops. But when he jumped off, it turned out to be too far, and he was hanging on the edge. And then he fell on the ground before Amro, dead on impact.
The others, along with Erin, found one of the girls that was in the video in the video. Erin talks to her, and the girl hugs her very tightly. Soon, Erin takes her in. She's thinking that she could do what Voight did with her, but I don't think she can handle the responsibilities that come with that.
As the gang reaches a dead end, the Commander tells Voight that he has one more day to get this case solved, or he's given it to Major Case. With that in mind, he calls for Benson's help. As Benson comes in, she shares her thoughts and charity with Platt, the falling officer. She and Voight bump heads.
It wasn't until Erin found Teddy and talked to him. She brings him to the House, and he sits at her desk while she talks to Voight and Benson. It was then that Teddy saw a photo and started to say that it was the guy. The guy that took him. It turned out to be the guy that they interviewed at the DCFS office.
As they arrested him, he turned out to be in the basement in a cage. And you know when someone's in the cage, you know what's coming. It's time to Get In The Cage with Voight. But that stopped when Benson told him that she had more cases that she needed him to talk about. So she did talk to him and later on they found the other boy at an abandoned house in a locked room.
After finding the boy, the gang enters the station and exits the car. The officer's family was there, and as soon as they came out, everyone raised their arms for a salute. They walk down, and as they get to the car, Ruzek hugs the widow, helps her in, and shuts the door. As they left, everyone saluted.
Later, Erin comes in and sees the little girl playing. She then tells her that a foster family wants to take her and the little boy with them and invites Erin to come. The girl was so excited when she heard Erin was coming. It did bring some emotional connection to Erin.

Later, at a local bar, we see Benson and Voight having a beer together. (Do I sense a relationship?) Anyway, they talked, and Benson mentioned that she hadn't seen any sights yet and asked Voight if it was beautiful. He replied that it's one of the most beautiful cities and that, at times, when it's not.

This crossover episode event was flat-out amazing. I haven't had this much excitement that it brought in a long time. I remember when ER did a crossover with Third Watch, and I remember Law & Order (the mother-ship) doing a bunch of crossovers.
The storyline for this event was nothing but fantastic. I was really into how we would see Benson and Voight meeting and how they would work together, but as it came out, it worked out fine. And that they have a workable relationship.
I hope in the future that we'll see this again. I don't know if once a year of crossover is good; that would probably be pushing too much.
You can catch Law & Order SVU on Wednesday nights at 9/8c and Chicago PD on Wednesday nights at Tenn/9c on NBC.