Monday, October 30, 2017

Chicago Med Season 3 Promo

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With today being #OneChicagoDay, it's safe to say that there's going to be a promo reviled for the new season of Chicago Med.

The thrid season of Television's best medical drama returns Tuesday, November 21 at 10/9c. And it looks like one of our beloved character might not make it through. If you recall the season finale ended with a shock when Dr Charles was shot by a paitent that has been coming in many, many times during the season.

Here's the promo:

Fathers, Daughters and Sons: Supergirl "Far From the Tree"

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When J'onn gets a message from M'gann about Mars in trouble and asked for his help and gets a surprise he didn't expect. While the wedding is near, Alex convinces Maggie to invite her father to their party.

When J'onn accpets M'gann's plea for help, he and Supergirl fly to Marx, in an old fashion style ship, and get a shock of his life as his father is still alive. The planet Mars is dying and the only thing that can help save the planet is to get the spare that J'onn's father knows where it is.

He tries to talk to his father but he doesn't believe that it truly is him. With despreate times coming near, J'onn and Supergirl take him and try to convince him that he is his son: by going to their home and showing him a memory. As his father sees that J'onn is really J'onn, they hugged until the planet starts to suffer in like an earthquake.

To get the staff, Supergirl enters in the way of Bugs Bunny with Britney Spears song playing in J'onn's car. After that the J'onn, his father, M'gann and her crew along with Supergirl fought til Supergirl gets the staff and hands it to J'onn. J'onn hands the staff to M'gann's team but decided that J'onn and Supergirl should take it to keep it safe. And while they are at it, they also brought to Earth, J'onn's father as well.

Meanwile, one of the more deeper story in this episode happens to be Maggie and her father. During a dinner with Alex and her mother, Maggie opens up about her father to them. Alex thinks that maybe she should reach out to him. She did and from what it looked to be a smooth reunion until during the party, he left. Maggie reached out with why he just wants to walk away from this and then he opens up to her about how he had to work hard to get where he had to be and deal with people calling him insulting names.

After the two's heated conversation, Maggie sees her father just before he headed out. The two seemed to be on a good note at the end.

"Far From the Tree" might be one of those episodes that dealt with the same issue: fathers but in different point of views of both J'onn and Maggie. It had a nice balance of humor and drama that I really enjoyed and watching Maggie and her fathet story. I'd love watching Supergirl and J'onn working together. There was a ton of humor coming from them from getting into the car to even when Supergirl comes in with her best Bugs Bunny line that I really love. Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.

You can catch Supergirl Mondays at 8/7c on The CW.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Holy Ships!! Stranger Things Season 2, "Chapter 5: Dig Dug"/"Chapter 6: The Spy"

Chapter 5: Dig Dug

There was so much going on in this episode that I almost did what Will did at the end of the episode was happen to be a jaw dropping moment.

Where to begin? Let's start with Dustin as he tries to figure out how to get Dart out of the house. He does it by leaving a trail of food for it that leads to the basement. It was working until it saw and sense Dustin and so he went for Plan B attack it and knock it in the basement. Oh by the way, he was wearing a pretty cool outfit that remembered be of The Mighty Ducks.

Lucas tries to fix his relationship with Max and after his father for advice, he tells her the truth about last year. She didn't believe him at first but with a very convincing look she seems to believe him. Trouble is that her so called brother saw her with him again and isn't too pleased. This guy really freaks me out.

Eleven finally goes to see her mother and tries to reconnect with her after seeing the lights in the house go off and on like what Will did in the Upside Down. Doing her bit once again, she saw what her mother went through to find her after she was born from a diffcult labor, Papa stealing her and making her mother think that she was dead, to seeing her getting a gun and finding her. And to even seeing how she got to be in the condition she is in now. And understands that the words she says all the time is what she remembers the most from certain time.

As Joyce and Mike help with Will, Will sees that Hooper is in trouble after he is in under ground with the vines and such. Even he got sprayed and coughed up stuff that I think that he might go through what Will has been going through. With time running out, Joyce gets Bob to help and after trying to get the brainy dude thinking they drove and found Hopper's car.

There Joyce and Bob go under and searching for Hopper. They finally come to him as he is tied down with vines around his neck and body. They cut it all off and with some creepy but cool scene shots, he's free. That is until the DOE dudes come in and get them out. As soon as they start burning off the vines, Will starts to have a seizure like moment and screams his head off like he's been burned.

This episode was so good. The performance from everyone was so good and the writing was as well. I didn't really think too much on the Nancy/Johnathan story as it just was a bit light out of the others in this episode. I'm think that maybe that Hopper is infected like Will is? He coughed up stuff after that mutant planet sprayed him with crap. Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.

