The episode doesn't waste time introducing the COVID-19 storyline and George Floyd news as they address that within the first five to ten minutes of the episode. Kevin breaks the news to Kate and Toby about Madison pregnant with twins and that he's the father and after a scare when Madison had an accident they learn that their babies are okay and they're having a boy and girl.
We come to the point in time where Rebecca had her episode but learned that she had a reaction to the medication that was mixed in her system. Toby and Kate got a match for their adoption process.
Randall is trying to figure out what to do after the news of George Floyd with his family and his mental health. After talking to Malik and seeing Rebecca that he's going to make some changes and seeing a black therapist instead of the therapist he's been seeing. But he questions whether if he was born the same day as Kate and Kevin; thinking that it was impossible.
We see a flashback of William and Randall's birth mother, Laurel, who was planning nothing but the best for their child. That is until the day Randall was born in their apartment and she needed something to take the pain away with heroin. Soon William finds her not responsive and when the paramedics pronounced her, he left but not realizing that Laurel would be revived.
"Forty" was such an amazing episode, as it had tear-jerking moment after tear-jerking moment. The writing was so powerful with strong character developments with William, Randall, Laurel, and even Rebecca. Not to mention Jack as well, with that moment in the chapel and calling his father. And that final moment was such a shocker! The cast gives an excellent performance once again. Overall, I give these episodes 9.5/10.
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You can catch This Is Us Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC.