Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Overwhelming: Chicago Med "This Is Now"

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A massive park shooting turns Med into a war zone of treating and saving with everyone they have with everything they've got.

"This Is Now" turns into one hour of intense, emotional fast pace episode that they haven't really done since last season's blizzard episode. But in this case, this was like five times as big with everyone at Med trying treat victims of a park shooting who can be saved and quickly move on to the next one. Meanwhile, while all of this is going on, Natalie deals with the thought that her son, Owe, might have been there during the shooting and tries to make the calls to her babysitter but no word and Jay was busy trying to find the shooter, who happens to be in the hospital with a severe neck wound but is saved by Rhodes.

Meanwhile, #Manstead fans would be all in the happiest moment when Will made some calls and went to get Owen and brought him over to Natalie. After seeing and hugging her child, all three were together hugging.

After what felt like three months of non stop action, the situation gone down and Goodwin tells the hospital lawyer that her demands of a new CT scanner is not enough of what they have just gone though and asked to more than CT scans and even a bigger ED to handle a massive causality.

This was one of the best action episodes since last season, with such driven and fast pace stories from one character to another.  It brought me back to the days of ER. Putting characters into situations that they are not normally felt comfortable, that goes for Latham who had to perform surgery in the doctor's lounge in the ED. Even the event put not only put April overwhelmed but even Ethan, who was shaken up after. Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Chicago Med Tuesday at 10/9c on NBC.

Stand Off: The Blacklist "Ian Garvey Concussion (No. 13)"

Image result for The Blacklist Ian Garvey Concussion no 13

It's the episode that we've been waiting for since the midseason finale and it does it in a classic Blacklist fashion.

It's the episode that we've all been waiting, but the question lays to this: who will get to Garvey first. With the thrills that this show has taken between Liz, Red and Garvey, it couldn't be any better when Red arranges a meeting with Garvey to get his secret bag, but of course you think that Liz will let that go? Nope. When word about how Garvey was going to ambush Red, Red didn't take the bate from Liz and the FBI but arrange form a Blacklist friend, Sinclair for help.

Thinking that Red would get his own double turns out to be the complete opposite as it turns out to be a Garvey double while Red has Garvey tied up. But the man wouldn't be in Red's custody for long when he get the car to crash and escapes.

Meanwhile, Liz has been busy talking to her long lost half sister about how Garvey killed Tom and all. Learning that Red lost Garvey, she asked her for help on where the bag would be, but when Garvey gets to the bar, Liz is there to demanded answers and the bag. But soon Red gets there and it turns into a three gun stand with Liz pointing a gun to Dembe. But it's Garvey that takes the shot at Red, which both Liz and Dembe shoots Garvey multiply times in the chest.

But Red shoots Garvey multiply times, while Liz shoots Red. Red and Dembe escapes when the FBI shows up. Liz tells Garvey that he will not die and comes with him to the ER, where she tries to get answers from him, til it was too late (if you take that by hand).

This episode, after coming back from a couple of weeks on break, was marvelous in the best possible way. It had it's classic Blacklist moments of Red and Garvey stand off, thinking that Red is a fake Red but was just the real Red and Garvey was the fake. It had the intense moment after moment where it's the scenes with Liz and her half sister, Red and Garvey or the stand out between the four at the bar.  This had Liz character driven on high speed throughout the episode, showing that she will do anything to get her answer. I don't know how the relationship between Red and Liz will do after this episode. But I know the hunt is on for the bag of bones and probably the one person that might know is Red's daughter, Jennifer.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch The Blacklist (with three more episodes left!) Wednesday at 8/7c on NBC.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Flashback: Life In Pieces "#TBT: House Destiny Introduction Retirement"

Image result for Life In Pieces "#TBT: House Destiny Introduction Retirement"

It's a real Throwback Thursday for the Short family this week.

"#TBT: House Destiny Introduction Retirement" refers to when the characters were at their memorable and happiest moments. From Jen and Greg faking an engagement to buy a house and then actually get engaged for real. They had to find the ring, thinking it was fake, in the trash, and Greg proposed to Jen. We see how the Short family met Tim, and it was quick to love John, but it ends up learning that Heather is pregnant.

Even the first time Matt and Colleen had their first "so-called" date, he was waiting for his blind date (that was blind) and had Greg take over for him while he comforts Colleen from a breakup. Seeing John on his last trip as an airline pilot, when his second pilot talked to him about the final landing, John decided to stay up in the air for a while. Trying to talk him down, Joan tells him that she's with him on this retirement journey, but when he lands, he is taken to his boss for what the hell happened in the air.

With hilarious, brilliant, well-performed performances from the cast, this is one of the show's best episodes. It doesn't have to be that big or that small compared to other shows on television. I just enjoyed watching these characters' backstories of what led them to where they are today, from buying the house they live in now to being married with family together and retiring. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Life In Pieces on Thursdays at 9:30/8:30 on CBS.

The Birds and the GED: Champions "Matt Bomer Poster"

Image result for Champions "Matt Bomer Poster"

With Matthew carrying a deep secret, Vince thinks that Michael having a Matt Bomer poster in his room leads to a discussion of the birds and the bees.

"Matt Bomer Poster" was hilarious, smart and very clever with a strong character development of the characters. When Vince sees a poster of Matt Bomer in Michael's room, he worries that he's doing something that leads him to having the talk. But after trying to make it fun and all, Vince tells Michael that when he's ready to have the talk, he'll be ready.

But a shocking moment comes when learning that Matthew didn't actually graduate from school. When Michael learns about it, after spying on him, he helps Matthew study for the GED but fails and tells Vince about it. But Vince helps Matthew put him back into school again.

I'd very much enjoyed this episode a lot. From the awkward moments between Vince and Michael talk about the birds and the bees to the funny moments of Matthew and Michael dealing with the GED and school issue. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Champions Thursdays at 9:30/8:30c on NBC.

Father! A.P. Bio "Walleye"

Image result for A.P. Bio Walleye

Does Jack's plan finally get Miles once and for all?

With Jack finally getting what is probably the well thought out plan to get back at Miles by pretending that one of Jack's A.P. Bio students to be Miles' son that he never knew. Using Devin, the plan worked quickly and as they spend time together Devin enjoyed it more and more and Jack's plan seemed to be not where he wanted it to go.

But when it finally came down, Devin does it in front of his classmates and Jack watching from outside the classroom. Miles runs being upset and Jack, coming in happy but soon runs off to apologizes to him about the whole thing. Miles sees that Jack was doing it because of jealously but really it looks like Miles is jealous of what Jack has. But it doesn't end there.

But I must get into the Principal Durbin having an idea for the school prom being the theme to the film Congo (based on the novel by Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, Westworld and ER). When the teachers didn't think it was a good idea, he lets his disappointment show but then agrees to have his theme for the prom.

Getting back to Jack and Miles, after apologizing to Miles, the next day Jack gets a call from him about a surprising opportunity: to take his position at Stanford (the one that Jack wanted all along). But before he could say anything it end with a cliffhanger.

"Walleye" was another good episode that delivered enough humor and wit. It was a good story with mostly the humorist moments coming between Jack and his class about how to sell one of them as Miles' son. Also the Durbin and his idea about the prom theme was pretty good, but it did give me the idea to rewatch the movie Congo. The episode had good character development and the cast puts on a good and hilarious performances. Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.

You can catch A.P. Bio Thursday at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Twist and Shocks: The Blacklist "Anna-Garcia Duerte (No. 25)"/"Zarak Mosadek (No. 23)"

Image result for The Blacklist "Zarak Mosadek"

With a new episode of The Blacklist tonight, here's a quick recap of the last couple of episodes.

"Anna-Garcia Duerte (No. 25)" 

As Red get in contact with an associate of the Nash Syndicate, he gets shot and killed while on the phone with Red. Thinking that it was Garvey, Red sets Liz and the Task Force on the case in order to recover the evidence that's they need to bring down him.

But the case takes a total left turn when learning that the associate's daughter happens to be his wife (now widow) and it doesn't end there when other "husbands" have been killed as well. The killings have been of the hands of Anna-Garicia Duerte, who was one of the girls that she helps killing their husbands. The one person that talked Anna to turn herself in was Samar, who might know a bit about what she's gone through.

In the meantime, Liz figures out that Red was the one that ordered the witness to disappear, but tells her that the witness isn't reliable for them to take down Garvey, but the guy is safe. But one thing is for sure, Liz will learn what's in that suit case one way or another.

The episode was very good as well as given a stunning twist to the case of the week. Also the build up to Liz getting Garvey has been breathtakingly good when it put the relationship with Red and Liz to another level. Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.

"Zarak Mosadek (Mo. 23)"

When Red gets the information about someone who knows Garvey, he tries to get Liz and the Task Force to come to Paris, but only getting the Task Force. There Red and the team try to get to one man who's son has been held hostage. Call it what you want, Red has one of the best times hanging and dealing with help to get to the guy. When saving the man and his son, Red get him to make a phone call to someone who knows Garvey, his boss.

Meantime, with Liz not going with Red and the team, she goes on her mission with Aram. They spy and steal documents about Garvey from another federal officer. Liz and Aram spy on Garvey at a pub, who doesn't do anything but eat and enjoy his time, but spots someone that he talks with and hugs when he leaves. There Liz takes her and asked her questions about Garvey, let alone show her the whole evidence board. She tells her that Garvey has been a good person to her, but tells Liz the shocking moment of the episode....that Garvey told her to keep away from her father.....Raymond Reddingotn.

Fun, suspense and most of all shocking when it comes to the final scene of the episode. It goes to show you that The Blacklist is still on it's game when it comes to shocking storyline moments like this one. I just can't wait to see how this Family Reunion will go now. Overall, I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch The Blacklist Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC.

A Parent's Love: Chicago Med "The Parent Trap"

Image result for Chicago Med The Parent Trap

It was all about the parents in this week's episode of Chicago Med.

"The Parent Trap" serves the title purpose when talking about what this episode is all about: parents. From Reese's learning that her father is gonna die and figuring out if she should talk to him one last time, but she does it becomes an awkward moment as he talks out of his head. Either way, he did get the heart transplant thanks to Rhodes, who pushes for it.

For Rhodes, he learns that Bekker has been seeing his dad after she gets a huge basket of flowers. Or course, we know that Conner and his dad has had a family feud since the beginning of the series and after the heart surgery, Rhodes opens to her about it situation and his feelings for her.

Natalie and Will are forced to work with each other thanks to Maggie when a kid comes in with a bad bowel that's required surgery but learns that the kid has panda syndrome (yep it's real, look it up). But Will doesn't think the kid has it and that their family doctor is just pushing meds on him. It draws tension between Will and Natalie again but it opens up about how they're medical opinion isn't being heard. But the kid's mother holds a personal secret that her son doesn't have pandas syndrome but OCD.

April and Noah treat an elderly man, who comes in with what seems to be drug related but his daughter fights that he doesn't take any drugs. With the test results indicating that he's positive for drugs, it turns out that the man's coat contain powder of fentanyl, which turns the ED on emergency lockdown of that wing due to being the strongest type. It puts Goodwin in a bad situation with the hospital board committee when she confronts them about putting the ED on bypass til the drug is cleaned out.

Ethan get angry with his sister, as she doesn't return the car in time for his daily visit to the homeless kids that he's been helping. But when she finally comes, Ethan treats a kid who seems to have cancer, but needs to inform his foster parents, for which the kid doesn't want. Ethan's sister helps him by getting Ethan not to tell the kid's foster parents, but he does when the results prove right. But Ethan not only learns about the kid's decision to leave but also his sister's view on it too as she was a runaway as well. The kid did comes back to the ED, sees his foster parents, and gets treated but the relationship might not be there between them.

This episode was as good as it could be with the moments of Reese and her father being one of the best of the episode to #Manstead moments to even the worried moment between Goodwin and the board members when the hospital attorney tells her about how this could get her fired. The character development in this episode was as good with memorable moments and performances from the cast. Just three more episodes left til the end of the season, something big feels like is going to happen. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Chicago Med Tuesdays at 10/9c on NBC.