It was the year's fall event seven years ago today. Here's my reflection on Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary special.
It is one of those events that you must remember. Call it the Endgame before Endgame, with the hype of this cultural event in 2013. The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special was one that I won't forget.
Now, let me go back. I admit I had never been a fan of Doctor Who until 2011. Thanks to the internet, I heard the news about the show around 2008 and heard of David Tennant leaving the show. But it was after listening to this podcast, Talking TV with Ryan and Ryan, and hearing them talk about Doctor Who so much that I decided to check it out.
I went through the five series (of the revival) with Matt Smith at the helm. I was hooked on the show, and while tuning in to watch The Doctor and Amy Pond Going on Adventures, I've returned to the show's other seasons and checked them out.
I caught the Doctor Who fever, and that's where I got my brother hooked on it after telling him so much about the show (one too many times, he would say).
So now, back to the 50th Anniversary special. I still remember it; it was on a Saturday, and my brother bought himself a fez hat. It was so funny. So, just as we were preparing to watch it, I knew our adrenaline was rising with high expectations.
As the show began, I was like that's the original title, and it starts just as the first episode began. We loved every minute, from UNIT picking up the TARDIS and seeing Matt hanging on while flying around London to the event. Everyone was excited to see (including my brother) the meeting between Smith and Tennant's Doctors.
Even seeing all 13 Doctors helping save their home planet was terrific.
We thought the special was fantastic, and while it was hilarious, it had some excellent good moments when we saw both Doctors (including the War Doctor) talk about why they left and come up with a solution to help their home planet from the Daleks.
Of course, we couldn't stop talking about it afterward and even rewatched it. And it leads to one of the saddest Christmas specials of the revival when we say goodbye to Matt Smith.
Watching that notable was unique because it brought my brother and me together and allowed us to be our nerdy selves. That wouldn't happen again until we saw Avengers Endgame in 2019.
Since 2011, I've been a fan of the series. Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi are my favorites (so far), while Jenna Coleman is my favorite of the Doctor's companions. I did get to watch the eleventh series premiere event with Jodie Whittaker taking over as the new Doctor, but I still need to catch up (which will be something that I should have done this summer but will do this holiday season).
I want to reflect on what this seventh anniversary of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special meant to me. What did you think of the special?
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