Chapter 6: The Spy

HOLY SHIPS!!!!! Revenge is best served deadly I guess. 

With the doctors and nurses searching of what is wrong with Will, saying that he is bruned without any burnmarks on him. That all first scene of the episode was so intense and even scary for me watching Schnapp's performance. As Owen's team of doctors perform test of Will, it turns out that he has a vrius and Will is the host, that helps connect to a human and not only see what the creatures are doing but also be known as what Mike calls Will "The Spy." 

Thinking that Will is helping Owen and the team. A team goes down and searches to burned down the rest of the place until Dart and gang comes along, after trying to attack Dustin, Lucas, Max and Steve at the junkyard, and attacks the team that's underground where Hopper was trapped. Not only does these creatures killed but are moving towards the DOE by the end of the episode. 

Meanwhile, Dusitn and Steve try to get Dart to come to them after seeing that it had escaped Dustin's basement. Lucas and Max catches up and meets them at the junkyard to prepare for Dart to come, but as it turns out Dart wasn't alone and turned into one hell of a montage to Tremors. 

This episode was a real thrill. From the begnning to the end, I really was tied to my seat. With what was going on between Will and Dustin and the gang, I really did fine the Nancy and Johanhan story in this episode to be the calm before the thrills. You know sixe episodes in and I know I haven't said much about Paul Reiser's performance so far but I just have to say that he's amazing in this role. He can surely balance the comedy and drama as it does remind me of his performance in Aliens. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Season Two of Stranger Things available on Netflix now and Season One too along on Blu-ray and DVD.

Stranger Things Season 2 "Chapter 3: The Pollywog"/"Chapter 4 Will the Wise"

Chapter 3: The Pollywog

Dustin finds what was in his trash can at the end of last episode, while Eleven tries to disobey what Hopper has been telling her to do.

As soon as Dustin sees what was in his trash can, he takes it and brings it inside and kept it as another pet. I feel bad for the pet turtle and his mother's cat. What he brings in looks like some kind of pollywog that can eat anything, mostly candy as Dustin as given him.

He shows the creature to the guys and Max and tries t figure out what it is and names it Dart. But soon Will hears the same scream that he heard from the creature that in the upside down world and freaks out. The creature soon runs off and the guys chase after it but when Will sees it and starts getting another episode in the Upside Down World, but this times tries to stick up for himself the way Bob had advised him, but the creature puts its shadowy arms through his mouth and ears.

Meanwhile, Eleven really wants to get out of the cabin and see Mike but Hopper isn't going to let that happen. He kept promising her that he will but it keeps being put off more and more (something parents would do all the time). As soon as Hooper leaves, Eleven wonders out and gets spotted by a mother and her child and tells the cops. But she moves on and tries to see Mike until she sees him with another person and leaves.

I thought that "The Pollywog" was a very good episode. From the Hooper and Eleven story line to Dustin and the guys meeting and searching for Dart. I was in standing mode when Eleven and Mike were so close of seeing each other. I thought the writing of this episode was very good and the performance from Brown and Noah Schnapp was very good, some of their performances really stood out. Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.

Chapter 4: Will the Wise

As Joyce rushes to find Will, other issues are happening as they come in this episode. 

As Joyce races to the school to find Will, she runs into Dustin, Lucas and Max and sees that Will is outside with Mike, in another trance of seeing the Upside Down and the creature. After he is awake, he is taken home and tells his mom as best he could what he sees and how he feels about it, but it really doesn't come out in words. The next day comes when Will doesn't feel good and shows a body temperature that's below any normal. He wouldn't take a warm bath saying that it was too hot and tells Joyce that he doesn't want to take a bath it get warm and walks out. 

As Joyce tries to call Hopper many, many, many times. He finally comes and tend to what was going on. He asked Will about what he has seen and felt but he just couldn't tell him so instead does it in drawing and at first it may seem to look like scribbles but really it's a huge puzzle that needed to be put together and sees blue vines and Hooper thinks of one thing and heads out to the pumpkin patch. More later. 

Dustin keeps Dart and leaves him home with more candy. Mike, Lucas and Max tries to find Dart around the school but still couldn't find it. Mike tells only Lucas and Dustin about the creature and how it connects to Will's episodes in the Upside Down. Mike goes over to see how Will is doing and asked Joyce about the creature he's seen. 

While Mike handles that, Lucas catches up with Max and tries to get her to come along to find Dart. But she doesn't want to after what Mike had told her that she's not a member. And the two break off as she heads to her so called brother's car (who by the way is a real pain in the ass if I may say). 

Nancy and Johnathan heads to meet with Barb's parents to tell them what really happen and gets caught with the DOE people and is brought to have a meeting with Owen. Thinking that they're plan didn't go through, it really did as Nancy recorded the conversation with Owen while inside the DOE building. WOW!

