Thursday, April 18, 2019

Personal Growth: Brooklyn Nine-Nine "The Therapist"/"Casecation"

"The Therapist" 

As Jake deals with one of his enemies, Holt tries to meet Rosa's girlfriend and Terry deals with a personal matter. Here's a recap!

As Jake is asked to help on a case that involves a Therapist; who's worried about his patient killing another patient. Of course, Jake doesn't like therapists, but even more this one and he believes that after looking into the suspect's apartment that the therapist could be the suspect.

Soon Jake sneaks in the therapist's office and found his notes on the patents. After trying to sneak out, he gets stopped by another therapist who thinks she's her new client who has a multiple personality disorder. But as soon as the suspect leaves, Jake leaves and doesn't escape with the evidence quietly as the therapist stops him and takes him on a ride; but he gets stopped by Charles after Jake text without looking.

Meanwhile, Holt invites Rosa and her girlfriend to dinner with his husband; but she doesn't want to because of Holt's judgmental comments. Soon he meets her and it turns out that he was being tested with an actress, but later on, Holt finally meets Rosa's girlfriend and enjoys her sense of humor.
Also, Amy hands over a box order of books that have Terry's name on it as it's for how to spice up your sex life. Terry denies the whole thing that he doesn't need help in the bedroom, but after having Scully pretend that the book was his, it's true for Terry.

I will admit that at first "The Therapist" didn't grab my attention at first but after watching it over and over again I really enjoyed it. There were good moments and moments that I kind of forget that had happened in this episode mainly the Terry storyline.

I thought that the Jake storyline in this episode was outstanding with such strong character growth; as Jake deals with a murdering therapist but also admits that he needs to see a therapist. And the Holt and Rosa storyline was probably a better highlight of the episode than what it was shown. It not only made me laugh but broke my heart and warmed my heart by the end. Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.

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With a witness under protection in the hospital; it's a casecastion for Jake and Amy that leads to one of the most personal matters in their marriage.  Here's a recap!

With a witness is in the hospital;  Jake and Amy work together to protect from whoever is trying to get him killed. This gives them finally the time to spend together; calling it a "casecation."  Amy soon drops a bombshell to Jake that she wants to plan to start on their family, but Jake isn't too thrilled about it; soon gets into a modified debate. After Holt and many, many others being the moderator, Jake finally admits why he doesn't want to have kids; he's afraid that he could be just like his dad, who wasn't a good one.

So a suspicious person comes on the floor and Rosa and Amy took down, but he was only a distraction. As soon as Jake and Terry walk towards them; Jake figures out who the hitman would be, Pam, one of the patients at the hospital. It turned into a standoff and Jake talks her down and was handed the gun.
When things were cooling down; Jake tells Amy that he doesn't need to think about having a baby anymore that he's ready. He decided after handling the situation with Pam that he could actually be good at parenting. And all things end very well. 

"Casecastion" was another great installment episode. I could eat this episode up so much with the character development of Jake and Amy. I think that Jake was the focus of the episode with his decision to whether he wants to have a family with Amy or not. Personally, I understand Jake's thoughts on the situation with his dad issues and all.

 This episode was another milestone moment in the series. I think that maybe by the time the season ends Amy and Jake will begin their family. Amy Samberg gives an amazing performance. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Brooklyn Nine-Nine Thursdays at 9/8c on NBC.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Through the Lens: A.P. Bio "Melvin"

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While Jack deals with an older neighbor; Ralph must try to find a way to save money during school photo day. Here's a recap!

When Jack had enough of his elderly neighbor, Melvin (played by Christopher Llyod). After dealing with Melvin's shenanigans that includes during a so-called "hangout" with Lynette. He teams up with Lynette and his students to kidnap his dog and leave him a ransom note.

But after a day or two, as Jack drops off Melvin's dog, he and Lynette get stopped when they see police and ambulance at Melvin's place and learn that Melvin had died. It wasn't a broken heart but died choking on a piece of chicken. But Melvin leaves a letter to Jack thanking him for one hell of a great time back and forth each other or tormenting.

Meanwhile, Ralph learned that their photographer had raised his price to do the school photos. So Ralph decides to do the photos himself, but within two days he only took four photos of one student and three teachers. After realizing the situation, Ralph picked up the pace and took every single photo of the students, even though most of them probably won't turn up good at all.

As for Melvin's dog, Jack decided to give the dog to Dale, the janitor. Dale thinks that the dog was his mop that another janitor put in the magic dumpster. As Dale takes close to the dog, at the end of the episode he puts in a mannequin of a boy and soon the dumpster lights up.

I couldn't get enough of "Melvin" as it probably has to rank up there in the top three episodes of the season so far. As much as I couldn't get enough of Jack and Lynette chemistry. I really enjoyed the group of them and the students working together. Not to mention the chemistry between Howerton and Christopher Lylod was amazingly hilarious.

And the scenes with Ralph, Helen, and the teachers were probably one of the best moments of the season so far. And poor Dave, right? The writing was brilliant and the performances were amazingly great! Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch A.P. Bio Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Monday, April 15, 2019

First Day: Superstore "Salary"

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"Salary" was another stellar episode that had some moments of predictability but really carried it with moments that weren't. As Amy starts her first day as a manager, she learns the perks of the job, mainly her salary. But when she accidentally allows her contract to be read out loud; it becomes an issue with the staff. One moment comes when Marcus tells that his salary is almost that same amount and Glenn realized that mistake. Meanwhile, Mateo tries to win over Amy to become her replacement as a floor manager with moments of acting like a floor manager. Glenn doesn't seem to be unhappy for the downgrading his job as he shows his happiness with Garrett, who's telling him that working here is never happy.

I still enjoyed the episode from the beginning to the end. While it still had moments that were seen coming a mile away; like when Mertie accidentally takes Amy's contract instead of announcements. But there were moments that shine like the employees discussing salaries, Glenn's moments throughout the episode and Dina upset with Jonah for not taking her side and she tries to get him to cheat on Amy with guest star Alison Haislip, which was amazing. The writing was good and the performances from the cast were amazing. The character development for Amy and Glenn was just amazing. Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.

You can catch Superstore Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC.

Being Cool: Fresh Off The Boat "Nerd Watching"

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Is Eddie cool enough to win over Evan's friends? And will Jessica stop Louis' mother from being on an online scam relationship? Here's a recap!

We all understand that both Eddie and Evan are different but when in this episode it was another great installment of brothers coming together and bonding. When Eddie has somehow become a mentor to Evan's friends during a mall outing. It becomes a problem to Evan and tells Eddie that he doesn't like it and gives him the birds while watching birds. But Evan apologies to Eddie and the two shared a really good moment; Eddie tells him that he'll be gone in a year to college and be back.

Meanwhile, Louis thinks that his mother is being scammed in an online relationship; but Jessica thinks it's nothing. After being convinced by Louis and Emery; Jessica becomes worried and tries to stop it. At one point just when things have stopped, Emery and Louis played to Jessica as Emery found his true Even though Jessica doesn't like the idea of being played; she also doesn't like the idea of Emery becoming an actor but I think she'll have to accept it.

"Nerd Watching" was not only funny; it hit me right in the feelings with Eddie and Evan storyline. It was so good and so well performed with such strong character growth. I couldn't get enough of them and the moments that won were Evan flipping Eddie the "birds" while bird watching; Evan singing "Waterfall" while showing his feelings about how bad he had done to Eddie, and Eddie and Evan talking. Also, Louis and Jessica's storyline was really a shocker for me; as I really thought that Grandma was really being scammed. The writing was so brilliant. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Fresh Off The Boat Fridays at 8/7c on ABC.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Lessons from Carrie: Fresh Off The Boat "Rancho Contento"/"Vice Mommy"

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"Rancho Conteno" 

To set for retirement or not that is the question!

After celebrating a special anniversary, Louis gave Jessica a gift of retirement papers. Not liking the idea, Jessica turns down Louis' plan, but he won't give up. As Jessica signs up to take classes at a college, Louis shows her the place "Rancho Conteno" a place where retirees make something of themselves, but Jessica still turns it down. Louis finally understands the reason when Jessica tells him that the reason that she doesn't want to retire is that she hasn't accomplished and wants to make a legacy as principal. 

Meanwhile, Eddie tries to improve himself by writing in a journal. He asked Trent what his sister, Tina, is into and learns that she's a fan of Sex in the City. He learns to put his friends first and does that for the Dance, Dance Revolution. That wins him Tina's heart and when she asked him to hang out, he declined because of his plans with his friends but a raincheck was applied.

