Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Chicago PD Star Joining New Series

Get ready for a character leaving for another show, but don't get too upset as this character won't be going away.
Deadline has reported exclusively that Jon Seda, who plays Intelligence Unit detective Antonio Dawson on Chicago PD will be leaving the series to be joining the latest spin off in the Chicago series, Chicago Justice. On the legal series, Seda will reprise his character who will now be an investigator for the DA's office. His character will be partnered with fellow investigator Lori Nagle, played by Joelle Carter.

Word is that the idea came from the Chicago boss, Dick Wolf, as a creative dicision based on the natural trajectory of the character who had been hitting a wall on his intelligence beat and as a single father, had been looking for a more stable, steady job.
No word on the timing of Seda's transition from P.D. to Justice. He's still on the cop drama, where Dawson will eventually leave for his new gig as he'll be joining Philip Winchester and Carl Weathers.
Justice, will premiere during midseason, is the third Chicago series for Seda. He started off as a recurring on the mother ship Chicago Fire. He and Jason Beghe were spun off to anchor the spin off Chicago P.D. as the leads, and ever since Day 1 he's been a series regular.
You can catch Chicago PD, Wednesday nights at 10/9c on NBC.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
NBC Gives This Is Us a Full Pick Up.
Just after a week ago of it's premiere, NBC has announced that This Is Us has gotten picked up for a full season.
This order for a complete first season of 18 episodes is exactly what we'd wanted and hoped for, " said Dan Fogelman, creator and executive producer, in a statement. "We'd carefully mapped out an 18-chapter story for the first year of the show, and this allows us to follow through with our exact initial intent. And to get the order so early on is a tremendous show of confidence and a boost for our entire cast and crew."
The newly twisted family drama premiered last Tuesday to 10.1 million total viewers and a 2.8 ratings demo, marking it as the Big 4's highest-rated drama debut since last fall's Supergirl and not to mention Blindspot. It also marked NBC's highest-rated scripted program in the time slot in more than six years, since an April 2010 episode of Parenthood.
You can catch This Is Us tonight at 10/9c after The Voice on NBC.
Decision Disorder: Kevin Can Wait "Sleep Disorder"
Last night's episode of Kevin Can Wait might have been hilarious at time but I think that the title of this episode seems misleading.
When Kevin accidentally rubbed Icy Hot for his arm into his arm pit, he left the burn badly that beg Donna to switch sides on the bed. The next morning, he realizes that Donna has a shorter route to the bathroom than he does, not to mention that everything around the house was under her decision. So Kevin decides to talk it out with her that they should make decisions together from furniture to having a beanbag chair in the bathroom.
When Donna agreed and Kevin went out bring his stuff from the antic and brought it down. Donna saw what Kevin brought from the George Foreman grill to the recliner chair to even his own legs and abs workout pants, which I have no clue what the hell it was, but served a purpose for Kevin when the pants put a ton of pressure on his legs and couldn't stop it. After cutting his pants, he tells Donna the truth that none of anything around the house is something that he decided to place.
Also the B-Story was when Chale was emotional watching a cooking show and had Donna, Kendra, Sara and Jack all thinking that it was weird. But when Uncle Kyle gets involved, he tells him about being emotional and turned him into an unemotional guy when they watched "Ole Yeller" (I believe).
Kendra confronts him about it and tells him that she wants him to express his emotionas but not in a way that it's wired. SO they hugged and he let out his emotions about the dog when Kevin pops out and thought that Kendra broke things off. Kevin offered to buy him a ticket back to England but Kendra tells him that they haven;t broken anything off, but still Kevin wants to buy him a ticket back to England.
This was a good episode that had me laughing at times. The A-story was good with Kevin and Donna. There were scenes when Kevin got scared of how Donna looked when sleeping, there was when he and his guys were going around the house looking at what Donna has placed.
I did like his idea of the TV placed on the ceiling, until it fell off. Not the best idea but good one: watch TV while laying down. I don't want to pop my head up while laying down.The B-Story was okay. Cartwright was good, but not as hilarious as he was in the pilot. The only issue was the title of the episode "Sleep Disorder" there was no sign that someone had a sleep disorder or anything with sleep. It should have been called Decision Disorder or something.
I give this episode a 6/10.
You can catch Kevin Can Wait Monday nights at 8:30/7:30c on CBS.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Supergirl 2x01 Sneak Peek "The Adventures of Supergirl" (HD)
The latest sneak peak of the new season of Supergirl is out and it brings both Supergirl and Superman together to save a spaceship from crashing. This Superman looks fresh but has kept with the old school Superman lingo.
You can catch the season premiere of Supergirl Monday, Oct. 10th at 8/7c on The CW.
Chicago Med "Soul Care" Season Premiere

Last season's #1 New Medical Drama returns and the season premiere of Chicago Med jumps into Season 2 with a rush!!
The episode opens up with Manning in the helicopter with two patients a father and his pregnant daughter that were in a car accident. Halstead rushes up to help and take control as he is the new chief attending in the ED. Manning puts a chest tube in the mother and rushes her to CT.
Later Rhodes, Halstead and Manning discuses treatment for the woman as what's best for her and the baby as Rhodes thinks putting in a stint will be fine with the baby still in the mother. But they wait, til her father falls and has an MI where Rhodes and Halstead try to save him rush to the CT along with having surgery.
Under a teaching mentor, Rhodes is introduce to Dr. Latham, who says that Rhodes wasn't his first choice to have on his team. The two butted heads during surgery with the pregnant woman's father on which vein to take for the guy's heart. When Rhodes give him his opinion of what Downey would do, the new guy flipped out and threw a pan in the OR freaking everyone, including me too. This is going to be a great season for the two of them.
After the surgery, Rhodes gets Manning to okay on putting a stint in the mother's heart. While performing the baby's heart was dipping and soon had to perform an emergency C-section and after that the mother and the baby was well. Unlike her father as his health was fail pretty fast. Halstead and Rhodes performed CPR and did everything but the guy was gone, until as they walked away the guy's heart was beating and soon the daughter came and the two had about a minute or two as he saw his granddaughter and soon passed away. Talk about your miracles, right?
Choi was dealing with his new role as Chief Resident of the ED and he tries his new way of patient care which wasn't working at all. But in the end he was gong to go back to the old style and as Halstead told him the nurses run the department better.
Dr. Charles gets Reese to come back and take the resident spot in his department and takes a case of a 15 year old girl who seemed to try to kill herself with a power pain medicine. Reese goes in and talks to her and when she finally tells her about a rash that she has and had check it, she freaked out and thought that she was going to die. Reese takes a skin sample and gets it tested to reveal that it was an fungus infection. It was a good start for Reese as she's back at Med.
For April, she still doesn't think she's good after having TB and taking meds for the next five months. But after seeing a patient that came in with injuries who is HIV kissing his wife, things kind of settled down for her.
I loved how the new season kicked off, right to the first trauma in the episode. The pregnant daughter and her father storyline just took my breath away, both of them facing heart trouble and not to mention that the father dies and comes back just for a while to meet her granddaughter was touching. Also I enjoy watching Halstead get tough on Jeff Clarke, even though it is personal at times. And Rhodes and Latham is going to be an interesting team this season.
Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.
You can catch Chicago Med Thursday nights at 9/8c on NBC.
Girls Day Out: The Good Place "Chapter 3: Tahani Al Jamil"

As Eleanor tries to be a good person, she thinks of that note that was slipped through her door and who could it have been. She has one person in mind and even if she hated her, she'll spend the day figuring her out.
Eleanor has a pretty good idea who has sent her that note that was slipped through her door and that person came in bring a nice planet for her house, Tahani Al Jamil. Of course, Eleanor never had like her from the beginning but she'll prove to Chidi that Tahani isn't who she said she is to be and she'll prove it by bring her some fruit, pears. But when that failed, she offered to help Tahani to go around the neighborhood and make sure everyone is in the good spirit.
But to Eleanor, there was no bad thing about Tahani, not even her full name which means "Congratulations Beautiful" and she was a model too. When the two went around bring scones to people and Tahani getting complements, the two went back to Tahani's house and had tea. But just before Eleanor left, she sneaks around the place and found her diary. and takes it back home.
When Eleanor comes back home, Chidi is there not to happy after Michael tried to get him interested in another hobby and that his 3600 page book stinks. But both Eleanor and Chidi gave each advise to each other, she telling him who cares what Michael thinks and also opens up to her about her attitude towards good/happy people. Chidi get her to turn in that book and when she does, she hears Tahani crying. She tells Eleanor about how she thinks that Jianyu isn't right for her.
Chidi tells Michel that he wants to keep working on academics and to write his book. The next morning, Eleanor wakes up and sees the plant that Tahani has given to her blossom back to form after yesterday's bad naming calling lead to it dying slowly and burned into flames. Later that day, Michael, Tahani and Janet stopped by and talked to Eleanor as Tahani thought that she would be great helping Michael what caused the strange events.
As Eleanor got back home, she sees another note, thinking that she left it but it read to meet them at the Time Square that night. She gets there and soon it's no other than Jianyu, who speaks to her (some monk, right?). She's shock, but even more shocking is that not only does he think she doesn't belong in The Good Place, but he doesn't think him either and doesn't know how he got here
I'd really enjoyed this episode, mostly the B-storyline with Chidi, Michael and Janet. It was hilarious watching Janet go from different kinds of personality modes each time we seem them at a different place for Chidi's new job. Not to mention the plant dying off in two steps. After three episodes in one week I've really enjoyed how we get a sudden cliffhanger, like the knock at the door, the note at the door and Jianyu saying he doesn't belong and ask Eleanor for help.
Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
You can catch The Good Place Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Finding Her: The Blacklist "Esteban" Season Premiere
The Blacklist is back!! The most anticipated season is here, and it starts on a high-driven note.
We pick off right from where the finale left off; Red is looking around the room, seeing blood and picturing what happened in the events of Liz, Angus, and Tom being kidnapped. So, Demebe gets a call on the location of one person there, and so they take off.
We see Red and the crew walking into a nightclub in slow-motion fashion (which is beautiful enough to capture Red's emotional state). They get to the back, where a miss performing CPR on a cop, but by the time Red wants to talk to him, he is dead. So the next best thing was for him to perform a mess operation of cutting the guy's head off. Yes, you read that correctly: Reddingotn cut off the dead guy's head. AWESOME, right?!
He takes the head and shows it to one of his friends, who takes him to a group of cops that are playing porkpokerd asks if they know who the person is, they'll get a cut of the money, but one didn't want to talk, so he got shot and so did the rest of the three until the last one spoke of who he knows.
When Red and Dembe found where Liz was, they headed out to what looked like an automatic shop. Red and Dembe search around and find a room with a glass window, where he hears Kirk behind the glass along with Red. Kirk and Red have a standoff moment; Rehe tries to break the glass with his gun but doesn't seem to do anything. But Cuban police were coming, and Red and Dembeleftf,t but not before Liz told Red that he needed to search for Angus, but also Red said to her that he'd check for her.
Red figures that he needs h help. Call one FBI to find Esteb, a blacklister who is a double agent in Cuba for the USA, but Cuba doesn't know. Esteban is probably one of the scariest-looking guys ever blind, and yet he takes his plastic eyes out for his prisoners to hold. YUCK!
Cooper sent Ressler down there and met with Esteban at his place. The two had a nice chat, and Ressler called on Red to have the two talk. Reed asked him to search for a girl that had been taken (Liz) and the baby. It was later that he found where Liz was being held.
Meanwhile, Liz and Kirk were getting to share a lot. He says he's her father, but she'd buy it. Soon, Angus is brought back to Liz, and she plans to escape Thylacine's place and is caught.
Tom, on the other hand, is the Cuba tour, if you know what I mean. Kidnapped, he was taken by the Cuban Frankenstein (if you will) to another guy who was going to take him out. If that guy thought he was going to have a lot of fun with Tom, he sure hell doesn't know what the hell he was getting into. Tom knocks him out and kills him, but after, he tells Kirk, who was on the phone at the time, that he is coming for his family and an army is coming.
Red and the team get to the spot where Liz is and where Angus is. Dembe looks in the house and heads upstairs til Frankenstein takes him down and beats him til he leaves. Kaplan, who is not on Red's good side then, sees a woman grabbing baby blankets and stuff, finds her with Angus, and takes her out. Way to go, Kaplan!!
Red is, races out to the back and sees the plane leaving, with Liz looking down from the window, all in disbelief and sadness. The camera angle of Red's reaction was perfect in that scene, shocked and lopsided.
The good news is that Red had Angu, but the bad news is that they lose Angus, too, when Frankenstein runs them over. He takes Angus away, but not until he kisses Kaplan with his finger on her lips. What the hell was that for?
OH MY GOD!!! This took my breath away from the moment I ted to the end of the episode. This was the season premiere that The Blacklist had done yet. It was so good, from the acting to the writing and the idirectionalloot. I'm happy they didn't have a trailer and promos for this season, but only small clips with previous clips.
So, what will happen?LOLooksooks, like the haunt to save, Liz is on. What will happen to Mr. Kaplan (to be honest, the dishonest doesn't want her to go)? t it looks like Red might kill her. If anybody agrees that, I think we would want Tom vs Frankenstein fighting it out again, right? We all know that Tom can kick that dude's butt.
Overall, I give this episode a 10/10.
You can catch The Blacklist Thursday nights at 10/9c on NBC
Father and Daughter II: Chicago PD "The Silos" Season Premiere
In the season premiere of Chicago PD, will Erin be the one to turn Voight in for what he did to Justin's killer or help him lean off of the Commander's investigation?
The events that happen in the season finale has haunted Erin for the past couple of weeks (from what it looks like). She gets a call from the Commander and asked about why Hank and her were at this location (The Silos) on the night of what they were pursing Justin's killer. Erin give the Commander her version but she wasn't buying it at all.
In the meantime, the Intelligence Unit gets a call of an car arson with a body that has a police wire wrapped around him. When the gang took a look at it, a man pulls up asking for his son, Evan, saying that his phone led him to the spot where the burned car is at, which the person in the car was Evan. Not only was it hard on the father, but mostly harder on Voight (who just came back to work) and knows what it's like to lose a son.
The teams dives into the case and figures out where the wire came from, no doubt it was CPD. After an going through the victim's room, Al and Ruzek gets a mouthful from the victim's sister that CPD can't be trusted. The two go back and asked her give her side of the story of why her brother was working with narcotics. She explained that a cop threaten her 10 yrs in jail with a position of a tiny bag of Molly if she didn't help them. Her brother find out and took over for her instead.
That lead to Erin and Jay talking to the cop for the case, and boy did Erin give her a mouthful. I thought they were really going to duke it out. Erin would win in a knockout for sure! But anyway, the cop gives them the suspect they were working on and so that suspect became the Intelligence's suspect.
Dawson and Atwater checkout the guy, at the gym, and uses their high tech stuff to see who the suspect is calling. IT turns out to be his baby mama and that's where Voight goes and picks her and her kid up to help them get the guy. When Dawson and Ruzek give her the rundown of what they are going to do, Ruzek tells her to use a code word. But for her she uses banana, as the safe word.
After what looks to be a plan going good to wrong, the unit captures the guy. Soon after the Commander comes in and ask Voight to come with her. They go to the Silos and asked him not once but twice to confess about killing Justin's killer and barred him in the ground there. Voight wouldn't say anything expect saying that if she had a child she would understand. The CSI and cops kept digging but no body was found.
Now, who moved the body? Was it Erin? Was it Voight? I'm going with Erin on this one as she's been thinking and thinking about it all through the episode and the pressure was on for her. Loved that scene where she was int he Silos and she's looking at the ground with the camera wide out and focusing on her with a look that you quite not know what she'll be doing. But she did the right thing, just hoprfully it doesn't come to bite her in the behind.
Also since Roman has left, Burgess gets a new partner and she was a beat cop given parking tickets and going to court. Officer Yan, seems nice and totally ready for the job that she had with Burgess. Their first case was a woman getting rapped in the back of his car, pretending to be an Uberr driver. The two butted heads and with the help from Pratt, they nailed the guy to the wall.
As for Voight, he seemed to get back well. I thought it was sweet and warming to see Casey give him his condolence on the lost of his son. But things get worst, not only did he have to worry about the Commander, but when he came back to his house, Justin's wife and baby were heading out to Scottsdale, AZ, because she couldn't be in the house with bad memories. For a man who not only lost his son but losing his grandson too, but there was a light at the end of the episode as he visits Erin after what happen at the Silos, he gives his thanks to her and with emotions building up he tells her that she is all he has left and the tow hug.
I LOVED this episode so much. It's another great story chapter of Erin and Hank as the father and daughter that they seem to be in this relationship. After they're relationship last season going up and down at times, this seem to be a real positive one. Love the introduction to Yan, I can't wait to learn a little bit about her. We understand that she was wrongful put in a position with one of the Commanders in her district, but thanks to Pratt, I think she'll sit in the 21st pretty good.
Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
You can catch Chicago PD Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC.
Heart and Soul: This Is Us: "Pilot"
It was one of the most viewed trailers for a new show this season. This Is Us has finally premiered, and from what critics and others have said about it, it's worth watching.
The story surrounds three pairs: a married couple that are about to become parents to triplets, a TV star brother and his overweight sister, and a son who's looking for his biological father. Each struggles with life's challenges with the good, bad, and the ugly. But these three are connected somehow, and that's the most brilliant secret in this pilot.
Let's start with the married couple: Jack and Rebecca. They look to be the happiest couple in the world. They're also expecting twins, and when it's Jack's birthday, the kids are ready to be born. While waiting to meet their doctor, they get another one, Dr. Katowsky, as the other one is having his surgery. Jack seems so optimistic about everything that he doesn't take to listen to Dr. K about the possibilities of something going south. During the birth, as the first child is out (a boy), things turn for the worse, and the doctor boots Jack out to do his thing. When Dr. K comes out, he walks to Jack with a long look of sadness and tells him first that Rebecca is fine and resting and got the second baby out, too, but the third child didn't make it as it was stillborn. Jack is in shock and keeps asking about his wife. Dr. K repeated what happened and also sat down with him and gave him a nice chat.
The brother and sister: Kevin and Kate: Kevin is a TV star in what happens to be the most extensive series on television, and yet it seems like the stupidest series on television called The Manny. Not only does he turn 36, but he reflects on his life and what he was doing. He felt the series wasn't doing him anything good except making him look sexy. So after doing one great dramatic take, the writer wanted him to do a lighter take with his shirt off, and soon Kevin blows, and it's the internet quick.
Kate is Kevin's twin sister, and she's having trouble with weight problems. She's joined a Weight Watchers program where they talk about their struggles. There, she meets with Toby, another overweight person who likes her, and the two go out. But soon, she was happy being around him, and after Kevin ruined part of the night, it was still a great night.
And for Randell: It's also his birthday, too, 36, and he's the boss of a major corporation. He soon gets an email about his biological father and that he's alive. He talks to his wife as they watch their two daughters playing soccer about it. He may not want to meet him at first, but he does and at first gives him the "I'm Randell, your biological son, and you left me at the fire station 36 years ago," etc. After his father asks if he wants to come in, he does and soon brings him to his home to meet the kids and his wife. Later, Randell learns that his father is dying and doesn't have much time, so he offers, or should I say, to make him stay with them for a while.
Now, since I've been waiting until now to write this, I think I can tell what the big twist of this story is so no one can yell at me about spoiling it. The connection between all of these characters is they're one family. Jack and Rebecca are the mother and father to Kevin, Kate, and Randell.
It's one of the most beautifully structured pilots I've seen on television. Dan Fogelman has done something special with this, and I can't wait to see what comes in future episodes. It does have that feel of "Parenthood" with that realistic-raw emotional feel that'll either make you feel sad, sound, or maybe hate (someone who'd watched it with me didn't quite like how Kate acts with Toby and Kevin about her weight).
The cast is astonishing, as each plays to a significant amount of emotion and humor. The one person I would say that stole the entire pilot is not even a cast member, but a guest star as the man who played Dr. Katowsky (Gerald McRaney); he gave a tremendous performance in scenes with Rebecca and Jack but also with Jack after the babies were born.
I give this episode a 9.5/10.
You can catch "This Is Us" on Tuesdays at 10/9c (soon to be moving to 9/8c on Oct. 11) on NBC.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Chicago Med S1 Recap/Top 5 Episodes And Preview of S2.
If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, you're in for a treat! I'll share a recap of the first season and offer some exciting previews for the upcoming one.
The Blacklist S3 Recap
There's just less than 12 hours til the most anticipated season premiere of They Blacklist tonight at 10/9c on NBC. Season 3 blew the roof off like no other show! Let's take a short, quick recap of last season.
It was a real roller coaster at speeds that doubled at the beginning of last season. Liz and Red are just beginning their run from the law as Liz is wanted for murder for killing Tom Connolly. So, instead of leaving the city, they will stay until things cool off. They do it most fabulously: dress up as cops, steal a car, take a redesigned cop car, break into a place for some clothes and a new hairstyle, and be on their way to a guy with a shelter in his bar.
Liz had to make a couple of sacrifices to save her, and by the time she ran into the Russian Embassy for safety. But she would be safe there for much longer as Ressler and Red had to work together to save her from the Russians as she had a bounty on her head.
She does get saved, and from Red, the two are off on a trip I would call an adventure of a lifetime, but calling it gathering the pieces to fight the Cabul. There were those moments when Ressler and the FBI team would get so close to the two, but Liz and Red were two steps ahead.
Meanwhile, Cooper, out of his job, teams up with Tom Kean to help save Liz by finding the man who framed Liz.
But all the running that Liz and Red have done must end as Liz gets caught by Ressler and taken in. The Director and his team have been working with the FBI near the midseason finale, trying to capture and finish Liz.
The episode The Director, Concussion was the one that could stand out the most from that point. One of the moments was as Liz was in the safe box, The Director finally got his guy to break the code and make her suffer. Aram, being the only one there, does everything and gives him the code to release her out of the safe box. Aram runs in front of them with a gun and demands that they release her, and thank god he did because Ressler and company saved her life.
Liz still had to go through a trial, and that's where Red and his Team of 11 come in and do their version of Ocean's 11 to help save Liz and finish The Director for good.
As soon as Liz was free, she learned that she was pregnant and that it was, of course, Tom's. So the two try again to be together, and Red doesn't think he is an excellent person to be with once again.
Tom and Liz get married with a gun blazing as a new force comes to take Liz away. Everyone was on at hand to protect Liz, but when Liz and Tom made their get, things didn't look promising as Liz started to bleed. She was taken to a secure location where Red and Mr. Kaplan had a team to care for her. Soon, a baby girl was born. But Liz's health had worsened, and they had to move her. For that, they needed to get to the hospital, but it was too late, and in front of Red, she died.
We see Red, in a significant defeat, walk off and then go by himself to a place in Cape Cod to get his thinking straight until he sees someone running towards the water. She was trying to kill her, but he saved her and took care of her. Whoever this person was wasn't real, not even the bad guys that were after her. Everything he had seen and heard was through his mind, like the stay of Gone Girl.
It took Red a while to get back; thanks to Aram for turning in Red's debut that he owns him. And now the team seeks revenge on who killed Liz. It all came down to a woman named Susan Hargrave, who ordered the hit or, should I say, kidnap Liz. When Red got her, she gave the name Alexander Kirk, one of Red's most dangerous friends.
Gargrave helped Tom as the two teamed up for an ES coming later in midseason.
When they got how to get Alexander Kirk out of his secret place, the pieces for Red were in place to shoot him on site, but he didn't come as he was still in his home. The foolish thing was Tom escaped his protection and flew to Cuba, where Liz was waiting. The death of Liz was a plan from Kaplan from the time the baby was born, and boy, when Red knew about it, he was so pissed.
Liz being alive might be one of the shocking moments, but it came when Kirk kidnapped Liz and her baby. Liz is tied up in a dark room with guards, and soon Kirk comes in; he talks and tells her that he is her father.....
There have been so many twists and turns this past season that have opened a flood of stuff for the new season that no one seems to tell. Hell, the promos and trailers are former clips of the past three seasons, with only a few for season 4 with Red and Dembe.
You can catch the season premiere of The Blacklist tonight at 10/9c on NBC.
Opening Up: Blindspot "Heave Fiery Knot"
The team is on the edge when it comes to working together as each member deals with their feelings for one another and to stopping a cartel from blowing up something big.
Jane relives another memory that has had her with a army team trying to stop someone, but when they get there a woman comes out, her team goes in and the place blows up. Jane tries to escape with the woman in the helicopter but that too explodes, leaving Jane to die there.
Jane tells Nas and Weller about it as she was with Roman and Sheppard. She learns that Orion was the name of the rescue mission sort to say and that the government gave a small memorial stone for their remembrance. But also that Sheppard wanted her to solve another tattoo this one with a cathedral looking building with bullets for open windows.
Patterson and Zapata looked it up and found that the place has been apart of the Mexican drug cartel where DEA agents got killed and also that DEA agents have been taken evidence and exchange them for much more profitable like major drug cartels, etc.
They find one DEA agent that has been doing these things, Valentine. When they went to pick her up, the team still doesn't think that Jane should be on the field with them, but they got to keep their head down and move on. When seeing men with tats in suits, they figure they're after Valentine an rescue her and bring her in. When they bring her in they pushed the questions of why she was there and who could be setting her up.