The one story in this episode that really got me was that of Eleven and Hopper. As soon as she comes back to the cabin, Hopper goes strict mean dad mode and tries to tell her that he's trying to protect her. But she thinks that he's lying to her and causes a big mess in the cabin. Hooper takes everything away from Eggos (NO!!) to even Television (NO!!!!!) but he couldn't left the television set because of her powers and just pulls the plug. After a night of cleaning parts up Hopper tells her that if she cleans the cabin that he'll repair the TV. 

While cleaning up the cabin she spots a hidden door that has boxes full of stuff and sees Hawkins Lab. She sees and looks through the files and comes to what is her file with her name and her parents. She does her ninja power with the radio and sees her mother but she goes away after hearing her call Eleven by hear name, Jane. 

The episode ended pretty creepy that at one time I had to look away because there's one scene that I knew that was coming. When Dustin comes home, he rushes to his room and sees that the tank that Dart was in has been broken and leaves a shed of skin. He turns and hears growing near the closet door and sees blood on the floor and walks towards it to see that Dart has grown and eating the cat. But Dart is shown as an early stage look to what the creature in Season One looked like with it's mouth opening like a planet. 

And let's not to mention that as soon as Hooper figured out the blue vines, he heads out to the pumpkin patch farm and digs til he spots something gross and blue. Also he goes into a tunnel that happens to look like what Will was seeing. 

"Will the Wise" was such a good episode that had some really good moments from the gross of Dart eating the cat to the sad moment of Eleven seeing her mother and not to mention that Hooper finding a tunnel of the Upside Down World. This episode has about everything to offer and then some. I enjoyed everyone performance. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10. 

You can catch Stranger Things Season 2 now on Netflix.

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Best Treat of All: Stranger Things "Chapter 1: MADMAX"/"Chapter 2: Trick or Treak, Freak"

"Chapter 1: MADMAX"

The season premiere of Stranger Things starts with a new top video gamer in town, new nightmares, and even a few days of shocking moments.

"MADMAX" was an excellent first episode of the new season that sets the tone for what's to come. Not only are there new characters for the folks of Hawkins, Indiana, but there's a new video game leader for Mike and the gang to deal with.

The episode starts with a robbery a year after the events of season one. A group escapes in a van, and while being chased by cops, one of the members in the van gets the cops to stop as he thinks he sees the bridge collapse, but it is all just in his mind the member that did it has a tattoo with the number 008.

Things in Hawkins, Indiana, seem to be well, back to where we were in the first season. Hopper is doing what he does best when he comes to work first thing, trying to ignore anyone who comes to see him, but this time, he deals with a freelance journalist who's investigating Barb's disappearance. Things do set when Hooper gets calls about someone's pumpkins being ruined by another pumpkin farmer.

Joyce is concerned about Will after he gets another vision/dream of the underworld, where he sees a storm cloud that scares him. Will was taken to see Owens, an executive of the DOE who's in charge of the place, who does tests and asks questions Will about these visions and thinks it's just PTSD.

With all of these new characters and such, you wonder where Eleven is. That is answered at the end of the question with a jaw-dropping moment. As Hooper drives in the woods and walks to a cabin, you think that it might be his new home and that he may be living with his girlfriend. But it wasn't, and it turned out to be Eleven with curly hair who walks in and eats dinner with Hooper.

"MADMAX" was a good episode that set a perfect tone, as I said initially. With the return of these characters we've loved and enjoyed so much, the one that I was glad to see was Eleven back and alive. Yes, I did want to watch Mike, Dustin, Will, and Lucas rushing to the arcade. I loved the music playing for the scenes and the new character, Mad Max, coming in. I did enjoy the Joyce and Hooper scene as I think that these two might be better together than Joyce and Bob. The writing for this episode was excellent. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

"Chapter 2: Trick or Treat Freak"

It's Halloween, and the gang is ready for trick or treating, but when Max comes in, it doesn't play well for one of the members.

It's Halloween, and Mike and the boys are set with their costumes, dressing up as Ghostbusters. But when they get to school, they notice that no one else is also dressed up. Dustin and Lucas ask Max to join them for trick or treating, leaving them with no answer, but that turns out to be a yes when she scares them with her costume. And that didn't sit well with Mike.

Will is still having visions of the underworld and seeing a giant creator. He's drawn it, and Joyce sees it and still gets worried about it. He has another encounter vision with the creator during trick or treating, and it is triggered when other kids call him "Zombie Boy," but Mike comes and takes him back to his place, and they talk about what he had seen.

The one story out of all this was Eleven and how she managed to return, thinking she was gone. After taking down the creator in the season one finale, she's in the underworld and tries to find Mike without seeing him. She comes to the same opening that goes back to the real world. She comes through and tries returning to Mike's house, but the FBI and cops are there. The FBI tells Mike that he needs to tell them where Eleven is, and he sees her through the window, and she quickly runs off. She uses her survival skills to hunt, protect herself, and wear proper clothing.

Back and forth with the present and past, Eleven wants to trick or treat and tells Hooper that no one will see her with her ghost costume. But he wouldn't agree to it and compromise by getting off from work early and bringing a lot of candy, but that doesn't work out well when Hooper gets pulled into investigating more of the mystery of the dead pumpkins and trees that have that goop from the underworld.

There's one moment where Eleven is upset and brings the TV into her room, and as she flips through channels, she decides to telepath her way to see Mike. When she does, for a minute,e Mike hears Eleven with excitement but then walks away with doubt that it's her even though she's right there, leaving her in heartbreak.

The episode ends with a surprise when Dustin gets home and, for the second time, hears a noise near his home. He sees the trash can moving and walks up to it and opens with a surprise that you'll have to see the third episode.

"Trick or Treat Freak" was an excellent episode, mainly for Eleven than the rest of the characters. I thought that it was Millie Bobby Brown's best performance with character growth and showed such emotion. The Johnathan and Nancy story was not the best, but it was enjoyable. Sean Austin in the last couple of episodes is good and brings the humor but makes that boyfriend awkwardness. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch the second season of Stranger Things available now on Netflix, along with Season One.

Stranger Things Season 1

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When I first heard and read (mostly read) about the Netflix series, I was interested mostly because of Winona Ryder was the star of the series. I'm a huge fan of her from movies like Girl, Interrupted, Beetlejuice and Edward Sessorhands to name a few.

But when I first watched the first four episodes last year I was amazed of what I was watching. And after watching those four episodes, I stopped watching it because when it comes to binge watching, I would start with a couple of episodes and stop and I won't get to watching the rest for a while.

But that is then and with only a couple of minutes til season two of the series, I had finally watched the complete series after buying the retro VHS case Blu-ray/DVD.

I was amazed once again and when I contuined watching I was hooked with these characters. The writing was so amazing and the references of the 80's pop culture just made me want to get things from that decade from the music to well getting back to eating eggo waffles. The series had so much montoge to classic 80's movies from ET and Alien and let's not forget The Goonies.

Ryder was amazing and had such great moments. But the real show stealers were the kids, mostly Millie Bobby Brown who played Eleven. Even Fin Wolfhard as Mike, Gaten Matarazzo as Dustin and Caleb McLaughlin as Lucas were amazing as well. Even David Harbour's performance of Jim Hopper was so good.

I can't wait for season two to start for which by the time this is posted it would already be time to watch the second season.

Overall, I give the first season of Stranger Things a 9.5/10.

You can catch the first two seasons of Stanger Things on Netflix now.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Blacklist "Ilyas Surkov (No. 54)"

This week's episode of The Blacklist gave a twist that not only comes in the middle but the end when someone makes a call.

When a bombing happens, Red informs Liz about an Intel of the event that is by an international terrorist group. When they search for a suspect that has ties with the head of the terrorist group, they get bumped by another team from the CIA.

They split the interviewing process for one another until when Ressler gets a call from Cooper that this CIA team is not at all any part of the U.S. Government, which turns into a shoot out til they capture one of the members who thought that they were actually working with the CIA.

After the interview, the left behind agent checks out with her story but shows Liz and the team of their headquarters that turns out to be abandoned. The suspect they are after turns out to be part of the CIA but got blacklisted and disappeared. He's set to take out someone who's about to blow up a Navy Ship but was stopped by Liz but turns out the suspect was right when he says the solider walking in was carrying a bomb.

Meanwhile, Nick was found dead from what shows to be a bombing and kind of blames Red for it, even though Red didn't know about it. Later in the episode, Liz, Tom and Red were at the funeral.

Red gets into the dog grooming business and gets someone, who happens to have the cuttiest bulldog in the world, to search for someone that worked with Kaplan. He gets the person's belonging that includes a cell phone and when he makes a call to a number that happens to been called and recieved many times, he hears Tom answering the phone.

"Ilyas Surkov" was a very good and entertaining episode. With the very intense twist at the end when Red calls and gets Tom on the other line, the one momnet or few happens to be the bulldog. That bulldog, Coco, was the cutiest thing that I've ever seen and she didn't have to do a whole lot. I just wanted to take her home after Red drives away. Anyway, the writing of the episode was very good and Spader was a good as ever once again. Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.

You can catch The Blacklsit Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC.