Faith is challeneged in a way that even Kara has never seen before with cult following.
Back in 2015 when a plane's engine blew and Supergirl saved the plane and the passangers in it, that included Alex. There was one passanger, Trevor (Chad Lowe), who took her into inspiration. Back to the present day, when Kara spotted a pamphlet of a religious group on Samantha's desk and took it to investigate it. When her, Winn and James investigated it, they find that it's a religious cult of those that have been saved by Supergirl and believe that she's the one. And this is founded by the man who saw Supergirl, Travor.
Kara comes to realizes that these cults followers are causing trouble just to be saved by her for which seems like a crime but to Maggie it really isn't. Kara meets with Trevor to talk about his group and soon he sees that Kara is Supergirl.
Soon the group goes attempts to blow up the stadium with over a thousand people in it. Supergirl tries stopping them and while trying to stop the bomb, there happens to be kryptonite inside. Alex gets there and tries to help a weak Supergirl. Kara has one last idea and used all of her strenght to use her heat vision to create a hole that goes all the way down in the Earth so Alex and Trevor can push it down.
Kara meets with Trevor in prison and asked him if things are okay and if she has to worry about him knowing that she's Supergirl. Of course, he says he has no clue who Karas full name was so the close is clear for no, I guess.
Meanwhile, Samantha is having a hard time balancing work and her daughter. Trouble with the merge of L Crop and another became a huge priority while her daugther wanted her to help practice her song for the talent show. Samantha gets to hangout with Kara, Lena, Maggie and Alex as a girls night out, which was really. With the merge a success, she gets to her daughter's performance along with Lena, Alex and Kara just in time to see her perform.
After Samantha's daughter's performance, Alex got so emotional that she walked away and talked to Kara about how Maggie doesn't want to have kids and she does. Kara believes that Maggie will come around.
And not if Samantha's night wasn't tough enough, as she prepares for a bath, she spots numbers and letters on her face and sees a vision of a monstrous creature walking towards her to tell her that soon it will "reign."
"The Faithful" was a very good episode that had a really good growth of characters with Samantha and Kara as they face some challenges with life and faith. Not to mention Alex with her wanting kids and Maggie doesn't. The writing was really good. I very much enjoyed Annable's performance and even her storyline so far as it's really building quite well. Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.
You can catch Supergirl Mondays at 8/7c on The CW.