She finds out from Nas that her boss and mentor was the one to order the hit on her, because she knew a little bit too much to know and that she was going to report what was happening. So she joins the team and tries to take her boss down, but with Weller, Jane, Zapata and Reade there Valentine stayed put outside until she spotted him and tries to take him but failed by getting shot.
After this point the team really breaks into a couple of minutes to vent, which I feel they really need. I do agree from Zapata that it felt like being yelled by the principal. But the team came together and after sharing feelings to one of the members it looks like they got their focus.
Weller still has hard feeling about his dad, who killed Taylor. Jane still upset about the team given her to the CIA, Zapata and Reade doesn't want to work with Jane, and Patterson and Nas butt heads because Nas has some really cool toys that she doesn't have, which I think she should.
Finally, Patterson finds out where the truck with the weapons went as it was heading to the East Side of the city. But not to mention that five cartel members entered the US that day and look to be in gun exchange. So the team heads off and later figures that the cartel wasn't going to blow up the East side but blow up a plane that has someone very important people.
Weller and Jane takes down the guys handling the missile's projection while Reade and Zapata take down the guys with rocket launchers. After a nice couple of fights, one getting slammed on his back from Jane and Weller tackling another, Jane saves and projects the missile from the plane to the East river.
The team feels happy of the events that they prevented from happening. Zapata and Jane seems to be working slowing of trust. In the middle of the episode, we saw Dr. Borden asking out Patterson for dinner after given her a disk for The Oregon Trial computer game (AWESOME!!!!). Reade, who's been trying to get Coach Johnson case moving, rethinks of why he didn't remember anything when he was with the coach.
And the cherry on the cake or should I saw two cherries on the cupcake, Weller finally gets ride of his dad's stuff and as he walks in Allie comes in, she has some news...she's three months pregnant. Holy crap!! Also as Jane was looking at the memorial, she gets drugged by her crazy-ass brother, Roman.
This was a very good well paced, well action episode. I loved how the team struggles with their feelings about Jane and other things that has messed up the team during this episode. But Weller, a leader, takes control and get them on the right track. I still mixed about Nas even when she was lying to Jane about listening to case files as she was listening to her conversation with Borden. Speaking of Borden, I was wondering when Patterson and Borden are going to be a couple or have a relationship.
Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.
You can catch Blindspot Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Chicago PD Season 3 Recap and S4 Preview
With less than six hours to go until the most intense season premiere of Chicago PD yet airs. With everything that transpired in the season finale in May, let's recap what happened throughout season 3, which was Chicago PD at its best.
In the beginning, Erin has left the intelligence unit after the death of her best friend (Nadia) death. She was hanging with her mother, Bunny. Of course, being with her mother isn't the best role model to be around. But when Voight and Co. get a case that went south when Halstead is taken, hostage.
Erin comes in and helps the team out. After being such a badass, he takes those guys down and saves Halstead. After that, she wants to get back in and takes Voight's Road to New Life, where she stays with him until she's well enough.
The Halstead-Erin relationship grew this season. We hoped for a road trip episode, but the two didn't happen due to creative discussions. So they scrapped that and added a crossover episode with SVU, which brought two of the most hated criminals in the last couple of seasons; one of them was Gregory Yates, and it got the Law & Order SVU team to help because it happened under their show.
Yates and Erin had a standoff as he tried to mess with her, but ultimately, she shot the man in his childhood home. I know it's creepy, right? It was that excellent and raw emotion played through that episode for Erin.
Meanwhile, Voight has had some stuff happening to him. Not only taking care of Erin but when an ex-con was released from prison, the one thing he was going to do was take Voight and his family out. Voight was at his Voight mode of attack. Voight and Al take him back in.
In one of the biggest crossovers of the season, both Fire, Med, and PD engaged when a house fire of a cancer patient who didn't have cancer, to begin with, has the staff at Med scratching their heads when they find more and more patients with the same condition, Voight and Co. comes in and looks through the details of each patient and found out that the doctor who treated them was the one that treated Voight's late wife.
Through that one episode, we saw Voight in a way we had never seen before. The emotional toll that brought him and Erin is so understandable. I heard stories and even saw videos, too. And not to mention that his son Justin had a twin brother who died at birth.
Season three also brought in the Law of Chicago as the cast of Chicago Justice made its Network Debut when Burgess and Roman get attacked, and she shoots what she thinks was the suspect, turning Chicago upside down again. Burgess and Roman were at the beginning of a relationship besides being partners as Burgess and Ruzek broke off their engagement because he couldn't comment.
After the shooting, it took Roman a while to get back, and Burgess got some inteexcitingexciting. But in the end, when the CPD decided that Roman could no longer be a beat cop, he moved to San Diego, CA. Burgess chooses not to go, which breaks their relationship.
Let's talk about the season finale; Voight has been hearing about his son being in town without hearing from him. He confronts him when Justin, his wife, and the baby are there having a family meal with Erin, too. Things look bright for Justin until during a case of a mother's death that had Justin's contact info.
That led Voight to get hold of Justin, but nothing. But when Erin and Voght got word of the suspect's car, they went after it. But what they found was Justin lying in the truck, lifeless. From that point on, Voight went a total 180 with rage. That led Voight to go rogue and try to find this guy until he got word of his whereabouts and misled the team as he took in the suspect, thanks to his fellow former cops.
When Halstead tells Erin about the false bust, she knows what is happening and drives to Voight's spot as he had the suspect digging his grave. He tries to confess, but Voight tells him to explore. Erin gets there and tries to ask him to bring him in, but the look on Voight's face in the rain gives such a look that he is gone and going to do this.
He tells Erin to get it so she doesn't get in trouble for this. She drives off as fast as she can, tears coming down. The suspect tells Voight about it all as he stops digging. That only made Voight walk up and shoot him. As Erin was driving, she could hear the gunshot go off.
Now we're into season 4. Will Lindsay tell Commander Crowley about Voight taking an act of vengeance after the death of his son, Justin? How will the team adjust to this, too?
"They're not excusing anything that Voight did, but they're also a little but appreciative," said executive producer Matt Olmstead in a TVLine preview. "Because when it all went down, he had them go (on) a goose chase across town to seal them off so they wouldn't see anything. In their minds, he protected them, and then he did whatever he did. So, for the most part, the unit is back to work, albeit on eggshells a little bit."
With that, Voight will have a more careful watch on Erin to see how or what actions she may or may not take against him.
"He cares for her. He doesn't want to pressure her to do anything she doesn't want to do," Olmstead describes it.
Whatever happens, it will take Season 4 to a new level of drama.
You can catch the return of Chicago PD tonight at 10/9c on NBC.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Forking Awesome!: The Good Place: "Pilot' & "Flying"
The Good Place premiere last night, and it was a forking awesome!!
We meet Eleanor Shellstrop (Kristen Bell), who had just died and is in what Michael (Ted Danson) calls The Good Place. There, it's like a magical place where everyone exists happy, has a soulmate, and can't die. The problem is that Eleanor is not supposed to be in The Good Place, and Michael messed up on the calculation. They think she's another person who has done many good things.
With that in mind, Eleanor meets her soulmate, Chidi Anagoyne (William Jackson Harper), an ethics professor. He learns about Eleanor's situation and tries to figure out that maybe it's a test to see how good of a person Eleanor is, but if we've seen who Eleanor was and still is, a person who gets away with things and acts irresponsibly.
We meet other characters like Tahani Al-Jamil (Jameela Jamil), a British-Indian woman who's wealthy, and her soulmate Jianyu (Manny Jacinto), who's a silent Buddhist monk. Not to mention the creepy, hilarious Janet (D'Arcy Carden) as the go-to-person guide for all the information.
As Eleanor tries to adjust to the new place, Tahani throws a party for the entire neighborhood. At the party, she and Chidi see that everyone doesn't have a wrong side to them and that everyone is good. When she returns to her tiny home (for which I would love to live), she tells Chidi her story that she came from a divorced family at a young age.
But as she goes to sleep, she wakes up to the sound of chaos as giant bugs walking around, giraffes, flying shrimp, and giant frogs. This whole thing freaks out, Michael. Everyone wears yellow and black striped outfits except for Eleanor, who is the one who has caused the chaos.
When Michael calls a town meeting, he starts freaking out and thinking that if you sweat, you lick it off or wipe it and then lick it off, which was one of the funniest moments in the episode. But soon, everything went back to normal.
For Day 2, Michael had the idea to give the people of The Good Place something to live a little. So they flew in simulation suits, but before anyone could go zipping and soaring, Tahani had the idea to clean up the mess from the weird event. Almost everyone wanted to volunteer to help, and Eleanor wanted to go flying, but Chidi raised and called them to do it, proving that Eleanor could do some good instead of evil.
As everyone was flying, Eleanor was cleaning up, looking jealous, until she took her last bag to the trash. It ripped, and with only five minutes left, she dumped the garbage everywhere, from inside a home to bicycle baskets. She gets the suit on, and as she flies up, a thunderstorm of trash is dumped in the neighborhood.
It comes to Chidi that Eleanor isn't worth helping to become a good person. It takes a while until she dreams of a night at the bar as the designated driver and blows off her friends to have sex with the bartender. Eleanor wakes up and picks up the trash in the neighborhood. Later, Chidi comes, and after seeing what she's doing, he helps her until Janet comes.
The next day, Eleanor and Chidi begin the long process of being a good person. Soon, a note slides through the door saying, "You Don't Belong Here." Who could it be? Who knows that Eleanor isn't who they think she should be?
An excellent first two episodes. I loved it from the moment Bell and Danson scene where we learn a bit about what's going on. It's undoubtedly a different kind of comedy with the imaginative side of things, which I love.
The different curse words from "fork," "bullshirt," and "mother-forker" are just so clever that I might have to use them now. Bell and Danson are incredible, as are the rest of the cast. The writing of these two episodes was excellent. Michael Shur has done it again!!!
Overall, I give these two episodes 10/10.
You can catch The Good Place at its regular time on Thursdays at 8:30/7:30 on NBC
The King is Back! Kevin Can Wait: "Pilot"
The King of Comedy is back! Well, that's what I've been hearing all summer and they're right. Kevin James returns to CBS in another sitcom Kevin Can Wait and it's one of those classic simple funny family sitcoms.
Kevin Gable is about to have his retirement party as a police officer. Things look really good for him as he has plans with his other retired officer buddies to do fun guy stuff like combine paintball and go carts, calling one of the idea "Go Balls."
Before the retirement party comes, Kevin's daughter, Kendra, comes for the special occasion from college, bring home burgers and fires for the family. But it's Kevin James and food, burgers and fries for a family of four is the equal amount for Kevin to eat for an original person.
But when she tells her mom, Donna, about the boyfriend, they planed to introduce him to Kevin after Sunday church, but plans change when her friend and boyfriend comes. Kevin mistaken one guy to be her boyfriend, but she takes both Kevin and Donna in the kitchen and tells her about her boyfriend and who it is. It may be a shock to Kevin but it'll be more of a shock to both of her parents when she tells them that her and Chale are engaged and that she's quitting college to support his App designing.
Upsetting Kevin, him and Donna talk it out and decide to have them live in their house. Kevin talks to Kendra about it and tells her that he would love to have them live back home and have her still go to school. The awkward part for him was to tell Chale about it.
Even though this might set back his retirement, Kevin now looks for a part time job play for the stuff that he has ordered. But that didn't stop his "Go Balls" with his buddies.
I enjoyed this show. I know that people would think that it's predictable. The plot is old and not original bah bah bah! But it's one of those classic family sitcoms that I'm use to from the 90's and early 00's. This is the kind of show that not only me but my grandmother and family would watch. I love something that is simple enough to seat down and turn on something that can make me or my family laugh in the best possible way instead of having to think about the joke. Kevin James is funny and so are some of the characters like his wife Donna, played by Erinn Hayes.
Overall, I give this show a 7.5/10.
You can catch Kevin Can Wait Mondays at 8:30/730c on CBS.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Monday Night Kickoff to the Fall Season
As America's Got Talent finale was the kickoff to the end of summer and the Primetime Emmy Awards the start of the fall. That means the 2016-2017 television season kicks off tonight with big season premieres, sneak peaks and series premieres. So let's start with tonight's lineup of shows to watch:
8/7c The Voice (NBC): The singing competition show just grab it's third Emmy win last night. After what we saw last season, the show steps up in their coaches with Alicia Keys and Miley Cyrus. Ever since the news about these two joining I've been thrilled and the promos, trailers and even the Olympic sneak peak has me pumped up to tune in and see how Blake and Adam can handle some real competition.
8:30/7:30c Kevin Can Wait (CBS): Kevin James is back on CBS and he returns in a new family comedy. James plays a newly retired police officer who's looking forward to quality time with his family and his fellow retired cops. But when his oldest daughter announces she's dropping out of college to support her fiance, Kevin knows his only choice is to move them both into his home to keep her in school. The run has to wait as his family is his new beat. From the promos and trailers, this really looked good.
9/8c Lucifer (FOX): It was one of the most weirdest but yet interesting new shows I've seen last season. When Lucifer is tired of working for his dad, he takes a vacation. As he runs a nightclub and having some fun, he sees those that gets away with crime. Works with Det. Chloe Decker, the two butt heads and solves crime together but not with difficulties for Lucifer as he loses he mortality and feels what real pain feels like. But when season two comes, word is out that his mother has escape prison and on the loose, probably looking for Lucifer.

Sunday, September 18, 2016
My 2016 Primetime Emmy Predictions

Tonight are the awards of all awards, the Oscars of television (and way better than the Oscars). I'm talking about Primetime Emmy Awards. What a year it has been. So many great shows that were on and the acting, writing, directing, music and etc have been outstanding.
So since I won't be able to watch this years awards (due to football), I've got predictions right here.
Outstanding Comedy Series:
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Outstanding Drama Series
Mr. Robot
Outstanding Variety Talk Series
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Outstanding Variety Sketch Series
Documentary Now!
Outstanding Limited Series
The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story
Outstanding Television Movie
Outstanding Reality-Competition Program
The Voice
Outstanding Lead Actor in Drama Series
Rami Malek, Mr. Robot
Outstanding Lead Actor in Comedy Series
Jeffery Tambor, Transparent
Outstanding Lead Actor in Limited Series or Movie
Cuba Gooding Jr., The People v O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story
Outstanding Lead Actress in Comedy Series
Ellie Kemper, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Outstanding Lead Actress in Drama Series
Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black
Outstanding Lead Actress in Limited Series or Movie
Sarah Paulson, The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Titus Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Kit Harrington, Game of Thrones
Outstanding Supporting Actor in Limited Series or Movie
John Travolta, The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Constance Zimmer, UnREAL
Outstanding Supporting Actress in Limited Series or Movie
Sarah Paulson, American Horror Story: Hotel
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Oh Mother of God!! Blindspot: "In Night So Ransomed Rouge" Season Premiere
Holy mother of god! The season premiere of Blindspot didn't disappoint at all that in fact kind returned with one of the biggest questions about Jane Doe.
The episode three months later as Jane is being taken by the CIA black site in Oregon by Cade and his gang. Day in and day out she is tortured to give him information why she has the tattoos and who she works for. You think that with Jane being electric shocked and waterboarded would get her to spell, you think wrong. She gets flashbacks when Oscar taught her techniques of how to withstand them.
In fact she tried escaping once with no success but when she got back into her cell, the guys left a needle in her arm where she took it out and used it to unlock her handcuffs and escape again. And this time she escape for good and head off in a truck.
Jumping two weeks later we see Weller and company break into a house. When their suspect was outside driving off in a motorbike, Weller takes off on one too. Now after an awesome chase scene you would think that this person would be Jane, right? No way! It was someone else who was wanted on a crime that didn't have to take that long to capture as Reade would say.
As Zapata and Reade tell Weller what they think, a surprise visitor comes, its NSA Nas Kamal, coming in in style too. She takes them back to the FBI office to tell them about Jane escaping. Then she opens up about how Jane is connected to project called Sandstorm, a secret group that posed dangerous threats. Jane was their decoy for them to get to something bigger.
Weller and team needs to find Jane before Cade or Sandstorm could get her and they find her in New Jersey, of all the place where could be in. Weller goes in first, hoping to talk to her but that didn't turn out good as those two used there fist to get reacquainted, in a way. She goes back and takes a really cool illegal MRI machine that should be used in today's standards. There Kamal comes in and interviews Jane and tells her that they've been falling her since that night in Tim Square, but after seems fuzzy and asked her questions about. Jane tells her about Oscar and the stuff that he had her do and even the fact that Mayfair is dead.
Weller is upset but knows that this is a shot at taking down the people that did this to Jane and to Mayfair. So he has to bite his tongue and work with Jane, and that does with Zapata and Reade too. Kamal had Jane call her contact to tell that she escaped and wants to see Sheppard, the ring leader of Sandstorm. She gets someone and tells her where to meet. But before she goes, she needs something that proves that she had a escape Cade but with a struggle, so a bullet to the side of her body would do and it was Zapata that did it.
Jane gets to the spot and walks towards an empty dark house and soon spots a guy. He takes her away and head towards the hospital to take the bullet out but gets a detour from the cops. The guy tells her how they know each other even being the same blood type. After being patched up, he takes her to Sheppard.
As the two step out a lady walks out of a car in front of them. She wanted Jane to be searched for wires, but proved to her that she isn't even though she secretly was, but disconnected it thanks to Weller yelling at Patterson.
The woman is surprised to see Jane as she tells her that she is her mother and that guy that helped Jane is in fact her own brother. The two was picked up after their parents were murdered by the government and they were in a special academy but soon she, a solider at the time, took them in as her own. We learn Jane's real name, Remi and her brother's name is Roman.
But after that she stopped and tells her that she'll give more information later and that she needs to go back to the FBI and tells them that she escape from Cade. Soon, Remi is back with Weller and Kamal and they discuss what happened. Then Weller and Remi talk about how she could remember the fishing trips with his dad. The fact that she didn't know who she was, wished that she was Taylor. Hell, I could understand that. The part where Weller doesn't tell her about the tooth test that Patterson did was a mistake and that he wished she was too Taylor Shaw.
Patterson, Zapata, Reade and Weller inform Kamal about the stuff they found in Mayfair's file, two files being illegal projects and one being a black hole photo of something. But later, Patterson, Weller, Zapata and Reade see a photo from Mayfair's file of a site where a solider being down on ground. That person happens to be Remi.
The episode ends with wit Roman and Sheppard talking about if they could trust Remi. Roman does, but Sheppard doesn't in a way. Roman tells her that she should have one of her FBI person look into it and we see everyone from Weller, Reade, Zapata, Patterson, Dr. Borden, FBI Director Pellngton and Kamal. One of these folks is working against the FBI? DAMN IT!! Not to mention that Sheppard and Roman were looking at a massive rocket.
This episode was unbelievable from the beginning to the end. The show really picked up the pace of the intensity of the story, but also had some hilarious moments with Patterson and Weller, who gives that comedy we need in the story. The shocking moments of meeting Jane or Remi's mother and brother was something of jaw dropping moment. Loved how they played that scene with Weller chasing the biker, I really thought that was Jane/Remi on the bike. Nice trick Martin!!!
From this episode and the promo for what's to come, looks like this season will be an upgrade to season one. Hang on to your seats guys because this season looks great.
Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
You can catch Blindspot at it's regular time Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Former Revolution Alum Steps Up on Chicago PD
Looks like Billy Burke is stepping up to the plate towards a familiar stomping ground.
TVLine has exclusively learned that the Revolution alum and current Zoo star will make a guest spot on NBC's Chicago PD, playing a legendary retired baseball player.
Burke's character gets caught in a murder investigation in Episode 6, titled "Skin in the Game."
But this isn't new for Burke doing TV cop dramas as he had recurring roles on TNT's Rizzoli & Isles and Major Crimes in the past.
The new season of Dick Wolf-produced police drama will also give a welcome to Quantico grad Li Jun Li as Brugess' new partner. If you remember at the end of last season Brain Geraghty, who played Season Roman, won't be back as a series regular). Roman was denied coming back being a beat cop and decided to move to San Diego.
You can catch the season premiere of Chicago PD Wednesday, Sept. 21 a 10/9c on NBC.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Chicago PD Season 4 Sneak Peak
We are just a week away from the most intense season 4 premiere of Chicago PD.
After the events in the season finale, will Erin turn her back on Voight and confess of what he did to the suspect who murdered his son?
Checkout these sneak peaks one being a video promo and the other a promotional photos of episode one.
Remember Chicago PD season premiere begins Wednesday, Sept. 21st at 10/9c on NBC.
Chicago Fire Season 5 Spoilers
We're just a month away from the season five premiere of Chicago Fire. The season finale left us both on the edge of our seats plus grabbing the tissues as Casey chooses Dawson over Susan Weller.
The Hollywood Reporter had a chance to interview Jesse Spencer for the upcoming season and where his character was heading. Look for a Casey episode that's almost like what Severide had to deal with in season two. But it sounds better since it's an all Casey episode (my grandmother would call that Must See TV as she's a Casey fan).
There's promotion photos released out there. There's some with the gang at the station, one of an mad Jimmy. And one with the cute Louie with Dawson and Herrmann.
I literally can't wait for the season to start. Mostly I can't wait for the 100th episode and what the writers have plan.
Chicago Fire returns Tuesday Oct. 11th at 10/9c on NBC.
Blindspot: Quick Recap of S1
We're just less than 48 hours away to the season premiere of last season's best new drama and then #1 New Drama as well. I'm talking about Blindspot. If you haven't seen Blindspot, where the hell have you been? Well, if you haven't seen it, I'm going to recap the first season here.
So let me start from the beginning that had us all glued to our TV set. A mysterious black bag was found in the middle of Time Square and an officer sees a tag that says call FBI. Soon the bag is open as the bomb squad comes near it and soon a mysterious woman, that's known as Jane Doe, coming out naked!
Now Jane Doe doesn't remember who she is and why she was in the bag to begin with, but comes with all of these mysterious tattoos that makes Adam Levine's tattoos look childish. But a name is tatted on her back with the name Kurt Weller, who's a special agent in the FBI. At first he has no clue who she is or why his name is on her back. The two partner up together to solve the tattoos and take down the bad guys but don't say that there isn't anything there. Apparently, Jane Doe could be the missing friend Taylor Shaw, that Weller's father was accused of murdering.
The weirdest and coolest thing is that these tattoos lead to crime that is or about to happen. And that it could even lead to who or why Jane is in this situation. Funny thing also leads to that she has some combat moves that only navy seals or such can learn. We learn who Jane Doe was before being in the bag as this whole thing becomes a plan to set things right in the country and that in fact the whole idea was Jane Doe herself as we meet her former lover Oscar, as her boss to get things from the FBI and sabotage.
For Weller, he's also by the book agent who goes head on. He believes that Jane is Taylor and the two grows closet together, like when they had to go undercover and take down take a hit-list. We meet Weller's sister and nephew plus his dying father too, who at the end of the season confused that Taylor is dead and that he killed her and that was after we thought he didn't do it.
Now before I go any further, let me talk a little about the amazing supporting characters. Special Agent Edgar Reade, who's a member of Kurt's team, had doubts abut who Jane Doe is and didn't like her joining the team. Also dating Kurt's sister too until he was force to break up due to a threat. Special Agent Natasha Zapata is one of my favorite characters, who's interesting because she become the pet to the CIA Deputy Director Carter by getting information on Jane Doe or she'll face charges of her gambling habits. Also the her and Reade seem to be the best partners and maybe even more than that from what I felt when they look at each other.

Now I think that everyone would agree that Ashley Johnson's character Special Agent Patterson, the computer brains of the FBI, is literally the best supporting character and the one that we would want to be best friends with, I think. She went through a lot in this season, figuring out the tattoos plus her boyfriend who got killed because he was helping her out. He paid the price but it helped her wanting this team become more family driven team.
As for the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI Beth Mayfair, a strict person and by the book but goes off the lamb for the team. But she carried a lot of baggage when Jane come on the team. She was part of the FBI Operation Daylight, a program to use illegally obtained information and present it as coming from faked informants. We see her backstory of losing her girlfriend/partner to even dealing with Carter's bull of pushing her to turn Jane Doe in to the CIA. Things didn't go well as she was being framed for murder that Jane Doe planted, she was shot and killed by Oscar, Jane Doe's former lover.
Where we left the series, Patterson, Reade and Zapata found a secret that Mayfield had hidden that only Patterson could unlock, it was about the projects that she had kept. Weller deals with proving his dying father wrong about Taylor but comes to the truth that he was after digging in the woods. And Jane trying to do things right from the mess that she had created, kills Oscar but the showdown was between Weller and Jane as he tells her that his dad died but that she's not Taylor. Weller arrest Jane
The team takes on robbers, Russian KGB agents and more through this first season. There's so many twist and turns that come into this season that the season finale brought a huge game changing twist that was so good that the second season is only gonna get better. I can stress enough on the performances from Jay O. Sanders to Trieste Kelly Dunn to even Lou Diamond Phillips (who by the way deserves an Emmy nomination!!!).
With season two, the trailers and promos look like they have really step up the game from season one. One (and probably the only) reason is that Archie Panjabi has gone the cast after the end of The Good Wife this past season. She's playing Nas Kamal, NSA who has been watching the Jane Doe cast from afar for the past year.
I do believe if you haven't seen the first season, I think that you can pick up all in the season premiere.
You can catch the season premiere of Blindspot Wednesday, Sept. 14th at 10/9c after the America's Got Talent finale on NBC.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Friday, September 9, 2016
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
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