iZombie "Max Wager"
When a victim dies due to high-end gambling, it's up to Liv to find out who gave him the cut.
Liv and Clive investigate a murder; they find that the victim is in deep debt. Hell, the guy was friends with a famous college and pro basketball player, played by Rick Fox. When Live dives into the victim's mind, she gets that same itch to bet, along with meeting a couple of folks and winning some cash.
It turns out that with the help from the victim's college buddy's tip to Liv about betting on Arizona the NCAA Basketball, that put the screws in for him to confess and gave two other people, one a former ball player.
Meanwhile, Liv and Major get deep into sex playing, from live face chatting to getting close to having sex, but nothing happens. Ravi couldn't develop a cure for them, but I think they're pretty well off doing play for now.
Blaine gets a visit from his old man and takes his business for only a short time until Major kidnaps him and puts him in the freezer.
For now, the Liv and Major relationship is back on, and I can deal with it. I'm pulling for them, but it gets a bit tiresome watching them going back and forth from the past season and now. I did enjoy the episode to full benefit, and I thought that Clive's relationship with the FBI agent was awkwardly excellent when they and Liv and Major bump into each other.
Overall, I give this episode a 7/10.
You can catch iZombie on Tuesday nights at 9/8c on The CW.
Donny! "pilot"
Everyone should know who Donny Deutsch is: a well-known guy in the ad business who gives tips and advice on what not to do or to do in bad situations. Hell, I remember him when he was on the Today Show, and now he has a sitcom, and it's kind of what I have pictured him to be.
In Donny!, Deutsch plays himself as a Dr. Phil-like talk show host, but what he perches on the show, she doesn't do outside of the show—doing sexting and trying to come up with a fresh idea for the show. It's like one of those "oh my god!" moments that you can't believe that he's doing or even saying it.
Somehow, Deutsch reminds me of Paul Reiser from Mad About You. It's how Deutsch sounds and explains things; my head is wrapped around that. I enjoy the cast, from Donny's Angels to his children dealing with this.
Overall, I give the episode a 7/10.
You can catch Donny! Tuesday nights at 10:30/9:30c on USA Network
Arrow "Lost Souls"
When it's time to rescue a friend, it's probably not the best time for a motherly visit to come suddenly.
As Felicity is searching for Ray, she gets a video message from him of his whereabouts and that he is, in fact, alive and very, very small. Of course, Ray Palmer is the Atom trapped in a giant glass held by Darhk.
But when Oliver buts into Felicity's family, inviting her mother to come isn't the most excellent idea in the world to do. But it makes some hilarious scenes of them talking about it. One of the scenes comes as they're about to go into a warehouse and steal a gadget to help Ray.
The Arrow and Darhk meet again, and this time, Arrow seems to have the upper hand even in pulling a fast one. But it appears that what Felicity and the team left behind is something to their use.
Overall, I give this episode a 7.5/10. It was good, with some scenes and some lagging a bit.
You can catch Arrow on Wednesday nights at 8/7c on The CW.
Chicago PD "Forget My Name"
Talk about mixing secret government high-tech and homicide, and you might have one hell of a thrill in this episode of Chicago PD.
When Intel informs Halstead and Dawson of these missing secret chips, the team follows the lead and sees the exchange and a murdered body.
I mean, this is real Blocklist meets Person of Interest stuff that it's unlike any other. I was amazed at how this episode went and how far it went. Besides the case they were working on, Halstead and Lindsay had some perfect moments, one being in the van as they watched the lead suspect at her home and the other when the lawyer for the government company gave Halstead her number after the two went a couple of rounds. He tears that paper up and tells Erin he has no clue what that is.
All I had to say was, kick her ass, Erin!!!
Overall, I give this episode an 8/10.
You can catch Chicago PD on Wednesday nights at 10/9c on NBC.
The Blacklist "Zal Bin Hasaan"
This was one of the best stories of a supportive character in this series. We finally get a backstory on Samar and her family.
In this episode, we get to see Samar gardening with her brother. When a man comes into their home and kills their parents, she promises to be with him forever. We learn that she lost her brother in a bombing in 2009, but he is alive.
Not only did she find him, but he was in a warehouse where six/five people were held hostage. That's where she finds him. She talks to him about what happened and asks for Zal Bin Hasaan, who's been the blacklister who's been doing this whole hostage thing.
It turns out that Hasaan is Samar's brother, and after trying to take him down, Red comes to the rescue and takes him away from her as he needs him to get a meeting in progress to help Liz.
But if you thought that was it, think again. Ressler has been on The Director's tail since last week and has taken Solomon for an interview. Of course, the Director interferes and takes care of it. But after informing of what he has been doing, The Director has been fired from teaming up with the FBI.
Also, Tom and Cooper had one hell of a storyline in this episode. Try keeping a man hiding from Cooper's wife. I'm enjoying Tom as a hitman for once. I can't stop laughing at anything he does to someone.
With what went down with Ressler and Samar, they talked about it and ended up together in one of their apartments. Yeah, I know. I didn't see that coming, too. That was an OMG moment.
But I think that big ones will be coming in the
Fall Finale. Jon Bokencamp and Dave Metzer said it will be "unexpected" and brimley."
Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.
You can catch the Fall Finale of The Blacklist this Thursday at 9/8c on NBC.