The one-hour series finale leaves the Huangs with a lovely bow to end the series. Here's a recap!
In the first half-hour, the episode "Family Van" deals with the Huangs saying goodbye to their family van after it breaks down trying to go to Disney World. While Louis tries to save his van, Jessica gives it up after learning nothing can be done to save it. Louis goes on memory lane while Jessica tries to blow it off until when they go car shopping, she steals the van that looks like theirs. Jessica tells Louis that her grieving process was to bury it, but after Louis kept pushing her and pushing her, they came to miss the van.
Meanwhile, after finding a measured map in the van, Eddie, Emery, and Evan go on a road trip to their home in D.C. to find their time capsule. While Eddie looks forward to having an adventure with his brothers, Emery and Evan aren't as seeing Eddie dealing with an upset stomach from gas station hot dogs. But as soon as Emery and Evan found their time capsule, they realized that Eddie wanted to spend enough time before leaving for college.
The second half-hour, the episode "Commencement,t" deals with when Eddie tells Jessica and Louis that he scored 1500 on his SATs, and that gets Jessica to turn a 360 as she's pleased about her accomplishments with Eddie.
Jessica was so happy that she took Eddie off of housework and even did the dishes. They spend the day buying clothes and such and soon get an interview with Harvard. However, after the interview with Andy Ritcher, they learn that Eddie might not get in because of Jessica's helicopter parenting.
But Eddie tells Jessica that he doesn't want to go to Harvard, as he wants to go to Culinary school and work at Cattlemen. Even though it took her a while to come to terms, she was on board with Eddit.
Meanwhile, Emery and Evan come to different terms with Evan's memoir and using stories from Emery and even helping the birth of Honey's first baby. Emery gets back at Evan by running for his seat on the neighborhood council. Evan sees the probable and apologies to Emery and Honey about the memoir.
Jumping to 2008, and while we see that Louis and Jessica are at Harvard for graduation, we don't quite know whose graduation it was until we learn that Evan graduated with high honors and gave his commencement speech. We see Jessica, Louis, Eddie, Emery, and Grandma celebrating Evan's graduation.
"Family Van" and "Commencement" are excellent episodes and place a nice bow to end the series. While it might not have been the most incredible series finale of all time, it was an accurate fitting to see these characters where they ended up happy and together as a family. Was this better than the Season 5 finale? Yeah, it was. The writing was so good, and the cast gave such excellent and memorable performances, like Constance Wu, who I hope gets an Emmy nomination. Overall, I provide these episodes with a 9/10. I give the season a 9.5/10.
You can catch episodes of Fresh Off The Boat on ABC.com. Hulu and Google Play.