"Rancho Conteno" was another hilarious episode. There was plenty of character growth in this episode with Jessica, Louis, and Eddie, who might have had the best in this episode. Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.

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"Vice Mommy" 

Vice Mommy" was a good episode but it had some moments that was lagging at times. Louis awards Eddie for his work, but Eddie isn't quite liking it and tries to give it to someone who deserves it. As Jessica is going to school, Even takes on the responsibility when she's gone but also tries to still have their mommy and son time, which doesn't turn out well for Evan.

I couldn't feel where Eddie storyline was going at times and but I did enjoy the ending the episode when Eddie confronts Tina about how he wants to ask her out so bad; which she says yes. The Evan storyline was very good and hit its mark with hilarious moments and memorable moments when Evan tells Jessica the truth after Grandma threw a party. Overall, I give this episode a 7.5/10.

You can catch Fresh Off the Boat Fridays at 8/7c on ABC.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Mystery Games: A.P. Bio "J'accuse"

Image result for AP Bio "J'accuse"

Could a game of murder mystery lead to a romance? Here's a recap!

When Jack gets invited to a group murder mystery party with all the faculty; he doesn't want to go but when learning Lynette was going and a record-setting on finding the murderer, Jack was all in. As everyone had to dress like someone from the school; Jack tries his best to find the murderer and get out, but after failing many times, Lynette confronts him and she's the murderer. 

The two devices a plan to place murder stickers on everyone and leave with the prize, a cookie cake. But their victory turned into a night at the football field; the two shared a kiss and it ended with Jack telling Lynette that he doesn't want to be in Toledo for long, but she does.

Meanwhile, after getting the biology practice test taken away; Sarika gets her classmates to help break in and get that exam sheets from Jack's desk. But as Sarika tries to break in, the rest are having so much fun, even breaking into the teacher's lounge. As Sarika gets the test; they try to get her to have some fun and after a moment of deep thoughts and all they started to have fun and even get chased by the security guard.  But not before stopping and seeing Jack and Lynette kiss in the football field. 

"J'accuse" is probably one of my favorite episodes of the season so far. I just loved the chemistry between Glenn Howerton and Elizabeth Alderfer's characters. I feel like I have to be all in with these characters and hope they would be an item, even though Jack tells Lynette that he doesn't want to stay in Toledo for long. 

Even Jack's students from Sarika, Victor, Heather and more are just hilarious. They carry the show will brilliant growth and comedic moments. Aparna Brielle shined in this episode;  her character had a big character growth by breaking away from the too good of a student to have fun to having fun with her classmates. 

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch A.P. Bio Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Getting It Done: Superstore "Minor Crimes"

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With Glenn's last day as manager, does Amy have a chance to get the position; even when she has leverage? Here's a recap!

After making multiple farewell announcement, Glenn gives his last staff meeting before stepping down and hopes that Amy would take his job. But that's not his choice to make as it's Laurie. As she makes her appearance, Amy confronts her about the position but she won't give Amy a shot for an interviewer. With help from Dina, Amy got an interview but it wasn't going anywhere. Laurie announced that she's given Glenn's position to her son.

As Amy tries to go back and talk to Laurie, she interrupts her snorting cocaine. Laurie tries to keep Amy quite of the situation by offering her Glenn's job, but she turned it down because she only wants it if she's qualified. That turned up nothing. So after everyone knows about the situation, they get Amy to go back and using that leverage. She finally got it.

Meanwhile, while Glenn cleans his office with Mateo and Jonah, they found a bag of money that Glenn has kept for budget reasons. Jonah tells him that keeping this is a crime and they try to find a way to use it; damaging the store. After destroying the bathroom, fitting room and storage room, it still wasn't enough. That is until Glenn drives his car in the store.

"Minor Crimes" was another excellent episode. The Glenn storyline in this episode was just amazingly hilarious; from his goodbye speech to the customers, learn that keeping money from the bosses is a crime and had to use that money by causing damage to the store. As much as I loved and enjoyed Amy's story; I did think that it was a bit downplay-ish when it comes to Amy not using the leverage to get Glenn's job. But the scenes with Amy and Dina were as priceless as it could have ever been in this episode.  Good writing and very good performances from the cast. Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.

You can catch Superstore Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC.